The American Road Trip Horror JRPG | Shadow Hearts: From The New World

more rpgs should include a segment where you become best buddies with a famous historical figure

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32 thoughts on “The American Road Trip Horror JRPG | Shadow Hearts: From The New World”

  1. Glad someone reviewed this game without comparing it to other SH games! This is my first SH game, and I really likes the battle mechanic! It's not too hard, but punish and rewards evenly with how well doing judgment ring!

    Too bad the franchise got shafted since the developer got bankrupt 🙁 I really hope the Spiritual Successor can bring the same feeling as SH games like once before…

  2. 2:55 It's usually called RPF and is certainly hosted alongside fanfiction. I think the distinction between it and historical fiction is usually whether or not the people you're talking about are alive and able to consent to being in an officially marketed work though so I guess Al Capone hangouts are just self-indulgent historical fiction lol

  3. Picked up Covenant on a whim back when it first released and have been obsessed with the series from that point on. It really is a tragedy that it's been relegated to obscurity considering just how many cool ideas are packed into these games!

  4. This was my first introduction to Shadow Hearts.

    The person playing this also introduced me to Stretch Panic, Magic Pengel, and Okagē Shadow King.

    They were basically my own personal "obscure Japanese PS2 game youtuber" but back in the college dorm in 2008

  5. I actually really adore the main villainess of FtNW simply because she's not actually a villain, rather a vessel of a destructive force. If you (over)analyse the plot of the game and pay close attention to the cutscenes Lady is in you'll notice none of her action show any kind of premeditation (aside from the very end) and what she does do often has to do with reaction or flow of energy (giving them Kiss of Malice to replenish their life energy).

    Killer follows Lady cause she saved him from certain death and he wants to help her become more human. He was given the kiss of Malice but unlike other characters who also received it, he never loses control cause the underlying intention of all his actions is to ensure Lady's safety and not haltered or revenge.

    Gilbert is a fanboi of hers obsessed with becoming a Cthulhu overlord or some shit but ultimately completely irrelevant which I found rather fitting and funny.

    The main cast if you think about it is sort of portrait as villains from Killer's perspective and the fact the main cast is flawed is explored in the super dungeon where each one gets assigned to a deadly sin boss that fits their disfunction is very fitting.

    And the final boss against Lady is honestly to me one of the most sad bitter moments I've experienced in a game.

  6. I showuld mention that the version of the game in this video appears to be the broken PAL release. In the US or Japanese version the animations and models aren't broken like they are in the EU version (you can see it whenever Johnny's elbow snaps into place when taking a photo here). It's all thanks to ghostlight, one of the goddamn worst EU publishers in history

  7. As far as I know the picture snapping doesn't really have many is any missible monsters since you can encounter literally every enemy in the game in Lovecraft's challenges. It is however recommended that you at least use a guide for the cat coins and snap cards start each area in the game with Johnny and Mao in your party so you can meet the quota without having to re-visit the areas.

  8. I still fondly remember this game, even though kid me did get stuck in the Roswell dungeon for an embarrassingly long time. Out of the whole cast of weirdos, my favourite will always be Frank the American ninja; you nearly never had to buy a weapon for him, he'd just stick a hilt on random objects you'd come across, like a cactus, or a stop sign, or a huge sword that already had a hilt on it…

  9. One sad thing about Shadow Hearts is that not only did From The New World sell so poorly it killed the series, the IP ended up changing hands so many times that it eventually wound up with a hotel chain. Apparently various companies have approached them about licensing the IP for some sort of HD collection and been completely stonewalled.


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