James O'Brien Finds An Unusual But Predictable Brexit Benefit!

Jacob Rees-Mogg was hired to find Brexit Benefits, he was even given a ministerial position. Did he find any? Not really. However there are benefits to Brexit for Europeans beyond trade. Support for the EU has increased as a direct result of Brexit, something James says is hardly ever mentioned in UK media.

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37 thoughts on “James O'Brien Finds An Unusual But Predictable Brexit Benefit!”

  1. racists and xenophobes, James. Remember the deliberate misinformation about Turkey joining the EU, it accounted for about 15% of leave votes. Why did NZ keep his job for so long? Because the power of polling helped the leave campaign target their message.

  2. The Brexit+ layer of madness is that we don't have opposition parties in England who can speak these truths about Europe to the British people. So we've ended up with over 90% of the Westminster political class actively misinforming and disinforming us.

  3. It’s so true what J.oB is saying here. There were many countries in Europe that disliked what they saw as petty ‘interference’ by the Brussels lawmakers, and the Brexit negotiations showed them there was very obvious ways to tailor the broad brush rules the EU make.
    So the racists in England can take some positives from their hatred of immigrants.
    They have shown something (which was bloody obvious to the people of Scotland and Northern Ireland) to the current EU member states, that the benefits of the European Union far, far outweigh the downsides.
    From a Scottish perspective, you can understand our frustration at being a part of a country of fantasists, racist, bigoted morons.

  4. AFD germany went from "leave the EU" to "A strong germany in the EU" between an election before brexit and one after.
    The reason I think is that the EU has been used to get votes but in the case of the UK, they won, tried and dropped the ball big time.

    Not many of those old anti-EU parties ever actually wanted to win that debate, winning brings needing to deliver it. They know they can't and winning doesn't have any votes in to it. Generally I would guess that only the british (maybe just the english) feel somehow that the EU should give them what they want just because they're british (english).
    (Having said that, some germans are similar in that way. It is scary how similar the Germans and English are).

  5. Unfortunately this is just not true I voted to stay in the EU but this is just dangerous nonsense. I have just closed two of our companies in Europe and moved one to the U.K. and another to another non EU country. Your as bad as the right wing extremists. Your see what the benefits are in the next few years

  6. ABSOLUTELY, James….said it and said it… 'old women of both genders'…who KEEP Britain locked into racism, xenophobia and a COMPLETE hatred of 'foreigners'….DAMN ….and they KEEP voting for Tory CROOKS and inadequates!

  7. For EU citizens, the brexperiment is basically:
    "UK, here is a hammer, this is your finger, Now, slam the hammer on your own finger. Now, everyone, give me some attention. Have you seen what happened? Do you wish to repeat the experience for yourself? I thought so… Okay, UK, you can get out of the class."

  8. little correction, the far left also was advocating to leave the capitalist EU in some countries…
    that isn't a matter of far right or far left or even moderate right or whatever…
    it's a matter of populists…
    and there are populists in all the spectral of politic…

  9. I've always maintained that Brexit might make the UK eligible for two prestigious prizes, the Charlemagne prize and the Darwin award, i.e. making the EU stronger while destroying yourself through your own actions…

  10. Brexit destroyed our economy brexiteers never thought long enough on implications of leaving the EU, HOPE THEY ARE HAPPY with their decision in self destruction of the UK

  11. You know it’s going great when even the most sanctioned country in the world is doing better than us and they started a war 🙄 Jesus christ we truly have the most incompetent politician’s and utter charlatans leading and running the country, hard to believe some thick clowns still think it’s great

  12. The timing of Brexit is important. In 2016 the EU was proposing tax avoidance regulations. The Greedy Bastard Brits then, in 2016, convinced Average Joe Brit that Brexit would benefit fishing, the NHS and so on. Funny how Greedy Bastard Brits made no mention of the tax avoidance regulations during the Brexit campaign. Most tax havens fly the UK flag, so Greedy Bastard Brit does not want the EU regulations getting in the way of his offshore accounts. Greedy Bastard Brit needs to hide his money from the British Tax Man. Why pay taxes that may help the NHS? The big problem is that Average Joe Brit bought Greedy Bastard Brit's bullshit.

  13. After living in Italy for two months last year, I realized that they do not want the lira back under any circumstances. At least in the area where I lived. Those were the times with big devaluations and inflation.

  14. Well surely a significant benefit is that Britain can now call on France to repay its loans that they haven’t paid a penny on since 1931? It’s about a trillion pounds that the French owe.

  15. James is becoming a prophet. Here he is still around and standing after all the rants that he said. Doesn’t have to eat crow still. Day by day all he is, is being proven more and more and more right. OMG, he must be exhausted from constantly being correct. The man really needs a break.

  16. the UK was the number one barrier to EU success? SO now the UK is no longer able to slow down and interfere with prosperity for the continent. It would be foolish for the EU to entertain a re-entry of the UK?

  17. If a physician tricked 10 people into doing things that heavily endanger them and kill some, s/he would lose the practicing licence AND probably serve jail time.

    Farage pulled off the biggest internal "lets screw the British" job in decades and he is still wandering the streets getting paid and proudly showing no remorse.

    I would love it more if EU countries also learned what lack of true accountability leads to and start implementing laws to give traitors what they have always received historically until we entered the era of tolerance on everything (except a hungry breastfeeding mother who shoplifted some milk).

  18. German and Dutch friends where we will live in the near future are mystified when we try to explain Brexit. They think most of the population must be stupid sheep with a good smattering of racists. They think politicians were corrupt who spouted Brexit and incompetent those who were supposed to support benefits of EU

  19. Quote from Mr Gove before the Brexit vote: "the truth is that if we vote to leave we'll be in an economically stronger position"

    Question: What you didn't tell British voters before they voted Mr Gove is how long they'd have to wait for this promise you made to them to be fulfilled!

    Quote from Lord Frost: " It's got some way to play out yet"

    Question: Would it have been more honest for British voters to been told this before they cast their Referendum votes?

    The more one hears of the manner in which the lead up to the 2016 referendum was conducted, the more one thinks that British voters are owed some kind of national Inquiry or truth and reconciliation Commission to enable them to find Brexit peace of mind through closure. After all Brexit has left in its wake a tsunami of anger and conflict that is tearing the Nation apart.

    The Commission's first task would be to establish what claims were made by those leading the leave and remain debates respectively.

    Starting with the claims of the Brexit architects , Mr Farage, Mr Johnson, Mr Gove and their chief adviser Dominic Cummings (referred to hereafter as 'the four frauds") these are by now largely a matter of record. We have the Brexit Bus and the huge poster depicting a host of people coming our way. Then we have the more subtle Leave advertising on Facebook and other social forums.

    To these untruths can now be added the four frauds' misrepresentations by omission which only now, 6 years down the line, they are starting to come clean on. Chief among these is the failure of the four frauds and others like them to disclose to voters their understanding of how long they expected it to take before the Brexit benefits they used as carrots to manipulate the way people voted would bear fruit.

    Only now is the cat finally emerging from the Brexit bag to tell us that it's found no tangible benefits (not even a mouse…). And Brexit apologists like the gentleman in Max's video are starting to tell us that we can expect a 10 to 15 year benefits 'gestation period' and, in the meantime, the British people will linger on in their purgatory of ever declining prosperity and ever increasing governmental repression.

    The Commission will need to ask the four frauds (preferably on oath knowing the value they place on integrity) whether they ever discussed between them the length of time Brexit would require to bear fruit if, thanks to their efforts, Brexit was to be voted in.

    If the four frauds reply that no such discussions ever took place then they should be asked why they did not, because it would beggar the belief of any reasonable person to imagine that the architects of Brexit would ever commit the British people to vote on so vital an issue without having even so much as considered the question how long it would take before any Brexit benefits started appearing.

    The Commission might suggest to the four frauds that the question "how long before benefits will appear" was of more fundamental importance than the untruths they had inscribed on a bus and a giant poster.

    The Commission might enquire of the four frauds if the Brexiteers' slogan: "We got Brexit done" heard so often from the lips of Mr Johnson might not have been laughably premature.

    It will be up to the Commission what questions it puts to the leaders of the remain lobby, if indeed they feel the latter did anything to be ashamed of that might merit enquiry

    It's to be hoped that when, in the fullness of time, the Commission concludes its Inquiry, the British people will find it in their hearts to forgive and forget their sufferings, as they deliberate between British and New Zealand butter for the Royal Slice of Bread (King William's bread by then!)

  20. The whole process was driven by asking the wrong question first. It should not have been, should we stay or should we go, it should have been, first, should we explore leaving the EU by finding out what terms and conditions we could get to then understand the implications of leaving. Assuming a yes, that we should do the exploration, we would then be in a position, having done due diligence, to work out the implications and fully understand the second question, should we stay or should we go. Had this been done we would never have left. Thank you Cameron and all you Tory Europhobics.


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