Tables Turned On Uneducated Tyrant..Owned (Galveston TX)

It’s weird to see that officers approach peoples windows every second of the hour all across the nation, asking endless questions and then the second a person trips up on a question they are suspicious. But for some reason when you do the same thing to an officer, it seems that they end up, tripping up and their words as well. is this because we are all human or is this because they are suspicious of some crime that is unknown? Is every person that’s tripped up with questions guilty of some crime or is it simply that maybe they just do not want to talk to you? This is a perfect example of an officer getting tripped up in his own tactics that are used against him. Let me know what you think about this video in the comment section and do not forget to get to the link below to see the entirety of this contact you do not want to miss it. let Harvey Freebird know that ninja sent you and thank you for the continuous love and support, I’ll see you on the next one, much love world.

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