The Beliefs And Goals Of Each Chaos Space Marine Legion. | Warhammer 40K Lore

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What do the chaos Space Marines of warhammer 40k actually want? What is the point of continuing a war that has gone on for over 10,000 years? Is it something as simple as vengeance? Do they want to see the entire galaxy destroyed? Or in their own dark and twisted way do they believe what they are doing is truly the best path forward for humanity? in this video were going to examine the belief’s goals and ambitions of each traitor legion to try to figure out what they are actually fighting for.

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Time Stamps
0:00 Intro
3:32 Word Bearers
9:22 World Eaters
12:25 Alpha Legion
20:24 Thousand Sons
23:10 Death Guard
27:59 Night Lords
32:31 Emperor’s Children
38:12 Iron Warriors
40:51 Black Legion / Abaddon

*Warhammer 40,000 is an IP owned by Games Workshop. All assets contained within this video are property of their respective owners. The video is made for educational purposes only and is protected under fair use.
Opinions stated in the video belong solely to Weshammer and Lore forge LLC. and are in no way shape or form reflective of those held by Games Workshop. Weshammer and Lore forge LLC are not associated with Games Workshop.


21 thoughts on “The Beliefs And Goals Of Each Chaos Space Marine Legion. | Warhammer 40K Lore”

  1. Not faulting you for taking a sponsorship, cause content creator got to eat, but for everyone else

    "better help" is a well known scam that has little to no actual therapists, can share and will sell your personal information and just use you for money, please do not engage with them

  2. Better Help is a bullshit service you shouldn’t allow to be your sponsor. They have absolutely no rules as far as HIPA goes. If you disclose that you feel like hurting yourself sometimes, they won’t talk you through it and give you meaningful steps. They’ll call the police or DHS in your area and have you committed. They are a fucking SCAM. Not real therapists!

  3. Goodness me! “Rage is the highest form of sentience”. Gosh! But they do make their evil acts sounds incredible sensible. Expansion then decay, following true gods etc.
    I find this take on Chaos intriguing and I’d like to sign up for their newsletter.

    And you know, I’ve always rather liked hooping and hollering.
    Yes the more I think about it the more I really think this might be just the ticket for me.
    “Hail Slanesh!” Indeed, eh?
    Sounds like a fine old jape!

  4. Id like to think alpharius accidentally got converted into a servitor while infiltrating.

    Now everyone thinks he's this apex super spy no one can find, when actually there's just a lanky, ogryn sized servitor out there scrubbing a shitty toilet.

  5. I know the whole point of 40k is that every faction is awful and flawed, but imagine if the Emperor of man hadn’t been quite so xenophobic during the crusade. If he’d asserted dominance over the galaxy, but then tried to broker alliances with xenos races like the Eldar and Tau (maybe even the Orks if he promised them a decent fight). The Necron and Tyranid threat would be halved and the chaos gods would be quaking in their little spiky, diseased, sexy little knowledgable boots… (just trying to cover all Chaos gods there😅)

  6. Ok as a 40k lore channel myself. How in the holy bleep does one Alpha legion member saying "Where disjointed across the imperium " mean Alpharius is dead? What kind of logic is that? They are fragmented, Highly secretive, espinouge experts, AND have always been this way…… what are you talking about?

  7. Also for those wondering whats with the death guard

    Like wes pointed out,the death guard are about entropy and decay,but theres a lot more nuance and depth then that.

    The death guard is split more or less between those loyal to mortarion and those loyal to typhus.

    Mortarion before chaos was at his core,a good man turned bitter by his grudges

    Mortarion was a genuinely good guy even if he was a cold hearted asshat,leading his people to salvation from the overlords of barbarus tyrany.

    Believe it or not,morty originally wasnt going to rush in swinging on necare like we saw in his origins.

    Before the emporor came alone,morty planned to deal with necare last as he knew damm well even if he could survive,necares mountain was stronger in toxins then even he could take long.

    A big thing in mortys philosophy is that he believes if somethings to good to be true,its a lie.

    In his point of view,he just got offered a free ticket to safety? Thats sketchy and frankly i give props for being wary.

    After getting his buttons pushed in the right way,that was probably i think, his 1st step to dammnation.

    Had the emporor save mortarion and let him kill necare? The pale king would never have chosen chaos

    A lot of people downplay just how much morty went through in his life pre and post chaos.

    Pre chaos, Morty suffered day in and day out,the only solace in his life now being the death guard,typhus and his work.

    And when typhus betrayed him,it wasnt a sinple "oh ill join chaos!" Or anything like that.

    The original reason why he sided with horus was mostly so he could sate his grudge on the inperium. Literally noone else was on his mind but him.

    Post chaos,morty has been twisted by nurgles gifts. Where the old morty would rage and fight aganst the dying of the light,the morty of now is tired. Tired,losing his mind,and his emotions. Yet he still carrys on,fueled by his grudges.

    The death guard under Morty stull remember him as the one who delivered them from necares tyrany,and even if this is barely any different,they still would gladly die for him,and morty still holds some care in his undead,fetid heart.

    Hell id say of the traitor primarchs,magnus and mortarion are the most rebelious since they dont actively contribute

    In the case of magnus, literally half of his own soul fights in the inperiums name from the shadows,while magnus himself only fucks with the wolves and maybe the ocasional world if he absolutely has to.

    And mortarion? Not only does he constantly go off nurgles script,he doesnt even like him

    The only reason he even bothers with the inperium anymore is mostly because of his grudges

    I believe that if Magnus and mortarion rejoined the loyalists,chaos would be well and utterly fucked.


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