TBC 1421 Wife of nearly 9 years cheated |Reddit |Reddit Stories |Cheating Stories

My wife (31) and I (32) have been married for nearly 9 years, and have been together for almost 11 years. We have 3 small daughters (6,4,4 (twins)). Since the kids were born, we fell into the roommate trap and our intimacy has been decreasing. She was self-conscious after the children were born, especially the twins.

links to this story & timestamps:

Wife of nearly 9 years cheated, 3 small kids, don’t know what to do, Need Support / Advice.

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4 thoughts on “TBC 1421 Wife of nearly 9 years cheated |Reddit |Reddit Stories |Cheating Stories”

  1. Sound like all she would was a piece of ass for the time being she can't understand that but I can you be so emotionally involved with a person you only known for 3 days sounds like she got some something going on up in her head that she's messed up about she got some counseling to do for a while.

  2. Reconciliation? No offense but what are some of these commentators drinking? She's mourning the loss of some dude seemingly over the damage she's done to the family? That's al OP needs to know, time to divorce focus on your kids and get away from this head case


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