Video released of fatal Chicago police shooting of Dexter Reed

Police oversight officials on Tuesday released video of a shootout during a traffic stop last month in Humboldt Park that left 26-year-old Dexter Reed dead and a police officer wounded.
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38 thoughts on “Video released of fatal Chicago police shooting of Dexter Reed”

  1. MSM is desperately looking for its 2024 version of the evil white racist cop kills innocent black angel story. There’s one every election cycle that they use to raise money and trump up support for the left, especially support from African Americans. Keep lookin’, because this ain’t it!

  2. 💜💙♥️I don’t know who this is for but you can be sure that you’re loved and your healthcare and medicine is one prayer away.

    When you go to Him, understand that he wants to see your heart be reconciled to him. Walk with him everyday. Trust his promises. A human doctor cares for their patients. They administer a prescription and do a follow up. They listen and seek to make their sick patient well.

    Christ has the same mindset. He’s the Great Physician. He wants to hear from you. He’s not angry at all about your mistakes. He knows your every weakness. He’s not going to strike you down with lightening. He just wants to see you walk in victory and overcome the darkness. The Lord is the doctor who knows your ailments. He fixes broken hearts and binds up physical and spiritual wounds. He is a healer in a sickroom. He knows your deepest pains. Who can count all of his benefits?

    Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus died for you, rose from the grave after 3 days and he will save you and give you a new eternal life and a purpose. His peace passes all understanding. The joy he gives is unspeakable.

    Luke 5:30-32

    30 But the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained bitterly to Jesus’ disciples, “Why do you eat and drink with such scum?”

    31 Jesus answered them, “Healthy people don’t need a doctor—sick people do.

    32 I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent.”

    Amen 🙏🏾 He keeps his promises. There is no greater love than to lay down your life for your friends.💜❤💙❤

  3. How many shots did he fire vs how many shots did the police fire back? Is this really where we are as a country right now Jesus He shot at police – first! What led to his death? DID THEY WATCH THIS VIDEO BEFORE THEY AIRED IT? this is imbecilic

  4. He had previous felony gun charges, so he was not legally allowed to carry a gun. The police were watching him and obviously aware he was carrying. The police were probably breaking some rules in regard to surveillance which is why they used the seatbelt as an excuse to apprehend him. But the bottom line is if he had complied he would still be alive. if he had NOT SHOT AT POLICE, he would still be alive. All the idiots marching in protest are the ones perpetuating the escalation in these types of situations. Go ahead and continue to demonize law enforcement and call for defunding. Take a look around at what is happening in the soft on crime communities. The rich want these communities to fall apart and you activist sheep are playing right into their agenda. Wake up!

  5. Forget who shot first the main problem is the police department is lying about the initial stop. How did they determine if his seat belt was not fastened through his tinted windows …. I really don't care about the felon but the police department needs to quit lying.

  6. Do yall know how bad that area of Chicago is?That same day 5 other people were killed and you wonder why they need tactical squads.Most thugs and gangs everywhere have more powerful weapons than the police. STUPID MEDIA, RACE BATERS, but you can't use race here cause he shot a black cop,…..oh wait! We can say it was "excessive force"

  7. sheesh i wonder when the 15% will actually decrease their crime rate. they increased to 60% this year…ya'll are gonna go to 70% one day and i think the U.S may actually have to address the actual race lol

  8. Plain clothes officers should not be making seat belt trafficking stops. A Seat belt shouldn't be a reason to stop someone period. Its just a tool they use to violate your space and privacy under the protection of the law.

  9. Did the PLAIN clothes officers ever announce they were police?? Why such an aggressive response from the female officer? She seems to be escalating a simple seatbelt infraction. I would be scared as the driver just the fact she’s tryna open up my door without any warning or reason and also pulled a gun out for seemingly no reason.


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