Tales From tech Support – I'm the best!

***The boss [Clown] who seems to think he can do things no one else can do. In reality.. all he does is mess things up for everyone else!

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Tales From tech Support – I’m the best!

*** The Malicious Compliance video I spoke about https://youtu.be/8Bm0zVOMyaM

Today’s stories are from the subreddit r/talesfromtechsupport
#talesfromtechsuport #unclereddit #funnyredditstories

Tales From Tech Support Stories

Welcome to r slash tales from tech support! Where we get to have a little chuckle at the technically (technologically) disadvantaged! (like me!) Today, I went digging into some really good r/talesfromtechsupport stories. Enjoy!

We narrate Funny (or at least ironic) Reddit Stories about Tales From Tech Support as well as other funny Reddit topics! Be sure to scroll down to check out some of our other playlists!

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Uncle Reddit Playlists
r/IDontWorkHereLady – https://bit.ly/3c3Q7eS

r/maliciouscompliance- https://bit.ly/2SZOkA0

r/choosingbeggars- https://bit.ly/2Vs8V1r

r/entitledparents- https://bit.ly/2vldlMZ

r/talesfromtechsupport- https://bit.ly/3ccDH4D

r/prorevenge- https://bit.ly/2utOeam

r/entitledpeople – https://bit.ly/39a23de
Some of my favorite Reddit YouTubers!
*** rslash- https://bit.ly/32jQ0rf
***StoryTime- https://bit.ly/37YGJ9m
*** /start- https://bit.ly/3a25ov5
*** Dark Fluff- https://bit.ly/38SlZRD
*** Mr Reddit- https://bit.ly/2PyoWzt
These channels (and a few more) have been the inspiration to start my own channel! Love these guys!
I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’re an iPhone expert… https://bit.ly/3eCbTfO
That Teams Status won’t stop me! I can’t read! https://bit.ly/3T8AN5J
But I need more information… https://bit.ly/3CFTUNJ
Caller was extremely agitated https://bit.ly/3gdserI
Outlook on Mac https://bit.ly/3yLJpr0

Disclaimer: All media, including but not limited to images and video, of persons in this video are for dramatization and creative use only and are not representative of the individuals, events, and happenings that are told in the #stories.

These stories are transformative dramatized retellings based on original stories shared by anonymous individuals from various Reddit.com subreddits and the subreddit r/talesfromtechsupport (as well as some stories plucked from the web) and do not relate to any known individual by Uncle Reddit or any associate of Uncle Reddit.

Tales From tech Support – I’m the best!


46 thoughts on “Tales From tech Support – I'm the best!”

  1. First story – If the user can't access the internet, why is it necessary to reset the password? If tech support COULD wave a magic wand and reset the password… what would the user do with it??

  2. The UPS one had me thinking of all the times that we had calls about the Internet or Wi-Fi not working when the power was off. "But my phone still works… and the laptop is on…" Umm, yeah, but your modem, router and stuff isn't.

  3. Working in IT you understand that you are last at the funds table. You explain why you need this. They will not approve cause they do not understand why you need it. Unless you explain this is required or fines and jail time will follow they will approve it. Ie sometimes they still do not. Cause they are like no one will ever know.

  4. I feel very fortunate to have been working near Palo Alto when the two Steves started building computers. I have been using PCs since the choice was Apple or IBM clone. I may be old, but I love tech.

  5. Build tool …..
    Imagine a load of houses were being built to the same standard and the roofs were all built offsite. Someone says the roofs were all designed a foot too long so the blueprint gets changed but the houses are to the old dimension. Then the smaller roofs are delivered. Oops!

  6. I don't understand why reading is such a rare skill. I will email the use of the guide on how to set up their phone and they'll turn around and say I'm not technically savvy. I will have to spend 30 minutes reading the same guide and holding the hand. I've had a couple times where I wanted to tell the user to mail the computer back because they're so technology illiterate.

  7. That Excel simultaneous editing one… it's now integrated with 365 such that everyone that has access can simultaneously edit it online and you can see the changes as they happen. But for awhile before 365 there was a way you could share the file with people to simultaneously work in it. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not, but that was for when there was a definite need and not for general habit. They really needed someone to come up with a better process, demo it, and give the suits data on how much time/effort/whatever would be saved under the new method.

  8. Hey there hi there ho there uncle Reddit, been a while since YouTube recommended one of your videos to me, and I’m glad to see you’re still reading stories. Just had my first kid a couple weeks ago and things have been hectic. Any child advice?

  9. I knew a woman who was the mother of a friend of my daughter. I had been to their house a few times but I really didn't know her very well. They had a very elderly grandmother living with them. She was literally on her deathbed that they had set up in the living room. Someone sat there with her around the clock. One day I got a call out of the blue asking me if I could come sit with the grandmother while errands were run. Sure, no problem, I can sit there for an hour or 2 to help out. So I go and sit there (the grandmother is literally in a coma, doesn't move, barely breathing). The mom comes back, says I can go now (doesn't say thank you btw). About a week later, I hear that the grandmother has died. And THEN I get a call from the mother saying that I need to have a car wash or a bake sale or just provide money to pay for the funeral. I declined. Told her to have grandma cremated. She said that's not what the grandmother wanted. I said we'll then, grandma should have left money to pay for it. Then I asked why it was up to ME to provide money for their grandmother. And the answer was that it was because I had had the privilege of sitting with her.

  10. My mom (81) has a desktop at home, a notebook to use Internet with when travelling, an Ipad (I have no idea why) and an old flipphone. She doesn't want to learn anything more complicated than using a browser and email program because "I have you to fix things for me"…
    Well, to save myself most of the trouble I installed Linux Mint for her, much less problems there than with Windows.

  11. Alerted my nephew who is a programmer to the earlier story and when I called him up, he was just dumbfounded that Clown has that kind of access. He says in his shop Clown would have been pushed out a window. He's on the fiftieth floor or something. The other thing is that there was a Windows 10 update the other day and my mom, who is ninety-five, said why bother? I want a better computer for Christmas. That will be her twentieth computer. She also just got a new hormonally charged iPad Pro with the latest Apple chip in it. She needed it. She needed it to go fast because at her age, she is always in a hurry to finish things off!

  12. The user doesn't have time for this?
    I've found that the "I don't have time for this" people generally cause themselves around five times more delay than they would've had if they would've exercised enough patience to wait or take the extra 35 seconds to 5 minutes it would take to work through, or around the issue at hand.
    There was a white pickup that I used to see around a town in Southern Wisconsin that had put himself and others in danger because he didn't have the time to wait for traffic to do its thing. He cut me off five times (I usually weigh between 78,000 and 80,000 pounds), and almost every time I'd hear a truck horn, I'd look up and see that pickup driving off, and a heavy truck with smoking brakes.
    The last time he cut me off, I was starting a left turn, and he almost clobbered my fuel tank because he thought he could beat my left turn by going around my left. I wish I was a tenth of a second slower to stop so he could've gotten some badly deserved karma. But I heard that he got the front of his pickup ripped off by a city dump truck that he illegally tried getting around. In one sense, I hope it's true. But in another sense, I wouldn't want the city worker to loose out on any work because of the crash.

  13. At 6:19: Does "We leave stand up and sit down." mean "We stand up and leave?" Or could it mean "We leave stand up [comedian clown] and sit down [in our offices]. Or was this story written by AI? Sorry, English is my first language.

  14. E-Mail Error Message Story: Early in my Employment of a Company that has people like that (AKA they WILL NOT READ THEIR FUCKING E-MAILS!!!), I would make it EXCRUCIATINGLY Clear that IF I ever have to explain something DESPITE already having Explained it in E-Mail and/or Voice Mail/Fax etc., I will be MORE than happy to come to wherever the person needing the reminder currently is and Explain it to them yet again…

    And to make ABSOLUTELY AND BRUTALLY certain they now understand the Explanation, I will be using the Clue-Bat's bigger brother, the Clue-Maul (picture a steel sledgehammer with a striking face that's 10 inches by 10 inches with a handle 6 feet long) to hammer the information through your overly-thick skull by printing the message out in reverse and gluing the paper to the face of the Clue-Maul before taking my first swing…

    For some odd reason, I doubt that after the first time I have to re-explain something with the Clue-Maul, I'll NEVER again have to re-explain something…
    Now whether or not the lack of a second use of Clue-Maul is because nobody ever asks me to explain it to them again (because they don't want to see the Clue-Maul face to face) or because I stop working for the company because I employed the Clue-Maul is up for debate…as is my continued freedom…I suspect the Police and Courts would frown on my trying to literally bash information through the skulls of my coworkers…oh well…I doubt it will happen as I'm now Retired and never was all that interested in an Office Job anyway…but the fantasy was nice while it lasted…


  15. A few years ago my granddad got into computers. I don`t know anymore what started it, but we got the idea to give him our first PC ever (a 286). A while everything was quite good. But then he told us, the printer doesn`t print anything anymore.
    After a while of looking into it, we saw the "culprit".
    For this I have to say, that the monitor had a monochrome-graphics card. So there was yellow-brown writing on a black ground.
    My granddad had edited the writing-progromm, to use a white font in order to see it better. So, in the print he had white writing on a white ground.

  16. <rant>
    The excel!=DB storry reminds me of my current workplace
    Except we use a shared (5~15 people) free tier Evernote account set to using the version before the last version (so if current is version 5, we are using version 3)
    Complete with no darkmode
    oh and Evernote is online only so no message if someone is working in the same note instead, we have to manually copy paste the text into backups in the same system

  17. Man I know how much that is a pain in the ass used to rent a house at once in awhile the people above me would do flushable wipes but they never disintegrate it literally popped the cap on the service main in the basement and filled my entire basement up. That's when I started doing renter insurance I lost a lot that day.

  18. Clown Story – A.K.A. Change Management

    I took a change management course many years ago. The teacher had a story from when he was working at NASA, yah the one with rockets. They were doing a full dress rehearsal of a launch. 3 days of perfection, astronauts are in the rocket and they are 10 seconds from completion when the entire mission control system went down. Turned out someone had pushed a change into production without following procedure. The culprit was put in charge of the change management system. They figured that of all the people who worked for NASA this guy was the last one who was ever going to make that mistake again.


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