The Antichrist: Is He About to Appear?

Jan Markell is a guest of Pastor Tom Hughes. Their discussion concerns some stunning events that indicate we are just seconds from Midnight. A trumpet could sound today, announcing the catching up of believers.

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47 thoughts on “The Antichrist: Is He About to Appear?”

  1. I left my southern baptist church (finally) after our pastor ignored Israel's attack by the jihadists. I emailed the women's ministry director, asking if we were a replacement theology church, because I can't see any other reason for this silence. She didn't deny it being a replacement theology church and said there are wars all over the world all the time. I now ho to Calvary Chapel in Louisville Ky, which I found on Rock Harbor church website and learned about this church locator from Jan! โค

  2. I realized that the emergency broadcast sent a test out October 4th. Every person who has cellphone service with the US received a test warning sent to their cellphones.
    If you think of all the people that are in all the nations with US cellphones, God alerted the world on October 4th. Three days later the war broke out.

  3. Jesus answered, โ€œMy kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.โ€

  4. Excellent program. Thank you Ms Markell and Mr Hughes. Iโ€™m scared for my family, my Country and the Jews. While I may be wrong but, I think we will be persecuted and beaten down before the rapture. I try not to put God in a box especially after the last 4 years. I could never have imagined the virus, the lockdowns and now 10/07/2023. Things are devolving rapidly.

  5. The Lord is NOT COMING BACK AT ANY MINUTE. This is false doctrine. The doctrine of immanency is false. Read your Bible. The Lord is not returning until the great apostasy takes place AND Antichrist is revealed.
    Read 2 Thessalonians 2.
    Watch out for false teachers.
    Jesus says โ€˜Donโ€™t be deceived โ€˜.

  6. I am listening to sermons of John Walvoort, he mentions that the 1 W G will be set up in the middle of tribulation by antichrist. I agree with him. First half of tribulation antichrist will be consolidating his power. And Gabriel called him "prince". In one of Ken Johnson videos he mentioned about D.S.S prophecy that antichrist will be born in the area of golan heights (Syria, Lebanon, Israel contested area), area of tribe of Dan.

  7. Wonderful program guys. I always love seeing you two on here. In September of this year my husband and I left Jerusalem after a wonderful vacation and were so shaken when this demonic chaos was unleashed less than a month later. God gave us such a love for His people and I believe youโ€™re absolutely right, Janโ€ฆโ€thereโ€™s no turning back!โ€ Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel brothers and sisters and all who are lost in these final hours. Truly we are on our way home to that place where Jesus has been preparing from the beginning of time๐Ÿ™๐ŸŽบMaranatha ๐ŸŽบ

  8. Jerusalem would obviously prove to be the safest during WWIII as it still has to be standing for the Lord to return there at His Second Coming after Armageddon. Even if there is an all out nuclear holocaust of WWIII on top of the natural disasters, seal, trumpet and bowl judgments of the Tribulation that level all cities around the world as prophesied, Jerusalem must still be standing in order for "the city to be taken, the houses ransacked and the women ravaged and 1/2 the population to go into captivity" (Zechariah 14:2) during Armageddon.

    Even if hit by a tactical nuke smaller than the "Little Boy" and the "Fat Man" nukes dropped on Japan in WWII and only a few city blocks were totally destroyed, the survivors would evacuate the city due to the radiation from the fallout and there would be no population to take hostage/POW as 1/2 of 0 is 0. The radiation and possible chemical and biological agents from WMD's would render Jerusalem uninhabitable for years (Chernobyl is still too radioactive after 40 yrs or so to stay more than a few hours w/o radiation suits, etc.) and thus not worth taking as a prize in battle. Jesus could miraculously clean up all contaminents upon His Return as well as heal anyone w/ radiation or other poisoning, but Bible prophecy seems to indicate that He won't be returning to a ghost town or city, especially since Zechariah 14:2 also says that the other half of the population will remain in the city.

    I believe that there will be Divine protection and shielding to miraculously save it from anything that would render it uninhabitable. As amazing as Israeli technology is, perfectly shooting down 100% of all incoming WMD's is too tall an order for even the Iron Dome, Iron Beam and any other manmade defensive weapon system that may or may not yet be on the drawing board. I'm clueless on how God's going to defend Jerusalem. All I know is that God's going to do it. Besides, it's His chosen city that He put His Name on.


  9. I Believe satan is ramping up evil around the globe he no longer is walking to and fro thru the earth seeking who he may devore…he is running at break neck speed because he knows his time is growing shorter ! I also believe that there is a begining of the strong delusion GOD will allow to befall the inhabients of the world and a lot of wanna be Christians who have fallen away from GODS truths are being led by the delusion also. We need to walk as close as we can to the lord now more than ever !

  10. Correct! No, they are not taking any of it seriously. The apostate โ€œchurchโ€ has more important issues to deal withโ€ฆyou knowโ€ฆsuch as their holiday entertainment eventsโ€ฆtheir big fundraisers, their big spring bazar, etc. โ€ฆspeaking blasphemous and worldly messages to a spiritually blinded and deaf congregation of sheeple. Cold hard truth.

  11. Totally agree with Jan about something neing unleashed upon the earth on Oct 7. At the time that was going down, there was a number of very large earthquakes going on. Mixed in with the rocket alerts, I kept getting notified of the large quakes. I thought exactly what Jan said when I was watching this … something is being unleased on the earth right now.

  12. He's already on the scene. In a vision, in 1986, while running with 2 kids from evil people, I hid behind a bush by a house and heard a loud booming voice from above say "The Man of Sin is here" so he's bee around awhile. As a young Christian, in order to get me to understand God is never wrong (LOL) about a year later I had a vision where I saw Jimmy Swaggart in this huge auditorium, and there was only like 10 people there. Within 2 weeks he had fallen from grace.

  13. He has already appeared. Just as In the days of Noah the flood came and by the time they figured it out it was too late. As of rn it's not too late. How much time until the door is shut only AHBA YAHUAH KNOWS

  14. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    About to
    that piece of whoe'sie whatses has been prowling this planet for a long time now…

  15. The huthies have pirates now who attack container ships on Suez Canal that sail around the whole African continent to get into the Mediterranian Sea and these pirates attack in order to destroy the shipping goods and no authorities do a thing about it. It was on a broadcast in my old home country Hungary there this issue came up yesterday. The people who discussed this asked right into the camera, why is there no one, a strong leader who could stop it….

  16. My church hasnโ€™t taken a stand on Israel. Not even a peep about praying for Israel. I so sad, but donโ€™t want to leave that church without another church to go to. I wish there was a Calvary Chapel close by.

  17. Godโ€™s highest good be yours. Keep heralding His name!



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