Thanks, We Hate A$$holes (part 2) | EPISODE 19

Thanks, We Hate A$$holes (part 2) | EPISODE 19
Today, Mickey and Hannah discuss more r/AITA.

00:00 Intro/Chit Chat
07:49 AITA for saying not again & not being happy for my daughter’s pregnancy?
18:30 AITA for having my friends split the whole Airbnb fee instead of the discounted price?
28:19 AITA for not cooking for my wife while cooking for my daughter?
50:03 AITA for Not Wanting a Dog in a Cafe?

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42 thoughts on “Thanks, We Hate A$$holes (part 2) | EPISODE 19”

  1. On the first one I had a grandmother (dad's mom) that when my mom had me and my sister she freaked out said she didn't want to be a grandmother but when my uncle and aunt had my male cousin she was over the moon and bragged about him. It didn't stop there she treated my mom like crap and didn't appreciate my dad who did nearly all the caring for her but my uncle could do no wrong. It causes very fractured family dynamics when parents or grandparents reject children in the family. So her initial reaction sucks for sure but again I'm also for the grandparents holding boundaries too this assuming she had built in child care and a place to stay isn't ok either. I don't have a comment on if the kids have the same dad who cares but where are the dad(s) in terms of support one thing if for some reason they have passed but if they are alive where is the child support parental support 🤷‍♀️

  2. I am an adult who lives with my parents and has been making most of my own meals since I was around 14. I am neurodivergent and afab, so when I literally gagged on textures I couldn’t handle I was just “being picky.” I 1000% believe the stay at home dad is not the asshole. If my brother was the one who didn’t like the food my mom makes, she would cook for his needs and still not mine

    In fact, most of the meals in our house are planned around my brother. Not my mom, not my dad, my brother, who is also an adult (I never moved out, he’s 10 years older than me and he has moved back in). That’s fine by me because I’m an adult and I can feed myself—some of time I’ve been doing so I had three jobs at the same time. His wife can be a grown up and make sure her dietary needs are met on her own. I know if my dad or I came home and demanded my mom make us separate meals we’d be laughed at to our faces 😅

  3. The male version of a Karen is just the patriarchy. The shittiness of Karen behavior comes from entitlement, usually from white and/or financial privilege. Men have also been doing this shit for eons, but we just don't associate it with a specific haircut.

  4. For the first one, I think it depends on the entitlement of the daughter to the grandmother's time. If the daughter just keeps having children just to pass them off to the grandma, that's a problem. However, it wasn't cool of the grandma to be a jerk when she got the news. There's a lot of context and nuance to this. Family dynamics are complicated.

  5. Absolutely no freaking dogs in food/drink establishments grosssssssss absolutely not this angers me to my core. Idk I really think you guys are wrong about this one! The law is the law for a reason and citizens should be able to trust that a rule will be followed and if they aren’t and they speak up then they shouldn’t be the one penalized for it. He wasn’t the one doing anything wrong. A dog being in a cafe is disgusting. What if dog hair got in your food or drink? 🤢

  6. 24:53 I'm glad to hear someone else express this viewpoint, because sometimes I feel like a weirdo for not being stingy about small-ticket costs. My outlook is that money is for spending, ideally spending on loved ones and on things that make life better. I am perfectly happy to spend $20 on a friend, and I trust that most of my friends would be happy to spend $20 on me as well. It'll probably balance out in the end, and if it doesn't – that's life. I would so much rather live a life where I spend money on my friends than a life where I hoard my wealth, especially in the world we live in now where nothing is certain and our entire economy could collapse any decade. All the money I save pinching pennies could be gone in a bank crash, so might as well use it while it's here.

  7. With the cafe one. Does he not know that Dog Cafes and Cat Cafes exist? Granted I don't know if you can bring your own pets to those, but they exist. I've even heard of Raccoon Cafes, so clearly there are cafes that allow animals whether they are legal or not.

    I was typing this before Hannah mentioned cat cafes, but when she did I was surprised, I don't know why but I was. I love that they were included in the discussion.

  8. 52:50 I was so ready to disagree based on the comments but I do agree with y’all, at least on the actual story. Some random guy pitching a fit about a dog not only being in a dog friendly cafe but also laying under the table and acting appropriately is ridiculous, it would be different if he were an employee but he’s not, he’s just a random guy. Now, for the pitbull at the Starbucks the only issue I have is that he lays on the bench and that Starbucks isn’t dog friendly so the dog really shouldn’t be in there. That isn’t appropriate behavior for a dog in a restaurant for sanitary purposes. That being said, it’s still not a customer’s responsibility to handle that, the employees should talk to him at least about allowing the dog on the bench because they could get in real legal trouble for that.

  9. So I typically don’t like leftovers either but this making them even worse. I have anxiety about food poisoning as well but this is heightening that.

    Also, the last one is a Karen.

  10. I personally, as an autistic person, think that guy who was upset about the dog in the cafe is displaying some clear-cut Autistic traits. His absolute insistence upon the law and needing to follow the laws and him kinda short circuiting at the fact that not all rules are/have to be followed is something that immediately jumped out to me as being something an Autistic person would do, plus him not understanding why everyone wasn't backing him up and his lack of social-awareness in this very narrow scope. I of course have no knowledge outside this one situation from his perspective, but he sounds Autistic in his absolute unawareness, brashness, and black-and-white thinking when it comes to rule-following.

  11. I suppose from my perspective is that I don’t understand those specific people who do genuinely want kids while at the same time are unable to financially and emotionally provide for them. To be clear, that's only in this very specific circumstance. Because like, if you're already struggling in your own life, why on earth would you want to have children especially considering kids are so expensive these days???

  12. Wonderful pod-sode❤ loved the banter and the comentary. Thanks so much for the work that goes into making this content. Always a great conversation. 1)Fully understand the food and cross contamination fears. So validating to share and see in your comments 2) I'm a dog owner that loves my little dog but I don't take him out for errands and lunch. That guy pulled a dick move – is all I can say! I believe All establishments should be able to reserve the right to restrict dogs except to TRAINED service animals. But seriously there is a sign alerting ALL Patrons before they enter the establishment (*decision to enter/ consent to abide by posted terms= you may experience a dog/ u bring your dog- be very behaved) and the Business owner confirms sign is accurate. STUPID AS

  13. I’m surprised that I disagree with you. Story 1: I understand why grandma feels that way and I don’t blame her for voicing her feelings. (I’m around the age of the daughter). It’s not ok to expect other people to raise your kids and I wonder if they’ve previously had any conversations about this.
    Story 4: I agree about the story, I don’t agree with your comments about dogs going to non- pet friendly places. I think it’s selfish of owners to do this because it can be dangerous, makes other people think they can do it too, and harms service dog users. Service dogs can get distracted from essential duties, be attacked, or be denied entry to places that are used to fake service dogs.

  14. I have always been weirded out by raw meat since I was young, probably from something that scared me about contamination; but it got so much worse after I was vegetarian for a while. I have actual panic attacks when thinking about raw meat being in my house. I just recently got semi comfortable with using raw eggs (even hard boiling eggs took a while to be ok with) but I still use gloves and have a whole routine where I prepare everything and get the water running as hot as it can. So, I very much feel you when you said that you have a phobia of food contamination. Brains are wild.

    Edit: but I love left overs to an extent. Can’t do seafood left overs. Especially shrimp. I am also the opposite of Hannah, where I feel way more comfortable with left overs of stuff I personally cook because I know I have been careful vs not having any control over take out.

  15. I find most of the AITA, the person isn't the AH but they just had a shitty attitude about it. Like I agree with you, but I don't agree with your tone. Except the last one. F that dude.

  16. It's not cheaper for her, it's the same price it was for them. They made the plan knowing she would expect them to pay her back. They could have offered to find a cheaper alternative. I would happily pay her the total amount even if she had used a coupon for the emotional labor of getting everyone somewhere to sleep.

  17. You two are always a lovely duo and I love listening to your podcast a lot!! Your dynamic is great and seeing a new episode in my feed is always a pleasure. Keep up the good work :]

  18. Hannah watching her mom cook and touch the handle with "raw meat hands" is 100% me, biting my tongue trying not to badger the legit professionally trained chef in my kitchen (aka bf). "He knows food hygiene. We never get sick. Calm down, girl. ❤"

  19. just have to say, the judgey way yall handled that last story…….that was hard to watch & super off putting. i cant watch yall anymore, here or your other channels. not that one subscriber matters, but i think the feedback is important that you both OFTEN come across as entitled and judgey and not coming from a good place.

    its worse bc mickey makes such a point that she has "degrees and training" and still disregards that other people can have "a thing" about stuff. youre both OVERLY paranoid about food contamination according to yourselves but cant understand a guy not wanting pets in a restaurant enough to speak up about it?! he wasnt at a dog park or other place dogs frequent, it was a people cafe not a cat or dog cafe. wanna take your dog for coffee? go to a dog cafe then. thats why they exist. you arent entitled to take your PET everywhere even if you think they are "well behaved".

  20. Omg you know…i have never had a fear of needles to TW for needles…and no shade to anyone who does…we all have our things. But ive never had an issue with blood being drawn. Like…it happens a lot and ive had it since i was tiny and i would just hold my arm out. I dunno why im not worried about it or never had…i dunno why its not an issue. Plenty of anxieties and phobias just not that.but i digress. Anyway never had an issue till i was about 15. A doctor put a needle in my arm (showing my age the pathology nurses take them now) and it wasnt…the vacuette thing wasnt working…he kept fiddling with it…then LEFT THE NEEDLE IN MY ARM to get a new vacuette thing. I watched the blood slowly drip out of my arm and apparently just lost all my colour and needed the bin to throw up in. Never had an issue before or since with needles and blood taking…not even when pregnant and nauseated all the time. But that darn practice…the word got around that they needed to be careful with me cause i had issues with blood taking. No! You were just bad at it! That was…out of context sirs and maams. Anyway im sorry about your arm. The bravest of us fall when its done badly.

  21. Wanting to eat healthy doesn't make one an asshole. I have allergies to soy, tomato, dairy, certain nuts, and caffeine. And sensitivities to lactose, gluten, and sesame. So I have to be on a strict diet if I don't want to get sick. But I shouldn't have to explain that to anyone to not be considered an asshole. I'm going to cook and eat what I want to go in my body, and I'm going to avoid what I don't want in my body. Fun isnt a requirement when it comes to food and shouldn't ever be. Food can be fun, but it shouldn't have to be fun.

  22. I love you guys. Keep up the great content!! I will have to respectfully disagree about the dog in a cafe opinion. In my city, even the Cat Cafe’s keep the felines in a segregated room away from where the food is made. Now if the cafe from the story had a rule that pets were only allowed on the patio and not where food is prepared, I would feel better about that. I wouldn’t want dog fur in my biscotti.

  23. For the money one, from my experience, these situations have always happened with people who are extremely wealthy. So it always comes off as them being an asshole because I know they it's purely because they're being stingy, not from a place of "this 20 dollars will make or break me".

  24. My wife love love loves to cook. However if im not in the mood for it that's fine but jts up to me to make my own alternative. It just seems like the middle way to me.

  25. For the café one I can see someone who is autistic or otherwise stuck on rules don't have exceptions (if something is written down as a law then that is the law, it isn't half a law). The other thing that goes with that is if you don't think that people have understood what you are saying then you can't let it go until they understand. In this instance it would be that understanding the law meant that the dog was told to leave, anything less than that they don't understand the law (that they understand the law and don't care isn't a thing that can be processed).

  26. The stay at home dad is not the AH.
    Can’t be sexist. Being a stay at home dad is a job all in itself. Not only that… he’s eating healthy. Lmfaoo
    Good for him. Mom can eat healthy too. Or she can cook herself something

  27. I think for the cafe one its not fair to people who have allergies that arent expecting animals to be in a non-animal specific place. Especially around food. But i dont think it was his place to try and force them to leave, especially arguing with the employees. There was a sign that made it clear to anyone who might be concerned because of personal reasons, so he ended up the one in the wrong.

  28. I got the shingles shot and yeah it’s pretty brutal so best get it when you don’t have anything to do, still better than shingles from what I have seen. I got it on a Friday both times and Friday to Saturday night I had such intense joint pain I actually cried and couldn’t move and I have chronic pain I go to work when I have migraines. If I had had that joint pain without having gotten the vaccine the day before I would have probably called an ambulance to go to the emergency room, if I had even been able to because I couldn’t even move my hands from the pain.


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