Talk 5 | Two Apologists Talk About Adventism | Jim Baber and Paul Carden | FAF Conference 2023

FAF Conference • February 17–19, 2023

The Former Adventist Fellowship (FAF) Conference is held annually in Southern California.


4 thoughts on “Talk 5 | Two Apologists Talk About Adventism | Jim Baber and Paul Carden | FAF Conference 2023”

  1. I'm not an SDA or former but I dated and fell in love with one from Kenya. At first I knew next to nothing except the "we worship of Saturday and are vegetarian". We dated, I went to church with her a few times to see what it was all about. I even went to a Daniel Seminar with her. I knew from the get go that something wasn't right but couldn't explain it. That when I found the Former Adventist Fellowship, Dale Ratzlaff and Jim Baber. They all really helped me to understand what they believe. We dated for 8 months and I was going to ask her to marry me. I even went ahead and bought a ring but as I began to discover the truth about Adventism, I could not in good conscience go through with asking her to marry me because I couldn't see how we could both honor God through the marriage when I was a historical, traditional Christian and I believed she was in a false religious system. I talked to about it and we discussed some issues I had but for her, she was willing to over look them and still wanted to get married. I on the other hand could not just sweep our differences under the rug. I told her that scripture teaches that we aren't to be unequally yoked. We will either spend our entire marriage trying to convert the other to no avail or we may comprise on our beliefs in order to have peace in the relationship but deep down we will begin to despise and resent the other because of that. I loved her too much to allow that to happen to her and I love Jesus too much to comprise on the true gospel.

    Just wanted to share my experience with the SDA. Since that happened, I've spent the last 2.5 years studying the SDA history, church and doctrines in order to reach them with true gospel of Jesus. I pray everyday for the woman I almost married that God will lead her to the truth. I want to be equipped with the tools needed to dismantle the framework of EGW so that they can see the truth. Thank you guys for this guest speaker and for this conference because it has helped me tremendously.

    God bless!


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