Terrorists crossing US border? NYC lawmaker says you can presume they are

NYC Council Minority Leader Joe Borelli discusses whether terrorists are crossing the southern border on ‘Varney & Co.’ #foxbusiness #varney

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39 thoughts on “Terrorists crossing US border? NYC lawmaker says you can presume they are”

  1. He is offering an excuse because our immigration system wasn't broke when President Trump was in charge. What do we pay that short lying ignorant man for? Our border's our wide open and that is not ok with American's.

  2. It will cost the TAX Payers of America 50 MILLION a year. This is for transportation,housing,food, medical care and education for the kids. This is all for the illegal alien immigrants costs. Tell Washington we will not pay for Illegals. People will refuse to pay their taxes. Biden is being unreasonable. Americans are going to support illegal foreigners? This administration is taking advantage of hard working Americans. Eric Adams is saying 15% pay cuts. Well how about 100% pay cut to run your city. New Yorkers are smart. They don't need to support the world's illegal aliens. The TAX Paying citizens of N.Y. Will refuse to pay their taxes until all the aliens are Expelled from the City of New York and completely out of the EMPIRE state.

  3. This whole border fiasco is a blatant disregard for what happened in New York on 9/11. If that wasn’t a lesson to be taught, I don’t know what was. The Democrats in my opinion don’t take that tragedy of that day serious enough and by allowing these people over our borders on free will tells me that they don’t really care about what happened that day.

  4. Unfortunately, if there was an attack on American soil, right now, Democrats will just blame Republicans for the attack giving the bad guys time to get away. Days and days will pass for them to blame Republicans and by the time the truth is expose, they would turn the page from reporting the facts. It have happened time and time again, and it will happen in this situation as well.


  6. Of course we can assume they are. The democrats have essentially thrown open the doors, rolled out the red carpet and invited them in through channels where they know they chances of them being identified as terrorists, is really very slim.

    Terrorists are much smarter than democrats!

  7. I know Russia, China, and Iran(by the way they have sent millions of young military age men across the border and it ain’t for asylum) are like America talk crap now because we have sent what can be amounted to as a small army all of them together but who knew 🇺🇸would not only let them in so easy they put them in luxury hotels, given them drivers license and work even jobs in law enforcement. And the funny part the government knew because social media and journalists wrote about all of 🇺🇸enemies sending all these young military age males across the border and our government Republicans and Democrats do nothing! They are betraying 🇺🇸and one day they will answer for their crimes against America.

  8. JAN 2022 – – –

    Malik Faisal Akram, a 44-year-old British national, took four people hostage at a Texas synagogue Jan. 15 before he was killed by a FBI Hostage Rescue Team.

    Akram was allowed entry into the United States despite having an extensive criminal record that the Biden administration and its security agencies failed to flag. While no innocent people died during the hostage situation, the Biden administration could have significantly reduced the chances of this from occurring. The administration must be held more accountable for its failure to eliminate national security threats.

    Shortly after taking office, President Biden revoked a Trump-era executive order that sought to enhance the vetting of foreign nationals traveling to the United States. While details on this case are still emerging, the revocation may have granted Akram easier access into the country. The order called to protect “citizens from terrorist attacks and other public-safety threats” with “screening and vetting protocols” and “information-sharing and identify management” from “foreign governments.”

    Given the ongoing threats of global terrorism and the 9/11 Commission recommendations to improve information and intelligence sharing, the Biden administration’s removal of the order is unconscionable, and could have facilitated Akram’s entry into the country.

  9. The Elephant in the Classroom: Mass Immigration Imposing Colossal Cost and Challenges on Public Education – – – Summary of Findings

    Public school districts across the United States continue to suffer under a massive unfunded mandate imposed by the federal government: the requirement to educate millions of illegal aliens, the school-age children of illegal aliens, and unassimilated/unvetted refugees, all at taxpayer expense. Further adding to this burden are millions of students from legal immigrant families admitted into this country despite being unable to fluently speak English. FAIR estimates that it currently costs public schools just over $78 billion to serve this burgeoning population based on data from 2020. The struggle to fund programs for students with limited English proficiency (LEP) represents a major drain on school budgets as they redirect resources away from American citizens to support English learner programs for this cohort.

    Currently, 5.1 million students – or more than 10 percent of all students in American public schools — are designated as LEP. Despite this, only 370,000 of teachers hold the proper certifications to adequately educate them, according to the U.S. Department of Education. It is estimated that at least 76,000 additional teachers are needed to properly educate this cohort over the next 5 years. Currently, more than 100,000 instructors are acting as LEP teachers despite lacking the proper certification.1

    The lack of necessary teachers and infrastructure to educate this population has hindered the performance of LEP and non-LEP students alike and has severely stunted the ability of the children of new immigrants to assimilate into American culture. As a result, the children and grandchildren of immigrants in America today are finding far less educational and economic success than they did in the past.2

    Since the most recent cumulative data on this subject comes from 2020, it’s important to keep in mind that, unless otherwise noted, the figures detailed within this report do not take into account the massive surge of legal and illegal immigration into the United States since President Biden took office.

  10. June 22, 2023

    At Least 16.8 Million Illegal Aliens are in the U.S., Costing Taxpayers As Much as $163 Billion Annually, Finds New Analysis by FAIR

    (June 22, 2023, Washington, D.C.) An analysis by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) of the most recent Census Bureau data reveals that at least 16.8 million illegal aliens now reside in the United States. This figure represents an increase of 1.3 million just since the beginning of 2022, and 2.3 million since President Biden took office in January 2021.

    Along with the sharp increase in the illegal alien population comes sharp increases in costs to American taxpayers. The unprecedented rate of influx of new illegal aliens over the past year would add $12.6 billion annually to the costs of illegal immigration, bringing the cumulative net cost to at least $163 billion a year. At the current pace of illegal immigration, the annual net cost will exceed $200 billion by 2026.

  11. I got news for you people.. Terrorist acts are already present in America 🇺🇸.. Look at all the food plants going down. And railroad so-called accidents. And other things you people refuse to report on. Like deadly drugs coming across our borders… There just not coincidences…it's all planned by the DOJ. And corrupt politicians and court system..


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