TF2 Holographic Harvest Shenanigans #6: Marsbase – Secret Struggle

Oh hey look a new map! Is it any good?

Overall mission: This is a weird mission, well not in a good way. Even for wave 666 for the first part is fine, but later when the Tanks and Flare Minigun shows up it becomes much harder to deal with. One of the previous experience was failing 4-5 times at that subwave and had to silently nerf the mission. Who thought it was a good idea for an expert player who playtested the mission and give the feedback to buff the mission even further? Early signs have shown how low the completion rate is just because how difficult the mission was before. Boss used to have +400% damage bonus and no projectile speed reduction on his Rapid Nuke Phase like really? His Last phase also used to have projectiles that cannot be deflected. Couldn’t be that more arbitrary, could it?

Overall Map: This map is very long, might be the same size or bigger than bigrock. Layout wise is not very great as on the right side is the entire death pit and it is very linear. Health/Ammo packs are very scarce here meaning you have to travel a long distance to gain your health/ammo back, A dispenser/Ammo canteens are a must for those who runs out of ammo very quickly. As for the sightlines for the Sniper are very funny and you can headshot bots across halfway the map. But that also comes at a cost as the bots also see you and will shoot you halfway across the map!

Mission made by: Conga Dispenser
Map made by: madminermonkey


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