Taylor Swift Loves President Elmo

Idiot left wingers and angry right wingers squabble over a dying regime.

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00:00 – Satire
04:05 – Subscribe to My YouTube Channel
04:53 – Taylor Swift Loves President Elmo
05:03 – Contents (Coming Up)
14:14 – Chapter 1: Tickle Me Taylor
27:55 – Chapter 2: The Z Stands for Sadz
38:40 – Chapter 3: MeToo Baloney
50:05 – The Final Chapter: Four Quotations
01:01:09 – Jeremy’s Razors Groundhog Day Sale
01:01:58 – Klavan Klapbacks

#AndrewKlavan #DailyWire #1166


43 thoughts on “Taylor Swift Loves President Elmo”

  1. (51:13) People who live through civilizational transitions are interesting because they're the guys you look for to see how they crafted a smooth transition
    —Andrew Klavan
    (51:53) Old people know the things that are eternal because they've seen everything else pass away; they know what to fight for
    (52:03) Chastity outside of marriage and absolute monogamy—which means monogamy for both men and women not just for women—causes cultures to flourish if it is kept in place for three generations. After three generations of that being the basic code of ethics a culture will exceed others in every possible area. If these restraints are taken away and sexual looseness comes about, then three generations later the society will collapse
    —J. D. Unwin

  2. (1:02:31) – Prager's compromise: Compassion in the micro; standards in the macro
    Who, knowing the righteous judgment of the Lord, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.

    —Romans 1:32
    Christians shouldn't approve or go through verbal gymnastics to justify demeaning practices.
    – "why should you care"
    > The heart of the sexual revolution is transgressive revolt. And the one thing you can't do with transgressive revolt is mainstream it
    People with platforms, who should know better, should not abuse their gift to mainstream the 'spirit of the age'.

  3. I genuinely believe that changing the previous "Mailbag" segment to "Klavan Klapbacks" has been bad for the show. He used to devote 10+ minutes to questions on various topics, now he answers maybe one question, and it almost always revolves around criticism of his son. I'm not commenting on that, just saying that I think this segment of the show has significantly declined.

  4. I’m bugged by the younger generations assumption that, as a boomer, I don’t know anything about computers.
    I worked on computers at Sandia National Laboratories for 35 years.
    After the shutdowns, everyone and their second cousin, was putting sites online. From my point of view, most of them were built by people who had taken a six week course in coding.

  5. Elmo's lesson about being happy about today is a cool lesson. Every day is a gift. I think Padre Pio said something along the lines of this: "Every day is a miracle." Reject depression and be happy, just live and be happy. Challenge yourself to find at least one thing to be thankful for each day. It will make you do your own "Today Cheer."

  6. Regarding the last question I think the problem is that Klavan has outright said before that homosexuality is not a sin.

    I love sinners. But I don't say their sins aren't sins. That's all

  7. We should set Biden down on a Delaware beach in a really nice beach chair and just tell him he's still President. He won't know the difference. Then get somebody who's not senile to be President.

  8. The shunning really crushed that poor woman. I'm friends with a man who was shunned from a Amish community and he has never been right his whole life he is now an old man and is still stuck with hard emotional problems from 30 years ago.

  9. Sorry to hear about your fall. I took a bad fall in September myself, still no idea how it happened. Broken bones and a head injury, messed up my knee, but I'm still here. I hope you heal quickly. Keep yourself safe, what would we do in an eternity of klavanless existence?

  10. False dichotomy of Spencer (your son, no relation) being forced to choose between homosexual marriage and promiscuous sodomy. There is such a thing as chastity. This does not stand opposed to the Biblical teaching of crucifying the flesh with its desires.

    False equivalence of every Christian being in a state of sin. Yes, we are all imperfect if we look deep enough, but if you were to point out, say, greed or pride or gluttony being practiced in my life, my response is going to be something like, "Thank you for pointing that out. Here's what you may not see in my life, which may change your perception. If not, maybe this is a blind spot of mine, but I will seek the Holy Spirit and work to amend it." I'm not going to shrug and be like, "Hey, I wish I didn't have those problems but that's just how I am," and go on gleefully sinning. I'm not going to post pictures of myself being greedy, being proud, or wolfing down an entire Golden Corral buffet.

    You overcome temptation by steering clear, by not giving Satan a foothold, not by giving in to it.

    I love you both, but it's because I love you that I want you to know the truth.

  11. 1:02:24 My brother and brother in law are both living with their girlfriends and have been for years. Never married. No plans to get married. We love them and think little of it. My sister married her girlfriend and it’s been difficult for the family to process.

    In terms of the proper Christian response to all of these things, I really don’t know. I call myself a Christian, but I’m working on it. I don’t Christian very well, so I don’t know. I do think, however, if I look at this objectively, I think my response to one family member’s sin should be comparable to my response to the other.

    This is honestly the first time I’ve thought about it this way, so I’m glad the question came up.

    I think the biggest issue for me has been my kids. It’s a lot easier to address the “how come uncle A and aunt B aren’t married?” question than the two aunts questions. Of course, that’s not really fair to my sister is it?

  12. the facebook thing is just parents failing to stop their kids from using facebook. facebook has an age limit for making an account. kids lying about their age isn't really facebook's fault. they could definitely make it harder to fake your age, but I'm not sure how they'd do that without it being a safety risk tho.

  13. Speaking of obnoxiously loud children’s toys, I visited my brother’s house and one of his children, had a toy locomotive into which different plastic discs could be placed that played Calliope music at an earsplitting volume.
    The next time I visited, the locomotive was much quieter. I asked my brother how he turned down the volume.
    “I didn’t,” he said. “One day the dog was in the house as the train was blasting out a merry little tune. I looked at the dog and said ‘What do you think?’”
    By way of an answer, the dog lifted his hind leg and peed on the locomotive. It instantly fell silent. When it dried off it was able to play again, but but at a much muted volume. My brother’s daughter asked “What happened to the sound?” And like a good father, my brother lied and told her “I don’t know.”
    It should be noted the dog was housebroken but made a strategic exception to his training on this occasion.
    That was a good dog.

  14. Brother Klavan, your answer regarding your son is absolutely correct. Spencer may or may not be living in a sin that he should control as we all must control our behaviors. But it is entirely between him and Jesus. God has his own timing for brining the conviction which moves us and gives us strength to change our behaviors as Christians.

    I will be praying for Spencer that his relationship will become deeper in his walk with Jesus. Jesus forgives sin. He takes his time with each of us to cleanse ourselves from all the filth of our fleshly desires. He took his time with me. And yet I had a wonderful relationship with Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit until he sanctified me, and it became even deeper. He did not immediately change all things. He wants us to change from the heart.

    Once we are to the place where we change from our heart, he will give us the desire and strength to do it. Just making legalistic changes with will power does not make us righteous. Once we know what God wants, and believe it, he deals with an issue that is driving our behavior.

    Right theology does not save us. Jesus saves us and changes us by his Holy Spirit’s work in our hearts.

    We both know that our relationship with God is not intellectual. We cannot intellectualize our relationships. Perhaps once he realizes that he is hurting his friend and lover, it will challenge him to look deeper.

    Blessings, Brother. ❤

  15. I accepted more insight on the Elmo story. I remember Andrew telling he used to volunteered at a suicide hotline.
    Andrew was right on mr. Tate.
    The guy on spencer Klavan living in sin was right of course… but, me too. I am also a sinner I also need to be saved. In that light I understand Andrew. His job is to love his son. Spencer is a theologen (maybe practicing hypocrisy) a surgeon can also be gay. Who was the mayor who said I don't care if the firefighter is gay all I care about is can he carry a 200 pound mayor out of a burning building. The thing, I have the most problem with is the mariage aspect. 1. It compels society to have an opinion. 2. It opens the door to involve children, depriving them of a female or male influence as a foundation. I go go so far as saying this is a form of c-abuse. That said the so called gay-mariage is on the bottom of my list of things to fix in how we deal with mariage, no-fault divorce and re-mariage are doing much more harm in my opinion and this should be fixed first.

  16. no wonder Vivek pushes silly Swift conspiracy theories. He's a pump and dump pharma-finance fraudster wh. as an 18 yo after his country was attacked on 9/11, failed to serve and instead went to Yale to make money and join the elite.

  17. Praise God you weren't injured worse than you were! Praying that you heal quickly, I don't think any of us could last the Klavanlessness if you leave us to go home to Jesus, please stay just a little while longer to gently rock us into the coming night.

  18. I lost myself in 2012. The world really did end for me. I lost my career my children again. As I relapsed I’m only recently coming back to life the last six months — without any substances. Today I stopped smoking. I started my podcast, which will probably go nowhere and I won’t even get it off my phone. It’s in the struggle that we get victory. It is in shedding the defects and we’re left with nothing that we can can then turn to God and develop virtue because there is no good without God God is all good. That means he’s not just all good as in God, but he’s all good all good that exist comes from God. And then I have a spiritual awakening with the Holy Ghost. The second one of my life over the top. And now I’m listening to Andrew Claven KLAVAN. I said EN too funny.

  19. Ignore the haters coming at you because Spencer is gay. I have a gay son and a gay BIL. My gay uncle drank himself to death back in the day after his partner died of a heart attack. I didn’t know he was gay back then. It wasn’t talked about. They all believe/d in god so he will have the final say, not us.


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