PlayStation Developers Are Being SALTY About Elden Ring's Success And Try To Trash The Graphics

As Elden Ring continues to dominate the market, piles of salt are starting to accumulate from developers and fanboys who are upset a game like Elden Ring is stealing the spotlight.


32 thoughts on “PlayStation Developers Are Being SALTY About Elden Ring's Success And Try To Trash The Graphics”

  1. Graphical fidelity might not be up to AAAA++++ standards, but the art style is so damn good I stop and stare at the vistas every time I come to a cliff side or see a towering unbelievably big and ornate castle looming overhead. AC Odyssey did make me stop and stare from time to time, but not constantly like Elden Ring. Most of the time when a game takes forever to come out it is in development hell. Elden Ring clearly was developed smoothly and just took that long due to the sheer amount of content packed into every nook and cranny of the massive game world.

  2. The point is they’re trying to get more coverage for Horizon. Elden Ring has cucked pretty much every release this spring. No one’s gonna move off of Elden unless something HUGE comes out to rival it. Horizon’s just Robo-Dinosaur’s Creed, no one wants to play Assassin’s Creed anymore yet they keep making that game again, and again, and again.

  3. I have a long history of not enjoying the dark souls series. That being said I still want to play Sekiro at some point and will probably try Elden Ring at some point later this year when I can grab it at a lower price. I congratulate From Software for making a game many love and hope the same can be said for me when I get to it.

  4. Minecraft is the best selling game of all time with its basic graphics. Tetris is also one of the best selling games as well. Nintendo Switch games continue to outsell Playstation and Microsoft with their non 4k games. Graphics are only there for you to view the Game – end of

    These ponies are too dumb. David Jaffe is so salty it's pathetic given he was a developer. I can only respect the Sony management for making these dummies pay $70 for games that cannot compare with the scale that Elden Ring is operating at

    These muppets will give movies like Star Wars Best Picture each year using their logic

  5. 13:10 and about the audio, bruh STFU. Elden Ring’s audio is fine. And besides, not everyone plays games with headphones on. Some gamers like playing games with speakers, whether they’re high quality or not. And some people prefer to play games on mute. So really, game audio isn’t a super important factor to a game.

  6. I rarely care about the scores from journalists or even from other gamers that much. If I enjoy the game I will enjoy it if I don't I just don't. I'm enjoying Elden Ring, but I do think Sekiro is a better curated experience and I'm finding myself pretty lost as to what to do in Elden Ring from time to time so it's not my favorite Fromsoft game. It's pretty close to if not on par with Bloodborne IMO and like I said Sekiro is a bit above those two for me personally, and I still have criticisms about that game as well.

    These developers really need a slice of humble pie and realize that Elden Ring is a new standard bearer for the genre like Breath of the Wild was before. Instead of complaining that they did things better why not take ideas from Elden Ring for their next games instead. Heck if anything do what they did with the horse in Elden Ring because as absurd as a double jumping horse is it's really versatile and fun to use compared to Breath of the Wild where I barely used horses because the climbing and traversal on foot was way more fun, and other games where the horse is just a means of getting to another location faster than on foot.

  7. I was playing Horizon and stopped playing to play Elden Ring game is great. Graphics are nice to have but when it comes to what makes a game it's about gameplay how well does that game brings it.

  8. I'm not even pretending. I play HZD and ACV, I never play past 10 hours. It's look good, but dude the open world is bland then I feel bored and uninstall it.
    Elden Ring tho, it's the only game that I legitimately enjoy these days. I even need to restrained myself and go outside and hanging with my friends just because I looked like panda after playing 40 hours for 4 days and my life got sucked for real. The world is beautiful, but more importantly I just love playing it. Art design and presentation are also part of graphic, not only realism.

  9. When a game has "dated graphics" and still holds up, that says something. Dev's take note, graphics arent everything (unless you're a pony). Gameplay is still king.

    As for bugs…I'm playing on xsx. I also have a ps4, switch, and gaming pc. I don't limit myself to 1 platform. I'm currently lvl 106 and have yet to hit what I can bugs. Yeah there are some glitches you can use to cheese the game here and there. What I consider a bug is my graphics going completely tits up in dying light 2 after 2 or 3 hours forcing me to restart the entire console. And not being able to use quick resume at all. THAT'S a bug.

    I haven't played a souls game since ps3. I cant remember which one it was. I can say Elden Ring is probably the best open world single player experiences I have ever had and imho has earned every bit of that metacritic score.

  10. Where are the Sony ponies that always complaining about "no class" in the gaming industry? Because this is what having no class actually looks like. It's not just a profile pic of a mascot. These are developers acting the opposite of professional. Weird.. these developers had no issues with Bloodborne, a game that objectively looked and had worse performance. 🤔 Where was the biased negative talk about graphics and UX there?… Everyone understood that was a great game and graphics didn't matter… Weird. If I could buy one game, I'd take Elden Ring over any typical PlayStation open world third person narrative game in a heartbeat.

  11. This just in: Sony devs claim a game can’t get more than 90/100 if they don’t get so much fuck you money they spend it on things not integral to making a game, like sound and graphics.

    Also, “Sony’s very hands-on when they need it.” Oh? Like they were with Demon’s Souls? Yeah, right. “This game is trash, it’s unbelievably bad.” Hands-on, alright.

  12. SJWs: Reeeeeeeeeee Forbidden West is the best alloy was on a magazine cover

    Me: Your game is an overpriced DLC now I go to the stars with my Witch wife

    SJWs: You can't be happy Reeeeeee

  13. I’ll buy elden ring because the gameplay, art direction and music looks very grounded, last thing on my mind is how much more upgraded graphics can be achieved because a video game’s core is what’s the difference between an excellent game and a mediocre/crappy one, if the game does well amongst gamers than the graphics can be worked later on by devs and modders in the future like most if not all popular games in the past, look at doom 1 & 2 it’s doing pretty well to this day

  14. I don't even get why people say the graphics are bad. If you go to a place like Lyndell, you realize the game is fucking gorgeous. The art direction is superb, and the level design is top notch. The whole game oozes with character and personality on top of the most satisfying gameplay difficulty you could ask for in a modern game.


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