Taliban Smokes Iran Soldiers While CIA laughs

Two Bros, One Bunker Podcast. We talk about the Taliban attacking Irans soldiers. We dive into Drone artificial intelligence debate and China’s action in the south china sea. As well as some Russian mercenary Wagner tea.

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19 thoughts on “Taliban Smokes Iran Soldiers While CIA laughs”

  1. I work as an AI scientist, and I have to say you did a great job of presenting it correctly and not giving into the doomerism and/or overhype that even mainstream media often falls for.

  2. I did my best to try and see the humor in the helicopter incident. Had those two warrant officers simply crashed , spent some time in the hospital and were now E1's peeling potatoes on the back steps of a chow hall somewhere? Their stupidity would have been funny.

    I very highly doubt that anyone directly involved (from their CO down to any family member) found any reason to crack a smile. There IS a very important lesson to learn from that incident for sure. However, dark humor is one thing but I fail to see ANYTHING funny about the death of two US serviceman? Only one of them was a total fool, the other was just along for the ride.

  3. Doods: it’s like international waters. It’s anything 12 miles off the coast line of a given country. That sort of shit happens in international airspace that is close to the rival country. We’re flying those reconnaissance planes right up against their territorial waters. We do it to the Chinese- the Iranians, and the Russians. The Russians used to do it to us- they’d fly Bear bombers from Murmansk or Archangelisk over the North Atlantic and polar region to take advantage of the curvature of the earth, then they’d fly down the east coast 12 miles off the coast- refuel in Cuba – then fly back up the east coast and home- being escorted and harassed by air national guard f4 phantoms, usaf f15s and r16s the whole time. Now the Chinese fighters are doing the same thing to our spy planes.
    Libya in the ‘80s declared the whole gulf of Sidra their territorial waters/airspace. Naturally, Regan would plant an aircraft carrier right on their “line of death” in the med- and rum f-14s into the gulf of sidra towards the Libyan coast and then quickly turn around right before 12 miles. Hopefully this would force Libya to scramble their migs – and the tomcats would get to practice with their phoenix missiles against a gaggle of mig23s and mig21s and the occasional mig25. I guess at least we’re not shooting down the Chinese though.

  4. It’s a special operation! Not a war! And the Russians love Putin. And I’m sure they think Prigoshin is hilarious. He’s a modern day Vladimir Zhironovsky. The Russians have a history of creating absurd extremist foils to deflect attention and support away from legitimate critiques from a legitimate opposition. Prighozin is a clown- and may or may not know it or be in on it. Either way- if the only critique of Putin and his war effort is coming from someone who’s issue is that Putin isn’t being hard enough or devoting enough resources to destroying Ukraine- how the hell could any one opposed to the war even enter the discourse? No one in Russia thinks Ukraine is anything but a part of Russia that should behave. They think the Ukrainians are being deluded by Western (read German) lies and promises- they need to realize that they’re not distinct or enemies of Russia/ so Russia will keep fighting until their deluded corrupt fascist leadership is deposed and a reasonable government can come in to Kiev and rejoin the Commonwealth of Independent States or the pan Slavic union- or the Soviet Union part two or whatever a Greater Russia with borders out to Central Europe and a population of all the big Russians little Russians ruthenians/Ukrainians there are in it.

  5. I'm a truck driver, and occasionally get told (by people not in the business) that I'm going to be replaced by AI soon. I always respond with something like "not before I hit retirement age, have you seen the stupid crap chatGPT puts out?" And I've got over 30 years before retirement.

  6. btw the drone “simulation” is actually completely falsified and has been since retracted. there was only a thought exercise to pump up funding for a fraudulent non-profit, no real simulation was run

    as an AI engineer, this is not how AI works nor failsafe system

  7. What are the odds there would be a release about some white boarded scenario?

    As for international airspace, Cuba during the Cold War might be a better analogy than Long Island. That's because a host of countries border the South China Sea, not just China.

  8. Seriously, these are the conversations people have in Civil Affairs/Psyop/MI Reserve Centers while waiting for 1SG to get out of that one meeting so they can be released for the day. Absolutely love it.


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