Ted Selly Crafts the Bat Zapper & Battle Shovel for us in Dinkum! Ep 60


8 thoughts on “Ted Selly Crafts the Bat Zapper & Battle Shovel for us in Dinkum! Ep 60”

  1. I'm now trying to find Ted again to get a 2nd Bat Zapper because even though they are chargeable mine didn't last the entire day in the mines because I used it so much so I want to have an extra one.

  2. Does your man have a YT channel?
    Maybe you need a wingman to kinda nudge him your way and just prompt him a little bit to play/record Dinkum with you.
    I'm 61 and during half of those years I have enjoyed watching many tuber couples play! It's a surefire way to get more viewers and more subs for both channels.

    I recently dug a canal 2 blocks deep and lined it with mud blocks, sealed both ends, and encircled it with a fence. 4 or maybe 5 in-game days later I had a Mangrove forest right where I wanted it. Completely safe from crocs and other predators. It was a fun experimental project that worked out quite well.


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