(tears) After 9 years AUSTRALIA gets a LABOR government -reaction to Anthony Albanese VICTORY speech

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29 thoughts on “(tears) After 9 years AUSTRALIA gets a LABOR government -reaction to Anthony Albanese VICTORY speech”

  1. American politics can certainly learn some lessons from this. I hope this is the beginning of something good and positive for both Australia and the world, and that things will go well for everyone down there. Congratulations!

  2. Congratulations! This mirrors what happened here in the US two years ago when Biden defeated Trump. Albanese seems like a genuine, honorable leader. My hope, my wish, for Australia is that you get the change you deserve. Change for the better. ❤️🙏

  3. I love how you pointed out that he is “softer”, but that shouldn’t be considered as a weakness. You can be strong and still be vulnerable at the same time. Being brave doesn’t mean you have no fear; it means facing your fears in spite of being afraid and overcoming them.

  4. Mary, your country sounds so much like mine. We had four years of Donald Trump whom I never was a fan of before he ever got into politics. Full disclosure: I’m an Independent, not a Democrat or Republican. I feel more Libertarian than anything. Trump had only four years, but he was and is an embarrassment. He brought out the worst in people and he’s like that old saying, “no such thing as bad student, only bad teacher”. Trump say, his followers/students do. COVID was the nail in his coffin. Biden is a better man, but he’s got his issues, too. It’s so important that people vote FOR someone and not AGAINST someone else. Albanese gives me hope because he seems like a good guy and the majority voted for him. I wish him well. Trump was a bully and it kind of felt like the school expelled him. The whole vibe and atmosphere felt better. Not that we don’t have problems in America (gas prices, inflation, etc.) but at least we have a President who doesn’t act like a 5th grade bully.

  5. I think we have hope now. I was in despair as I knew that Morrison would have killed more disabled and poor if he could get away with it.

    Proper action on climate change, Makarrata, a Commonwealth Independent Commission Against Corruption!

    We now have a chance at a future worth living through!

    I am with you, Mary: "F#ck yeah!"

  6. A socialist lol good luck. This is all virtue signaling liberal BS sorry to say. Mary, you've got a lot to learn kid. I'll just say this mirrors Meduro's victory in Vanezuela before he collapsed their economy. Socialism doesn't work in real time as well as it looks on paper. Hope your economy holds in these times. 🤷

  7. Mary a politician? That's a cringe reaction.
    Your government is no different than any other government around the world.
    They all make promises at the beginning and in the end, nothing really happens.
    All they do is get rich by stealing from the government.


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