The Balancing In Fallout 4 Is Laughably BAD. Here's How I Fixed It

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Fallout 4 has some of the worst balancing I’ve ever seen out of any video game ever made. The bullet sponges are absolutely egregious, and the entire health & damage system has no consistency or sense to it. It’s extremely boring and frustrating to play, so I made my own mod and installed a few others to make Fallout 4 perfectly balanced.

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21 thoughts on “The Balancing In Fallout 4 Is Laughably BAD. Here's How I Fixed It”

  1. There's no way I can thank you enough. True Damage/MAIM/Scourge/Health Overhaul gave the feel I'd been looking for for ages. Gunfights have far more tension and weight, and creeping around vaults/buildings full of enemies really while you scramble from hiding place to hiding place to pick them off one by one and dreading getting caught is, well, *CHEF'S KISS*. Oh, and it also made submachine guns awesome too.

  2. Why does your video say to choose hardcorehealthoverhaul or scourge but when downloading hardcorehealthoverhaul it says it requires scourge installed? can this be ignored if hardcorehealthoverhaul is installed

  3. Well, I gave a couple of these mods a shot. The health mod and true damage mod. Yeah, its kinda cool, but it simply seems to change the game from "cant die" to " get 1 and 2 tapped constantly"…..I am also using DIrect Hit mod, though I cant know if its working or not honestly…

    My guy is in Full Heavy Combat armor, like 159 damage resistance and a Gunner with a .308 just casually 1 tapped me really? I also think the guys with 10mm pistols were doing the same. So armor is basically pointless in these mods? I notice melee and bites from the few monsters ive fought dont hurt that much but bullets, even the little .38 from pipe pistols are murder…..

    Yeah, went into Saugus Iron Works and .38 pistols were 1-2 tapping me. A sentry gun in there, 1 tap. Is that really how its supposed to work?

  4. having full auto guns do less damage than semi autos is so dumb. full autos are inherently balanced by giving your more damage but consuming more ammunition in exchange, if you nerf the damage per bullet it just means that full auto guns are a trap that makes players that use them waste their ammo

  5. Hopefully you fixed some of the guns too. Like the sub machine gun, that looks like a Thompson. I remember I downloaded a mod that made look like a real world Thompson. Unfortunately it was still one of the weakest guns in the game. While a real Thompson could turn a full grown man into hamburger with a few burst.

  6. Its worse on survival. After I installed some balancing mods its so much fun. Even mosquitoes are gangsta now. I ran into a radiated mosquito that grabbed me and shook me around like a doll while sucking my blood 😂 shit crazy.

  7. Western RPGs insist that a player's stats should influence a weapon's damage, when in European RPGs, it is the BULLETS that influence the damage of a weapon.
    it's almost like the people that develop games know nothing about Guns because of a lack of proper education in certain countries…

  8. The Legendary Gunner in the beginning, you were asking in what universe that would make sense.

    …Well i am watching One Piece right now. Currently in the Water 7 arc. nods Yup. Makes sense.

    The only downside is, that One Piece is not Fallout, so the Legendary Gunner is actually in the wrong universe/franchise.

  9. As I've gotten older, bought my own guns, reload my own ammo, and do long range shooting out to 1,000 yards, I have been losing interest in shooting games, because the guns in them are so unrealistic, and that's deeply immersion-breaking.

    Guns are not supposed to be "fair" or "balanced," they are supposed to be ergonomic and intuitive to the user, while being very capable in the task it was meant to complete within the limitations of the platform.

    Also, 10mm center mass without proper armor is pretty much a guaranteed kill on most people and even big game animals. People poke fun at .40S&W because it's the "short and weak" version of 10mm, but that's kinda absurd when you consider the cartridge fucks shit up more than 9mm or .45ACP (don't let a Boomer hear you say that, though). Point is, plenty of cartridges do a lot of damage, even if there's a more powerful variant.

    Mass and velocity are also only a part of the equation. Different bullet types can dramatically change the behavior of the round on target. For example, the softness of the bullet makes a huge difference. A hard/dense bullet will perform well at closer range while it still has high velocity, as it will mushroom out and retain its mass, but if you make a hit at long range, the bullet lacks the velocity to properly expand, which dumps less energy, and may just pass through the target doing minimal damage. Meanwhile, a softer round at long range will more easily mushroom out and dump its energy upon impact, but at close range, the high velocity can cause expansion so rapid that it effectively "blows up" near the surface, which will definitely maim soft tissue, but it is more likely to fail to penetrate deep enough, and/or fragment so much that the permanent wound channel isn't wide and deep enough to cause an immediate stop to the person or creature.

    The shape of the bullet also matters A LOT, especially over long range, and extra especially when transitioning from supersonic to subsonic velocity (some shapes better resist tumbling as it hits the sound barrier). Drag coefficient plays a huge roll in long range shooting. However, when shooting in thick, overgrown woods/jungle, you're better off with a lower drag coefficient bullet with a flat nose, heavy weight, and relatively slower speed, as they break through small branches better than higher drag coefficient "pointy" and fast bullets, as that shape is more likely to divert course and/or tumble shooting through brush/overgrowth.

    There really is so much to consider, so I see why developers take the more game-ified route. Part of it is also processing demand. The more you try to simulate real ballistics, especially with high fire rates, the more computationally demanding the game becomes. I think your system is probably good enough. Also, suppressors should not reduce the range and damage, UNLESS it's implied subsonic ammo is being used, and the non-suppressed variant is using supersonic rounds. This is one of those cases where .45ACP DOESN'T suck absolute ass, as it's one of those cartridges that is great for running suppressed out of a pistol length barrel.

    Anyway, rant over. Good video, and I totally agree the vanilla game's balancing sucks ass.


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