Texas doctor weighs in on increase of deadly fungus

The spread of Candida auris may have worsened due to the strain COVID-19 put on the health care system, researchers said.


25 thoughts on “Texas doctor weighs in on increase of deadly fungus”

  1. Scientist talk about how fungus takes over its host like a zombie that takes over the central nervous system the heart the brain's amplifying the animal or insect just like the TV show about zombies the last of us a deadly fungus outbreak with no cure , it's literally about a show of zombies and how it all started with fungus if you can trap the stuff you're going to die
    If I were you guys I would stock up on food water guns and bullets

  2. Living with the stigma of HSV1&2 and not been able to have a healthy relationship was messing up my life until I got some super herbs from Dr Omole on YouTube, I haven't had symptoms for some while now and am planning to get another test done. Am grateful & advise you help yourself also….

  3. Fugus is spread by Chem Trails, Google Documentary " Government is modifying our Weather " it was filmed 13 yrs ago at the Massachusetts Law University, they were warning
    about Government using Military to spread chemicals to cause environmental damage for population control !


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