The body type that pulls the most girls

I designed my training program specifically for skinny natural lifters looking for the perfect balance of size and aesthetics.

You can find it here:


24 thoughts on “The body type that pulls the most girls”

  1. Wanna know why most women donā€™t choose the C-bum look? It all comes down to ego and their sense if self-worth. They donā€™t want the man theyā€™re with to look better than they do.
    Ladies, you can hate on me all you want to, but yā€™all have admitted this on the internet, and in case you need a reminderā€¦
    The internet is forever.

  2. As a guy who has been married for 23 years and has 3 sisters, Dylan is absolutely right. Women donā€™t like men who are overly muscular. When I was dating my wife, she said she prefer a swimmers build or a gymnast build on a man.


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