TBC 1416 ALL UPDATES: Wife had a online affair |Reddit |Reddit Stories

Me (M24) and my wife (F23) have had a rocky relationship the last 6 months. We got married 2 and a half years ago. The marriage counselor was open and honest with me on my mistakes, and although I was a bit hard headed, I eventually understood my issues and I started to make drastic changes.

links to this story & timestamps:

0:18 Wife had an online affair when we started going to marriage counseling. Advice Appreciated

6:18 Update: Wife had a online affair when we started to marriage counseling

11:55 An Update on how I’m doing post separation

20:51 I just don’t get the why

21:55 Going to my first in person therapy session post separation plus positive updates

23:47 First therapy session since separation went extremely well

28:12 Hate how I miss her right now

28:44 Struggling with feelings of abandonment but overall getting better

30:35 Experiencing the worst ducking night right now

31:24 I feel pretty great all things considered

32:13 Still struggling with the feeling of abandonment but making progress

32:14 Just a small rant to vent my feelings

34:13 At a party right now

35:05 Need some validation and encouragement I guess

35:57 Life Update I guess…

38:06 A really sweet woman offered me her number at the gym today

39:29 I’m 283 lbs right now starting from 300 lbs

42:17 Had another one of those dreams we all hate

44:03 Just wanna ramble a little to clear my head

47:40 To my soon to be ex wife

52:10 Months post D-Day Update

56:13 Will Of The People means something a little different for me

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7 thoughts on “TBC 1416 ALL UPDATES: Wife had a online affair |Reddit |Reddit Stories”

  1. 1 hr of op lamenting the wife cheating. What I never understand is why most of these bs won't work on their codependency issues. Throughout all his posts he wanted another woman to make him happy and not finding happiness within himself. As long as he doesn't understand this he will be trapped in the same circle of codependency

  2. It matters zero how WW feels. There is no justice to be had, and WW is not OP's problem any more. The lesson for OP here is to not be so naive about what people are capable of. No exceptions. Now OP needs to get his mother to cut off communication with his WW, like any loyal parent would do.

  3. My God. I have zero tolerance for cheaters, but I can understand why the wife turned away from the OP. I understand that the OP went through a traumatic and difficult situation, but his post is just about how he is "beautiful", "in shape", "got a good job", "people praise him", etc, etc… Living with him shouldn't be easy. He needs a therapist to find himself. The OP remains attached to his WW. The personal improvements he is making seem like they are not for him but to show off to his WW. I also see a need for self-affirmation with the many redundant posts. The best action of a betrayed to a traitor is indifference. Good luck to the OP and thanks for the video.


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