The Anthrax Attacks | Official Trailer | Netflix

Days after 9/11, letters containing fatal anthrax spores spark panic and tragedy in the US. This documentary from Oscar-nominated director Dan Krauss (Extremis) and BBC Studios Production follows the subsequent FBI investigation.


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The Anthrax Attacks | Official Trailer | Netflix


27 thoughts on “The Anthrax Attacks | Official Trailer | Netflix”

  1. I was little when this happened but I remember it and hearing about it and thinking I'm going to die because I didn't understand who it was being sent to I just knew death was going around in the mail 😂😅

  2. Who are the worst criminals? Joan Jackson, Rachel Lieber and government. Government not protecting the postal workers, Joan Jackson using her brother's death as a platform for her own drama, Rachel Lieber's smug attitude and smirk when talking about aggressively pursuing suspects using flawed evidence.

  3. Have a family member who was working at ABC Television in NYC at this time. She said everyone was nervous. Everything coming in had to go through extra precautions before it could be delivered.

  4. This sounds crazy but I was working at a Fortune 500, just took over the position from another guy in August 2001. Really not sure the timing but before all the anthrax attacks hit the news an envelope addressed to my predecessor came in at work. I opened it since I figured it was work related though it was hand addressed. There was a letter and all this powder. Had know idea what it was so just tossed it out. Remember this was before the anthrax thing so thought it was baby powder and figured it was the lamest prank ever. Then, of course, the anthrax letters came into the news. I spoke to HR at work but don't think anyone believed me so never spoke of it again. Never got sick or anything.

  5. After watching The Anthrax Attacks, it came as no surprise that Steve Hatfill was targeted and demonized by the law enforcement agencies. Reference what happened to Richard Jewell in Atlanta. An innocent man's life ruined by FBI being SURE he was guilty.

  6. America and Israel are the biggest killer of Muslims also Europe
    America Israel and Europe trying to prove Muslims as terrorists when they themselves are big terrorists.

    We know why NATO was created to exterminate Muslims to exterminate islam

  7. Bayer stocks tripled from September to January of the next year.
    They went from $13.50-$38+
    The company rebounded when the federal government
    spent $95 million on 100 million tablets of Cipro

    Who did the Anthrax attacks? Cui Bono? (Who benefits?)
    If I had a guess, I would guess it would be the company
    Who had a senior official overseeing the chemical factory in Auschwitz III (Monowitz) BAYER <–


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