For what reason do officers think it’s appropriate to go hands-on for Absolutely no reason? do you believe that these officers would actually protect and serve you? Let me know what you think about these tyrants in the comment section and make sure to get to the link below for Charlie, and show some love and appreciation while he stands against Tierney for all of us, thank you for the continuous love support, and I will see you on the next one, much love world.

Original channel link

Contact information
West Police Substation
7000 Culebra Rd, San Antonio, TX 78238
(210) 207-7420



  1. Rule #1 is, "Never be where a cop can see you." Rule #2 is, "Never speak to a cop of your own free will."
    Charliedog broke the first two rules about dealing with American police.

  2. Say man, your birthdate is still audible at a few points after you’re in cuffs. Just letting you know. Sorry this happened to you thank you for putting yourself out there. No shame bro, don’t let em get you down

  3. The pigs are corrupt asf. Then the cop watcher gets grabbed, a first amendment violation and felony. then he gives up his 4th amendment, immediately. The video is unclear to me what really went down. So, why is he crying like a baby? Sprayed? Pain complience? What?

  4. Lawsuits change nothing. Make your first call to the FBI to open civil rights investigations against lawless cops, then worry about suing them. If you just sue, the cops will never be held accountable, and they will gang stalk you for the rest of your life.

  5. God dam speach can not be interference time and time again in the cort and if i was him i would take the ride next time and put a 1983 law suit again them for this wrongful detainment and show them they are wrong

  6. The Cops again Abuse their AUTHORITY , and Violate this mans Rights .

    However , Stop saying your Sorry !

    You are showing how weak you are , and should not be out there Auditing , if your going to be a Snowflake.

  7. I just wanted to thank you for embracing communism by fighting against tyrants. Just like it says in our anthem, "No more deluded by reaction
    On tyrants only we’ll make war"

    Thank you for your outstanding support of the international communist cause. No more imperialism! No more USA!

    Communism will win! Thanks for your support, comrade.

  8. I saw all the instructions / recipe for use of force … and I’ve also been to San Antonio. I’m pretty sure there’s not a law enforcement officer there (city wide) able to read and comprehend that WHATSOEVER.


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