Teen Wolf Kitsune have immunity to this one deadly substance

Teen Wolf presented a lot of things that can stop supernatural creatures. But #kitsune have an advantage when it comes to one of the werewolves biggest weaknesses.

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12 thoughts on “Teen Wolf Kitsune have immunity to this one deadly substance”

  1. This is totally off topic, but do you remember in season 1 when Scott ran around on all fours? I don't think we ever saw that again in the show. I'm assuming it's because it looked goofy as hell, but I kinda wish they still did that in some way

  2. do you remove comments? I was trying to explain to some guy that yellow wolfsbane is said to have a affect on jackson but it was never actually shown as no one got the chance to do it/he caught any wolfsbane coming his way, but the comment chain seems to have vanished

  3. Question. Dont know if theres an canon answer If an alfa has a baby that is infact a werewolf and that mother dies due to the baby would that baby inherit the alfa spark since the baby kinda killed the mother or is it not possible for werewolfs to die in pregnacy due to there healing


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