The 50 Biggest Issues with Dead by Daylight (& Ideas to fix them)

Hey everyone, today we’re looking through the biggest issues in Dead by Daylight. I thought instead of being really negative and saying things I didn’t like I’d go the route of saying things I’m more unhappy with and think need some changes, I’ll also be suggesting some here and there. I’m gonna quick fire through these, I’ll segment them as I go. Of course, let me know if you think there’s any I missed, down below.

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I got some good input from members of my Discord for this video. Thanks to all who left a comment!

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Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor’s Army – Jeremy Blake
Night Run Away – An Jone

Intro 0:00
Map issues 0:37
Killer sided issues 2:52
Survivor sided issues 4:19
Perk issues 5:21
Store, progression, and lore issues 6:30
Other issues 10:22
Outro 13:13


32 thoughts on “The 50 Biggest Issues with Dead by Daylight (& Ideas to fix them)”

  1. I think some killers are a little too add on reliant. And the idea of using expendable items to make a character more fun is kinda lame, even though I know there can't be much done about it. Maybe allow us to by add ons of our choice for triple the price

  2. I think like for trapper better option for now would be make his traps color like the ground of map(more or less). It wouldn't fix extremely low amount of grass on Eyrie, but for now it's already something imo

  3. Killer balancing definitely needs to be looked at, especially when it comes to new perks that come with each chapter release because Nurse will probably benefit from at least 1 of the perks if it's a strong one. This has been said a lot but Nurse needs to be nerfed or reworked to some extent and the weaker killers need to be buffed so they're up to snuff but not crazy op.

    A few game-modes that could be added to the game, or just in customs, are a 2v6, a more competitive game mode should be added so then the competitive people and the casual people both have something, a Prop Hunt-esque game mode would be pretty fun as well.

    I do agree with the point about the cosmetics, a lot of characters like Haddie, Jeff and Adam don't quite get the love Feng, Kate, Yun-Jin, Dwight and Meg get. Feng seems to get a cosmetic or two almost every single rift, event, chapter release and mid-chapter release while Adam, Jeff and Haddie get left in the dust.
    If the survivors that aren't played as often get a few decent cosmetics, more people would be inclined to play them. I know Feng's a popular character, but BHVR really do need to stop giving Feng 3 million skins every 3-4 months and give some of the skins to other characters, like make all Jeryl combinations buyable on the store or give Zarina and Haddie some unique skins which aren't recolours of their default outfits.

  4. Talking about luck, did you ever noticed that there's too many of them in the game? There's 6 of them, and 3 of them is for only one survivor. I have no idea why would you use a luck offering for an additional 1% or 2%. And yeah, rarity of some bp offerings just makes no sense. Like, why wreaths is the same rarity as the bloody party streamers? 25% of bp is no doubt less than 100.

  5. I would really like a random perk mode, without the mmr system, when u can start a game without choosing perks and u can see them only when the game starts. Not in loading screen, because some people can quit the game without penalty

  6. addon proplem and u dont even say anything about mycle, he is one of the weakest killer wehn he doesnt use addons and can be way to op with addons. mori at 5gens without 1 hook isnt really fair

  7. I don't think perks are an issue right now. It should not be possible to get everything you want at the same time as a beginner. It's just way too lame, and removes a satisfaction of achieving and unlocking new perks. Even way before all the major grind updates, I got perks I wanted as a beginner in a couple of weeks, which is totally ok imo, but now you could get it so much faster. Also, when addressing this topic, don't forget about the shrine of secrets. I didn't use it for literal years now, but my friends who don't have every character check on it from time to time, which I also did when I was a beginner. When you are just starting out, you are not going to need all those meta perks to have a chance/win, since you still yet to learn the game basics and your mmr is low. Having a couple of solid perks like adrenaline, quick & quiet, or botany which are not really crutch and not passive perks, will help you a little while not giving you a free win, still requiring some action to do to get value out of them while slowly familiarizing yourself with the game core ideas.

  8. 5:15 i disagree with this. Survivors have all of the event items and addons except for the blight serum. But i suppose outside of events the things im most excited to see if a green med kit or something like that.

  9. Of course solo Queue is terrible, with how this game just accepts cheating through comms a lot of solo people are the few that killers can truly match on even field so it makes it harder and more frustrating

  10. I can see what AZHYMOVS is saying, but one of the big problems imo are the players. If you’re bad, you get salt from them or if you’re good, you get salt from them. You leave the game because you had other things going on, knock knock who’s there? You get salt from them.

  11. I think when it comes to loading into things, they should take a page from TF2's book, show some map art (not just from the one your going to) some small tips and trick, along with stats.

  12. I’m just going to be honest the devs run like molasses when it comes to fixing their games on balancing I’m just going to give a example smite has over 100 characters yet balances them every two weeks or a month to see what the characters main issues are and patches the bugs they bring. Ubisoft does the same thing dbd does and it’s really annoying.

  13. I think the original characters’ perks might be too much but I really feel all the general perks (e.g. Hope, Iron Grasp) should be given to all characters at tier 1.

    The trade-in system idea would be amazing, you should be able to trade in past event offerings too.

  14. My opinions:
    >Maps are genuinely underrated as items. Keys less so, but they have their use. The problem is just that medkits are so strong now and perks like Bond / Small Game are so much more reliable than keys / maps that you have to ask why bother bringing an item to do what a perk does better, especially when Medkits allow you to self-heal better than most healing perks? Again it's really a problem with Medkits more than anything.
    >Please no more challenges that make me pull my hair out. I don't like the tedious grind challenges either but I hate the "hide within 3 meters of the Killer for 69 seconds Do This In One Trial" challenges. Honestly with a few small exceptions like "cleanse all totems" or "heal 2 people (in one trial)" I think the "in one trial" missions should be removed.

  15. Killer queue times are long because playing solo queue is miserable. Playing killer is much easier and more fun. Almost as fun as surviving with friends.

  16. I think killers like Trapper and Nemesis need a rework. Trapper relies on the survivor stepping into his traps and nowadays you can completely avoid his traps not to mention you will lose three gens because you have to pick up your scattered traps. Nemesis needs his zombies to have better pathing and his tentacle when infecting a survivor should not grant a speed boost, but at tier 3 should damage and infect the survivor if they are not infected. If they don’t change the way Nemesis’s power works then he along with Demo, Pyramid Head, Pig, and Sadako should get an addon rework


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