Humble Choice March 2023 Review – The also-ran month

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Opening – 0:00
Biomutant – 0:25
Jurassic World: Evolution 2 – 1:32
Edge of Eternity – 2:52
Heroes’ Hour – 4:31
Rogue Lords – 5:52
Demon Turf – 7:12
Golden Light – 8:27
Monster Crown – 9:47
Conclusion – 11:02
Bonus Bundle – 15:03


23 thoughts on “Humble Choice March 2023 Review – The also-ran month”

  1. Thanks for the video, mate. I agree with your opinion most of the time, so keep doing what you are doing. 🙂 I personally got this month's choice bundle because of Edge of Eternity. I wanted to skip a month, but was offered a discount, so the price was just right. I also gifted 3 games to a friend, thus it's a win-win for me.

    I also like the mentioning of a bonus bundle. It looks even better than the choice, having Control, Hellblade and Syberia in there.

  2. I have been a Humble Choice subscriber since day 1, this is the first month I have not found at least something interesting to me, but I don't usually discover how good or bad a month is until I download and play the interesting-looking ones. Your review helped me reach that conclusion, perhaps I will look into how to skip a month.

  3. This months Humble I got but I don't know why. I already had Biomutant and Edge of Eternity, I guess because of Jurassic World Evolution 2, I hope it's worth it.
    I'll give Rogue Lords and Demon Turf a chance tho, all the reviews of the bundle I've seen say good things about those two.
    The Humble Heroines would be an instant buy for me if it wasn't because I already have 5 of the games, and the other three I don't know anything about. Praey for the Gods looks interesting but I don't know if that bundle is worth it for that game alone

  4. This month is really divisive! I appreciate the diversity of games but I would agree none of them are best-in-class for their respective genres.

    I have only redeemed Demon's Turf and Golden Light so far. Everything else has been traded or is unredeemed.

  5. Thanks for the video! Im def skipping this month. Biomutant from what ive heard is a miss and was way overhyped at the time, the Jurassic World game is made by a dev that locks everything at dlc (i actually skipped the bundle with the previous game because of this) and everything else is mid and some even bad.

  6. Thanks for the review. Always valuable. Personally, though these games look good, I won't get the bundle as I have already so much I've yet to play, and there is nothing compelling in this bundle for me.

  7. Four of the games were on my wishlist (Biomutant, Jurassic World Evolution 2, Heroe's Hour, and Edge of Eternity) so this was an excellent month for me. The rest looks decent to good especially Rogue Lords.

  8. Literally laughed aloud at the Golden Light review. Harsh, but I see where you're coming from. I didn't mind it as much as you but I really don't think I could stick with it for the long haul. Especially since we've had other horror games in past bundles that I still need to get to and would rather over Golden Light.

    I think I'm going to have to give Demon Turf another go. I mean…I did like the smooth movement. Although, it was the checkpoint system that really sold it for me. The ability to place a checkpoint right before a hard jump set is absolutely genius. Reminds me of soul-like games that place their checkpoint right before a boss. Really limits that time where you're thinking about quitting because you can just get right back to what you're trying to pass.

    Definitely hit the nail on the head though. This was a AA month. Doesn't have to be a bad thing but I couldn't help but feel a bit of whiplash after last month.

  9. Well I’m locked in for the next 2 months anyway as I couldn’t really turn down the come back to us for 6 quid a month for 3 months so let’s just hope we get some good games.

    I saw something that looks like it’s a pokemonlike which is something I didn’t really expect to be a thing which is odd when you think just how big Pokemon is that it’s taken this long for clones to start showing up, now we just need them clones to be good quality and maybe we can get actual Pokemon to pull it’s socks up and start trying because as we saw with their last game they just don’t care and why should they when they know their fans will buy any old nonsense with the name on it no matter how broken it is.

  10. 6:02 well blow me down with a feather (sorry for the incredible old saying was was going to say just well blow me and my innuendo jokes kicked in and I put the full saying, but anyway back to my comment) I saw the picture and the name and I dismissed this game as been a vampire survivors clone, I mean look at that game art cover you can see why I thought that.

    I also like the idea that we’re playing the bad guy it’s a really underused idea and even when it is used they tone it down like in Cthulhu saves the world (granted that’s the joke in that game) I’m actually quite sold on this game now I just hope it’s as fun to play as the idea sounds (I’m not evil I swear)

  11. Really interesting observation that almost every game in this choice is a wannabe of another game.
    This month is a good one for me, as every game seems interesting enough to be playable, all redeemed!

    Also, contradictory reviews/opinions are the most interesting because it helps figuring out if you agree or not with them, knowing better if the game is for you. Don't ever stop!

  12. It really bothers me that they couldn't get the monsters to face each other in Monster Crown. Literally all it takes is multiplying the x scale by -1, but it looks like they were inconsistent with which direction their art faced and couldn't be bothered to take a second pass. It's just such a low effort blatant ripoff. I should not feel this offended by that one aspect of it.

    Thanks again for your take on the bundle. I need to turn on discord notifications so i stop missing the stream


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