Tarnishing Causality | Age of Wonders 4 (Dragon Dawn) | Lizard Rebellion Roleplay Campaign #9

Three hundred years have passed since the Cataclysm ended. Its architects now rule over a broken, but healing land. Dragonkind was victorious against the Godir, returning from the hidden depths of the world to cast down the god-kin and all of their civilizations, casting the old gods back into the Astral Depths from whence they came. Their war left the much of the land in ruin, but upon the western fringes of the landmass of Khoridu, life yet lingers, untouched by the cataclysm’s dragonfire.

Three Draconic Lords have usurped power from the demesnes of the fallen Godir, and have constructed new dominions that bend beneath their terrifying majesty. They loom over the lesser races, their reptilian minds orchestrating unknowable schemes as they vie for power against one another, and strive to keep the races that once invited the old gods into their world from ever doing so again.

Avnazzirax, the Swamp King, rules from the deep marshes as a fearsome object of terror and sacrifice. His slaves, the amphibious Krozkolog, exchange gifts of flesh and bone to dreaded Swamp King in exchange for meager morsels of his fell power.

Hyrcanix the Binder rules over the once-nomadic tribes of feline Zhad Ur Shadal. Keeping his feline thralls in line with a host of phantasmal warriors and astral spawn, Hyrcanix styles himself as a purveyor of history and lore, sifting through the secrets of the Godir in a bid to become a god himself.

Nezuchadnivex, the Shadow King, has bent countless thousands under the yoke of his tyranny. Ruling over the Bar-Adnivex Empire, an empire founded in his image and name, he compels his human slaves to erect monuments to his glory, and construct great cities in the image of the Draconian Order.

For all its evil, the Draconian Order is all that has ever been known to most. To those who bow to dragonkind, the Draconian Order is stability, and salvation from the cataclysm inflicted by the Astral Gods upon this world, but to those who do not bow, it is death of freedom, for all are slaves to dragonkind.

And in recent times, the order imposed by the Dragonlords has begun to unravel. While they maintained a despotic peace across the realm under their iron rule, now they too begin to squabble, giving in to the very petty infighting their order so decries.

Some amongst the lesser, mortal races, have begun to see this hypocrisy, this chink in the armor. And some among those have already risen up.

Among them, a dwarven slave that once toiled beneath the yoke of the Bar-Adnivex empire, has broken free from his shackles, and freed his own people, who had once been abused by both their Draconic overlord, and the human thralls above them in the pecking order. This dwarf, known as Torbeld Chainbreaker, represents hope for dwarvenkind. Even now, he has found a hidden refuge where he can plot against the Draconian Order, and depose it.

But he is not alone, for the elven people of the glades and fens have managed to escape the Draconian Order. Among them, Clan Briarwraith, led by the enigmatic huntress Hyrrhani Quelantir, prepare to strike back against dragonkind. Revering the Horned Shepherd, a god from the Astral Sea, this coven of elven warriors is devoted entirely to the hunt. Never has a Dragonlord been slain the fall of the Godir, but Hyrrhani is determined to put that to the test.

And in the distant marshes, another elf, Ireth the Soothsayer has ensorcelled the Kuozlok toadkin tribe, surreptitiously secreting them away from the watchful gaze of Avnazzirax and hiding them in a refuge within the Swamp King’s own demesne. While largely unseen by the greater world, her power is felt by some, and some furtively that she might be the very thing the dragonlords deposed, returned in the flesh.

But she is not the only that has separated from the dragonkind within the marshes. For a wanderer has arrived from a distant corner of Khoridu. This wanderer represents an abberation in the Draconic Order. For among the lesser, slave-races serving dragonkind, one has always been favored. The Scaled Ones; reptilian in form, and thus giften with a meager sliver of draconic perfection, have always stood as the pinnacle of the slave-races of old, representing the highest order of mortal form beneath dragonkind itself. To dragons, it would be unthinkable for one of this “favored” race to choose anything but their elevated status within the Draconian Order… and yet… one has. And he has not come alone. Hailing from a distant land similarly bent under draconic rule, Ari’qzozq’ira, the Frilled One, has led his tribe, the Qza’azq, in a great exodus to find a land untouched by the Dragonlords. Alas, he has found no such thing. And so, he must make the land free from draconic influence.

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