Teenager Gruesomely KILLED in Infamous Wildcat Rollercoaster

#amusementpark #Wildcat #truestory

It was a pleasant spring evening in April 1997 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The trees were greener, flowers were in full bloom, the breeze was cool and outdoor activities were in full swing.

14-year-old student Patrick John Kurek was at Bell’s Amusement Park. The park was located in Tulsa’s Expo Square, part of the Tulsa State Fairgrounds in Oklahoma, and, being Oklahoma natives, Patrick, and his family often visited.

Born on the 29th of August, 1982, Patrick was a kind young man with a heart of gold and the occasional penchant for mischief. All he could think of was how much fun he was going to have in the park and all the rides he would visit. Little did anyone know that he, along with six other innocent people, would become victims of a terrible accident. A terrible accident cost young Patrick Kurek his life.

So, how exactly did the tragic incident that took his life and harmed six others occur? What caused it? And, when the dust settled, who was held responsible?

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33 thoughts on “Teenager Gruesomely KILLED in Infamous Wildcat Rollercoaster”

  1. Heartbreaking. His twin brother also injured and witnessed his brother killed.
    We love our siblings but having a twin is even more of a bond.
    I'm 58 and my twin sister passed away when mom was 6 months pregnant. She was able to continue her pregnancy with me for 7 more weeks. A baby born today at nearly 8 months gestation is nearly a 100% survival rate. Back in 1964 it was barely 20%. I was called a miracle baby and still to this day I feel an emptiness not ever getting to meet my twin. My mom even after 50 plus years could not talk about the loss. Sadly, I lost my precious mom on 12/21/21 from covid 19. The only happiness in all of this is I know mom is with my twin sister, her 4th child she never got to hold.
    Thank you for sharing This young man's story who sadly lost his life at only 14.. my oldest grandson will be 14 in May. I cant even begin to imagine the loss, pain and suffering his twin and parents still carry to this day…
    Sorry so long, my emotions are all over the place..
    Much love from North Carolina ♥

  2. The more I watch these the more I realize amusement parks should probably be much more tightly regulated. They are ran barely more safe than pop up carnivals and the owners barely get a slap on the wrist…if that .if they horribly maim you or a loved one.

  3. I can't believe that the dodgy looking owner was not found culpable, when he readily admitted using the wrong parts FOR FIFTEEN YEARS!‼️
    I agree that an amusement Park that can't afford sufficient insurance has no business operating
    Insurance money 💷 should be readily available, to demolish the ride, pay hospital fees, what was a 3 year old doing on there, by the way, what kind of parent would be so irresponsible?? ☹️ It beggars belief ‼️
    Also for burial fees, and the therapy that his twin would no doubt need for, well ever…
    R.I.P Patrick ❤️🎈🎇🪁🏈🎮🎈🌈 🌠 ❣️

  4. It is annoying hearing you spend an excessive amount of time eulogizing these people. Sorry Patrick died, but it was almost 30 years ago. He was not an interesting person, something interesting happened to him. Those things are not the same. You don't need to pad the video with 15 minutes of nonsense about how he was the nicest teenager of the 90s.

  5. Every single time I watch one of these, nobody goes to jail. If it's a barely-trained ride operator, then sure the little guy goes to jail for manslaughter. The managers and owners who failed to train him don't suffer at all. "It's a club, and you ain't in it." — George Carlin

  6. Why do I feel like this channel is tryna be like Disasterthon… I mean even the thumbnails look very similar with the same exact white and red letters. People probably click thinking it’s his channel! That’s weird…. Sorry…. And the voice is mono tone and boring…

  7. Videos like this take accidents and blow them way out of proportion with the monotone voice and the eerie music . In doing so you create hysteria to get people to question the safety of the amusement industry. Amusement park/Theme park rides are general safer than driving in your own car.
    Any death in the amusement industry is unacceptable, we all know that. But what you’re peddling here is nothing more than propaganda to make people afraid of amusement parks, thrill rides and roller coasters.

  8. I used to ride roller coasters as a kid 25 yrs ago just like this kid did and never once thought something bad would happen to me riding one. I probably can say I rode them hundreds of times and only once I nearly slipped out of one roller coaster and it because I was to skinny for the ride.It had one of the metal bars that go across your waste only. I learned my lesson and didn’t ride on it again.

  9. Bro I was born in 1999 just 2 years later and didn't start going to the state fair until 2007 I had no idea about this tragedy happening in my city my mom loved bells and still talks about it to this day


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