'THE BOILED ONE PHENOMENON' – this analog horror is SO disturbing…

Welcome to a reaction where today we’ll be checking out the talented creator Doctor Nowhere! They have a very unique vision within the Analog Horror side of content creation and I think their style may well be the next best thing for the space. Enjoy!

Creator: @doctornowhere

2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6LSW-L7wOFb7i562dOElBA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iam8bitryan
Check out my Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/8bitryan/?hl=en
Follow me on Twitter – https://twitter.com/IAm8BitRyan

Myuu: http://youtube.com/myuuji
Kevin Macleod: http://incompetech.com/wordpress/


50 thoughts on “'THE BOILED ONE PHENOMENON' – this analog horror is SO disturbing…”

  1. Honestly, i think the order is:

    There's nothing else when you turn off the lights

    -after this, there actually is something else when you turn off the lights and then it's that black figure with the white face

    The banging on the screen isn't second, but most likely a teaser or something?

    Then, third comes the chat video. They both chatted, and talked about having a video call. Then when they had a video call, let's go back to the second video.

    -Banging on the screen. This shows the monitor thing, and as it seems, it connects to the banging on the screen video because we get to see it again. Not exactly, but something similar.

    Excuse me for my grammar, and tell me if there's any mistakes 😅

  2. Just a theory here, I don’t think these are all connected. The ones with that TV monster thing has the words “T.O.E” as the rest of the videos don’t. So I think that the boiling ones phenomenon and the lights one are out of the T.O.E universe

  3. I feel like this is a commentary on social media addiction and how its eating our minds and filling us with images. If we simply didn’t watch the screens we wouldn’t infected by the monsters.

  4. Maybe Phen is a guy in hell that escaped somehow and the reason he looks burned is because he was in the lake of fire and Phen was boiled in the lake of fire and now is attacking people and maybe it got its powers by some satan deal

  5. I tried to watch this on its own but could only get through 1.5 videos before having the shit scared out of me. Now I'm going to try again through the lens of someone else because I'm way too much of a wuss to do it alone again

  6. Damn I know I shouldn't believe in this things but GOD! I can't w this, this night I'm not going to bed😭
    This is literally the best analog horror that is actually horror, it actually scared me😭😭💀


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