Televangelist Compares Himself To Jews In 1930s Germany | Flashpoint Meltdown Saga | Part 3

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31 thoughts on “Televangelist Compares Himself To Jews In 1930s Germany | Flashpoint Meltdown Saga | Part 3”

  1. These people try so hard to be prosecuted so they can live out there biblical fantasy. It's maybe the most dangerous mindset someone can have, is that their savior was prosecuted and so they need to be also.

  2. This is one of the biggest claims of being a special people.
    1 Peter 2:9
    "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
    Some will ignore Romans chapter 13 and kill over this one scripture.

  3. Christian Nationalism is not "rebranded fascism" just a subset of fascism. Like the Hindu Nationalist movement of the BJP of India (there is a reason Right Wing extremists here in the US get along with Modi)

  4. In the times that Romans was written, the law of the land essentially included burning incense to Caesar, whuch amounted to an acknowledgment of Caesar as divine. In 21st century America there is no compulsory pressure of any kind whatsoever to do anything on that level, because it does not exist. people have always been hostile to the Gospel regardless of whether the animosity was justified by negative deeds or associations in history or not.

  5. The gospel religion, god etc, is all phony, injustices are real, the gospel, god and etc is a fairytale you fantasize about that whenever, reality you can't cherry pick or shut off, that gospel god religious Christian crap, is scripted out like a play, just like any show and)or sitcom entertainment, reality real people live everyday, that sky daddy is just their dopamine, once that dopamine leave these people are like anybody else but using excuses for their omniscient non existent failure, sorry just got to be re real I know BS when I hear it, theists believers and the rest are desperate they prove no god, just stories that make no sense, and that only a fool would believe, they are not even convincing arguments you can only pretend for so long

  6. Exactly the same lie Putin used to manipulate the Russian people.
    Masters of projection. Build up a boogeyman, accuse the others of being the boogeyman, while themselves are the ones doing it. Fear is powerful weapon.

  7. Okay so we have seen several different branches of Christian nationalists and they don't all get along. There are preachers who think that women Christian nationalists are basically against the law because they're women preaching the gospel therefore they are inherently evil. But they all want the US to be under God but which of their gods do they want us to be under? Is it like the one who is closest to Donald Trump as a friend? Do they draw straws? Which Mega Pastor gets to say "look at me I did this"?

  8. The ironic thing is that in the long run, these people are going to drive people away from Christianity. Their bizarre race for purity will leave them isolated and they know that. That's why getting rid of those that don't agree with them is the "quiet" part.

  9. While I am very interested in your commentary on FlashPoint, the analysis you give of the Nazis and their connection to the United States, you seem to have the standard US white-washed version. That is one which is based on trying to deny the US's role in abetting the Nazis and Liberal Idealism.

    For one, your historical points about Germany are incorrect since the first concentration camps opened in 1933 and had their first people within them in January 1934. The Nazi Party didn't win by small victories until they grew to a mass movement — that's Liberal Idealism, that ideas are that which move history. Hitler joined in with the Freikorps who had in 1919 murdered the leaders of the November Revolution (which would have had Germany become a Socialist state) because the Social Democrat Party (SPD) wanted to give into class collaborationsm, which is what they always do, as we see now. After the death Rosa and Liebknecht, the government that was put in charge had to deal with the Freikorps doing their putsch in Berlin, it was put down by the German military (Sohn-Rettel).
    As the Nazis came into being in 1920, they were not "crazy fanatics" that is literally absolving them of their crimes by trying to say that they didn't know what they were doing. Regardless, they did not have much success until in 1923, due to France and Belgium having took over the Ruhr (Germany's industrial areas) Germany was no longer able to pay their war reparation payments and the owners of factories closed down their factories to not give the French any products to sell. This caused the inflation of the Papier Mark (which there was ONLY ONE YEAR OF HYPERINFLATION) but once the Versailles treaty was amended to favor the US and UK (finance capital), Germany was given a $200M loan by the US, and then they changed currencies to the Rettenmark. in 1924, then, there was a division between Industrial and Finance Capital (Seimens, etc.) and Agricultural Capital (large landowning Junkers and small land holders. This created 2 factions in Germany, one of which was know was the Harsburg Front, which represented Agricultural Capital and other major capitalists, in come the Nazis who are used by the Harzburg Front to attack striking workers etc. etc. here is where Hitler gets the owner of the largest newspaper conglomerate to back Hitler and the Nazis. They were always funded by Capitalists and the Nazis were put in power so they could (and did) force all people to work. If you were unemployed and got unemployment insurance, now under the NSDAP, you had to WORK to receive the money you would get via that insurance. Now, the two sides of German Capital tried to work out the best arrangement to have as much power and gain as much profit as possible, which is why they chose Fascism (Sohn-Retel). Fascism isn't an aberration or deviation it is the outcome when Capitalism is in extreme decay (Palme-Dutte).

    During that time, the Evangelical churches in the US (as did everyone else) knew what was happening to the Jewish people due to the Nuremberg laws and things earlier. However, they WANTED the Jews to be mistreated and worse because they hoped it would force them to convert to Christianity — this is also why they supported Zionism as well (Louv).

    As for being "as far left as they come"
    by definition, if you support Capitalism and Liberalism (which I know you do) then you are not on the Left. Capitalism is right wing, Liberalism is right wing. Politics is not a spectrum, as Christopher Hitchens would say, "politics is division, by definition," and he is right. You either are pro-Capitalism or Anti-Capital. how you decide to express shows that there are factions in Capitalism (and its daughter, Liberalism).

    Liberalism during the French Revolution was revolutionary, but now it is the reactionary right-wing ideology that the world has to overcome.

    Love your videos!

    Hope my comment doesn't come off some kinda way, I am not trying to be antagonistic at all. just trying to engage with what you said.

  10. Incredibly disrespectful of these grifters to claim they want to die for their country but I don't remember seeing any of them while I was putting my life on the line in Afghanistan. They are a bunch of cos-players. They would never sign a military contract because they are cowards.

  11. "Divide and conquer"

    The US is so divided to begin with that it is way easier than in most countries, you already divide people by small differences, you divide people by their heritage, their looks and their beliefs, when you ask the race of people in any paper, you have already failed, to put it into some context, I have a coworker that was in the US and had to put race into documents, and there were so many, in mine if someone is foreign then the most we ask is country of origin, let's add one thing, if I was asked for my race I would have no idea what to put in that paper, I was taught I was a person, my classmates that had darker skin also we're persons, it wasn't you are x and they are y, it was all of you are living here and studying here, there was no other differentiation, at most male and female, but not even that much (the official national dance is traditionally a man and a woman, but we had 0 problem with it being danced between 2 man or 2 woman, and that is the only point where I can think of differentiation while I was growing) as a person that is not from the US, I just don't get the amount of racism and segregation, and that goes for the right and the left, one segregates to do direct harm (right) and the other segregates by trying to do good things but it also creates the same segregation the other uses (the left), the only way to end it is to just forget about it, here the only group that tend to be in the papers is the only group that is discriminated against by older people, when you give an unfair advantage to anyone just because they are one thing you paint a target in their backs, resentment brews by most people, because they are in the same economical position, but they get no help, meanwhile the other group get helps, that can be used against them, radicalizing others, if the benefits are done based on wealth that is fair, because the same economic groups will side with themselves, and the Ople that need the help will not get radicalized if they all receive the same treatment, and I hope it will be done by extending the benefits and not taking them away. Everyone deserves an education, and if there are limited spots they should be given by personal capacities (not knowledge, skill, that should account for the difference in opportunity prior to the education, and that can be measured, in my high school they did a test called CEIS or SEIS, it was to test aptitudes, there is no right or wrong answers, is to find where your personal capacities are, do you learn by visual, auditive, or others way, what are your abstract skills, etc, that can place you in the school with a system that is right for you, in that high school it was used to differentiate and teach you how you can learn so you can do it on your own easier than trial and error) there is no reason for quotas, there is a necessity of also removing money out of the equation, all schools should have the same founding, otherwise obviously the ones wealthier will have better results, and if you want better schools then taxes should take care of it.


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