Teaching Nitro how to use a BOMBA ng TUBIG

Nitro visits Karigusan Beach and uses a Jetmatic

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25 thoughts on “Teaching Nitro how to use a BOMBA ng TUBIG”

  1. Halalu Praise God Yahvah Elohim Adonay El Shadday (Aramaic-Hebrew-Acts26:14 [Rabonni-Aramaic-John 20:16],Rom3:2-10,Gala3:29-26 Jesus Yahvahshua is Lord Adonay-Phil 2:11,1Cor12:3,Rom10:9 Holy Name -Eze36:23-26-31 Know-Is52:6-3-7 No One-Ex3:15 Knows-Ps119:99-129 Except One-Mat13:17 Who Receives It-Rv2:17 Name-Rv19:13 Scriptures say God Yahvahโ€™s Word (Jn1:1-14) is like water that cleanses (Ep5:26) and wherever Yahvahโ€™s River (Jn7:38-10-16) Water flows (even right now as we study talk (2Cor 4:5) about His Word everything (please note everything) lives-Eze47:9 Jesus Yahvahshua says if you believe you will see the Glory of God Elohim-Jn11:40-4 Elohim made us Alive (Colo2:13-3-8) through the Precious Blood of Reality Yahvahshua (Colo2:17-16-18) God El Shaddayโ€™s theology-His Word Will Truth Way (abrupt inserts for better understanding please-different-Isa55:8-2-11 flesh and spirit-Gala5:17) changes us from Glory to Glory-2Cor3:18 Thank you Father for Grace (Rom5:20) Unfailing Love surround protect (Ps121, 125) us forever-Isa54:10 Protection-Ps91:4-8-16 The Spirit of Lord Adonay is broader longer than the earth -wider than the sea-Job11:9,Isa11:9 observe this tells us His Word (Jn6:63-27-45) is all embracing-covers all areas of our lives for He says everything under Heaven is mine-Job41:11 earth and its fullness belong to God El-Ps24:1 El has placed everything (Hb2:8) under the feet of Yahvahshua-1Cor15:27 so El can talk about everything-Heaven rules (Dan14:26-17) El overrules kingdoms of men-Ps145:13 Test every spirit -when El matures us (Ps111:10) He will show clearly that His Will is saturation (Amos5:24-21) He grants Wisdom generously (Pr2:4-7) so He comes as a flood (Hab2:14-4) He is beyond measure (Ps147:5) without limit (Jn3:34) thus format-style (Hb2:2) of His Messages (2Pt1:20-21) like a bubbling brook (Pr18:4-7-21) El teaches us (Ps34:11-14) here a little there a little (Is28:13-29) Only One God El-One Faith-One Body (Ep4:3-6) One Master Instructor (Mt23:10) To God El be All the Glory-Rm11:36-16-18 Yahvahshua talks about One Shepherd (Jn10:16) so Only One Pastor Rabbi Teacher-(Mt23:10-7-12 His Word is Life-Healing (2Chro7:14 cleanup-2Chro14:2-6) Healing to All flesh-Jn6:63-27-35 Transgression violation of law is sin -1Jn3:4 blood-1Sam14:34-27-29 El also says everyoneโ€™s life does not consist of possessions-Lk12:15-21 many (Ps16:4-11) sorrows-1Tim3:10 abounding-Mt24:12-15 on greed-who promote activities celebrations etc-Pr15:27 tongues-Mica6:12 merchants-Zep1:11 every-Rv18:17 wisdom preserves lives of its possessors -Ecc7:12-6 there is more gain in wisdom than folly as there is more gain in light than darkness-Ecc2:14-9 -26 where there are many words (Ep5:6) spoken sin is not missing-Ecc5:7 Teach us Your ways O Adonay -we will walk in Your Truth-2Jn6-8-11 Unite Our hearts to fear Your Name-Ps86:10 our steadfast sure Anchor says (Hb4:19) because I live you will also live-Jn14:19 died for our sins-rose again to make us right with El who raised Yahvahshua from the dead for our justification-Rm4:25 Test everything-Yahvahshua says the thief comes to destroy kill steal your joy but I came to give you an abundant life-Jn10:10-1-8 hireling-Jn 10:13 Word Truth (Jn17:17-23) says faithful will be richly blessed-Pr28:20 enjoy-Ps37:11-18 possess-Ps 37:22-29 lips-Ps37:31 righteous-2Pt 2:5-8 Think Adonay calls His Word Scriptures Double Treasures-Mt 13:52-47-57 no comparison no equal-Pr8:10-6-11-26 All-Is45:7-3-17 every heart-Ecc3:11 remind-2Tm 2:14 -19 stay clear-2Tm3:5 never let love faithfulness leave you-Pr3:3-19-21 When we meditate on Truth day and night (Josh1:8,Ps1:2 wiser-Ps119:99-129 boundless-Ps 119:96) pours His Spirit upon all flesh mankind-sons daughters (please note daughters-Gala3:28-25) will prophesy-Ac2:17 YouTube (2 videos) https://youtu.be/91Vm9TCkI4E Holy Highway-Gaither Vocal Band https://youtu.be/ZJfwb6JC8s8 El has not destined us for wrath but for obtaining salvation through Our Lord Adonay-be patient with everyone-1Thess 5:9-14 DTBM Halalu Yahvah Elohim Adonay El Shadday Amen Amen Amen!


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