The 10 States with the Worst Insect Infestations

Are you tired of constantly battling against annoying and pesky insects invading your home? Look no further! In this video, we explore the top 10 states with the worst insect infestations. From cockroaches to bed bugs, we cover it all. Join us on this journey to discover which states are plagued with the most insect pests and learn what you can do to protect yourself and your home. Our in-depth analysis covers the reasons behind the high rates of infestations in these states, the impact it has on the residents, and expert advice on how to keep these insects at bay. Donโ€™t let these tiny creatures drive you up the wall, watch this video to stay informed and stay bug-free!

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44 thoughts on “The 10 States with the Worst Insect Infestations”

  1. Florida also has palmetto bugs. Basically armored cockroaches. If you stomp on them, they pick up your foot and ask you what the heck you think you're doing!

  2. I was on spring break in Florida one year staying at a friends house. We went shopping. When we came out of the mall I saw a dark cloud in the distance and thought it was going to rain as it does every 20 minutes there. the "cloud" got closer and I knew it wasn't rain. I asked my friend WTF is this? She said it was a swarm of Palmetto bugs! They covered EVERYTHING! On the ground, light posts, the cars, everything! They were a mess. You couldn't help but step on them getting to your car and had to open the door with care so they didn't come in. The windshield wipers were a must! bug guts everywhere. I'm from Indiana and to me this was a biblical plague. Nobody around me seemed to be upset or really all that much excited about it. Like it was every day stuff to them. I was freaking out. I never saw so many bugs at one time in one place. I couldn't believe it…

  3. Im in NW Ohio… this year I have had huge swarms of clover mites…. I never even heard of a clover mite until about a month ago. I know they're not dangerous, they don't eat our food, they don't even get in our house to hide or anything, but they do swarm in ridiculous numbers… I think the record for these are about 64,000+ in one little room! (it was an estimate). I've seen them in my house, but mostly in my window sills. I've had a pest control company treat my house inside and out, plus 2 extra times outside, and I've sprayed my own chemicals too (Talstar P). This has all been in the last few weeks! Today, I was cutting wood, left one scrap piece in the yard for about 10 minutes, went to go pick it up, there were a dozen or so clover mites crawling on it of various sizes…. absolute CRAZY! I've even put Triazicide granules down last week right before a good rain! Seriously, these things are relentless! Luckily, they don't live long once inside and their over all life span is only about 2 months I think…. but they don't need to mate to lay eggs and each mite can lay around 70 eggs… that's how their numbers can explode if they're not kept in check.

  4. Africanized bees are found in about half of the U.S., from California to Florida, including Nevada, Utah, Georgia, Tennessee, Colorado, and anywhere they aren't yet, they're coning.

  5. The expression is NOT "Got it, get it good." It's "Get it. Got it? Good!" You first tell some to "get it." Then, you ask whether they did "get it" with "got it?" Then, you affirm the fact that they "got it" with "GOOD!"

  6. Cicado noises and shells don't bother me. Love bugs get plastered on your car and can be a problem to wash off. Mosquitos are very annoying and can carry diseases. If you can't tolerate bugs you won't want to live in the South.

  7. I think he's full of shit. Insects naturally occur in climate zones suitable for their breeding. Unless you spray insecticide, they will naturally occur along the tropics, and gradually dwindle as they move north (to north pole) and south (to south pole).

  8. I live on the outskirts of las Vegas and the bugs here are for sure more scary than cockroaches. Try giant locust, big tarantulas, large centipedes, scorpions. I can keep going..

  9. Ive lived in Florida my whole life and I knew Florida would be number 1. The mosquitoes, ants and every range of flying insect you could imagine is all horrible but on top of that every body of water is sporting at least a couple gator but can go up to 100's of them

  10. Florida still ainโ€™t got nothing on the Amazon jungle that place is way worse irrelevant to top 10 states I know but that place is an Entomophobicโ€™s nightmare

  11. Nevada should be here. We get armies of bugs. Some of these bugs actually walk towards you. They are not afraid of humans. We even get beatles ๐Ÿ˜ข

  12. And Hawaii didnt make the list?? We have Mosquitoes up the "Yazoo"( Mosquitoes are causing endemic Bird species to disappear due to spreading Avian diseases). Our #2 & #3 Bug species are those 12lb Cockroaches & Termites. There were many instances where my Mom ( a Real Estate agent), was upset with her house listings and their severe Termite infestations. Once, an Exterminator told her he could get rid of the Termites completely at her listing. The new owners ended up tearing down their newly purchased home & rebuilding ( because Termites are pretty impossible to completely eradicate). BTW; we have a different pest problem starting in Hawaii, its a Chicken ๐Ÿ“( Jungle Fowl) infestation. Theres an estimated 400,000 wild, loose Chickens on Kauai island,(Kauai has only 70,000 residents). Honolulu also has an up & coming Chicken population.๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ“

  13. just gonna pause and assume Missouri is on the list because moving from Cali to Missouri HOLY shit is there alot of bugs! and ticks! I get ticks on me almost every day lol Brown recluses are also EVERYWHERE in Missouri lol hella chiggers, ticks, mosquitos, scorpions, about 3 common types of wasp including some giant red ones and a bunch of thing I have no idea what they are but they look like the thing they tested curses on in Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix lol

  14. Regarding California and 'killer bees', they made their way up from South America over decades (starting in like the '50s). I don't think there was a specific point where they were "introduced", and I'm pretty sure they were found in Texas before California. They didn't just suddenly arrive in the '90s and it wasn't some kind of 'public scare tactic' just to ramp up the stress during easy times or whatever (though they are definitely a 'slow news day subject'). I've expected them in Oregon, but I've been hearing that the bees seem to lose their aggressiveness in cooler climates and haven't heard of any 'killer bee attacks' or known infestations here.

  15. I lived in California for 51 years, and the termites in the SF bay area are always a threat if you have a house. The termites chewed up 2 boxes of paper in my garage till the boxes were actually hollowed out with nothing in them except dead termite bodies. Gross. We also had lots of spiders and tons of ants.

  16. Ive lived in South Florida and Arizona defiantly has more and bigger bugs than Florida. Ill take Florida bugs any day. I also used to see cow killers all the time in Alabama, I thought they were so pretty.

  17. Not sure how AZ missed this list but we have tarantulas, cave spiders (whip scorpians), tarantula waps, palo Verde beetles, plus all the other spiders and Cockroaches, ect.

  18. your insane… texas should be number one… i have 12 acres and my backyard is literally hell on earth.. i wear double layers of clothing and 100+ degree weather and will have bites everywhere… I sat out on my porchj last night and see some bugs that I have never seen in my life… everything bites

  19. My brother… every bug that even looked like a spider was a tarantella. I wanna see one of those dinner plate (12 inch – 30 cm) sized spiders the Australian's have… We only have dock spiders .. About 6 inches (15cm) across.

  20. The insect that has caused the most damage to Florida is the vicious Right-Wing Fascist! These destructive parasites can cause severe brain damage, acts of hatred and violence, and even death from their toxic oral secretions! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


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