Take Heed That You Are Not Deceived | Derek Prince

This is a sermon by Derek Prince called ‘Take Heed That You Are Not Deceived,’ about the danger of deception in the Church.

0:00 How to test if a sermon is true?
9:16 A false Jesus is presented in the Church today
13:15 Deception in different Church groups
21:00 Error in speaking prophecy
34:40 You can have the Holy Spirit and a demon at the same time
45:38 Kinds of people that are candidates for deception
50:53 How to guard against deception
01:06:25 Importance of commitment to Jesus

#derekprince #derekprinceministries

4340, recorded in Westminster Chapel, London, September 29 1990


30 thoughts on “Take Heed That You Are Not Deceived | Derek Prince”

  1. Desire to get a word from a prophet is dangerous ground;
    Candidates for deception – relying on subjective impressions, looking only to human leaders, those who accept supernatural signs as a guarantee of truth, being susceptible to flattery because of personal ambition, those who are unable to face the possibility of persecution and suffering, those who are ignorant of scripture.

  2. Love not the truth that they might be saved. Go back several verses and understand that it states antichrist will come 1st. Knowing the imposter claiming to be Jesus is the antichrist is what prevents whoring after the beast and IS indicative of loving the Truth – instead of believing the false pre-trib, "rapture", LIE of the world. Ezekiel 13 talks about those prophets teaching people to fly to save their souls!

  3. Just had a call from a friend who struggles with alcohol. Talks much under the influence of alcohol.
    It is trying. He needs Jesus to be his Savior. To heal him of the tormenting spirit of alcohol. I pray he will ask Jesus will be his Savior and heal him completely.

  4. Dogs have replaced children & are beloved more than even God or other human relationships (deception), not continuing to sanctify ourselves by casting off more and more sins & spending more and more time with the Lord, thinking just being born again is good ‘enough’ (deception), the earth is as the Bible describes, geocentric and unmoving but nasa teaches the exact opposite so that deep space, aliens, evolution and other anti God theories could arise including faking landing on the moon which happens to coincide with the largest drop in Christianity in modern times (deception), the command by God to keep Sabbath rest was replaced by the Roman Catholic Church as Sunday instead of Saturday and Sunday was adopted by all Protestant churches as the day of rest (deception), pagan holidays are universally accepted by most Christians (deception), food is full of chemicals & Christians don’t listen to the Holy Spirit about eating whole natural foods, including meat which we’ve been made to believe is bad (deception), the tv or phone’s ‘entertainment’ is accepted as a normal thing to spend our time on (deception), pharmaceuticals as considered normal to take but the Bible calls them sorcery (deception), vaccines are considered normal to take but are pollution to the temple of God & extremely unhealthy, God didn’t design our bodies to need man made injections of aluminum, formaldehyde and other toxins (deception), sending away children to an ungodly school where they become indoctrinated, don’t learn about God & basic duties of the home such as canning to preserve healthy food without chemicals, or sewing, or financial management etc. leaving them unlearned & hating God (deception), eating pork as the number one breakfast meat in the USA while God says it’s unclean, though it may not be a sin, it still affects our temple (deception), wearing clothes made from plastics instead of natural non mixed fibers as God says is good for us (deception), sex outside marriage is mentally harmful but taught as normal (deception), rebellion against men as the leader of the home (deception), sending away parents to old folk homes is unhealthy for them (deception), kids are said to be a burden (deception), parasites are the main cause of many many illnesses but very little of that is taught in western medicine & families used to practice parasite cleanses with herbs but no longer do that & some doctors have said there are even parasites in the jab (deception), oh and the ‘Jews’ are not the real Hebrews people!!! (Deception) etc etc etc.
    Most of these won’t send a person to hell of course, but everything in God’s Word is there bc it’s good for us and the above items are things that are widely accepted as ‘NORMAL’ today while God’s Word actively teaches against them for those who have eyes to see. I’m not condemning anyone who does these things, I’ve done all of them. But I find it interesting as the more I walk with God the more He shows me that our world is backwards from what He teaches is good.
    Love you all brothers and sisters!! ❤ don’t be offended at my list, if you disagree please just pray about it, let’s not argue and be a bad example to non believers.

  5. Help pray then..(.i eondrd why my nephew r rerd to wear a ring from…..the person consultd by the husbnd of a relatv….the youngst evn was told to wear amulet..on waist?……..a coysin bfore had bn askd to bring somethng surprisingly she had regused to blv n the Lord..whn a little cousin ..had burnt that..she has agn attnded bibble studies..fo hlp as the youngst seems to b gond of curses..evn shoutng…..curse on mothers…ths aft going n a religios school??..do help..

  6. Prayers for the descent of the HOLY SPIRIT, and that we allow HIM access to our soul, our minds and the temple of our body. PRAISE BE THE NAME OF JESUS, WHO Is the Image of the FATHER, WHO HAS sent us HIS SPIRIT that all May believe🙏🩸🙏

  7. I often hear people say Adam committed the first sin but I've always believed it was Eve who was first deceived by the serpent and then she herself deceived Adam into sinning. I don't know if it's essential to know who sinned first but i just wanted to voice my opinion. Praise Jesus.


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