Sverdlov Class: Comment Response

00:00 Sverdlov Class: Comment Response
12:00 Part 2
24:00 Part 3
36:00 Part 4
48:00 Part 5
01:00:00 Part 6
01:12:00 End

Tribals, Battles & Darings; The Genesis of the Modern Destroyer

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18 thoughts on “Sverdlov Class: Comment Response”

  1. The russian navy , always had one problem the soft meaty squasy things that are suposed to build the ships and the ones operating them .
    The Nato vs Warshau pact wars they did a lot of studdy on logistics on a full scale war , they estimated it would take 2 to 4 days to deplete 40 to 60% of aircraft , munitions and pilots . A full scale ground offensive would only last 14 to 25 days , when all armaments fuel munitions designated for a full scale assault would be depleted and only defensive munition and arms suplies would be available .
    A lot of defensive measurs did include nuclear bombs , lined across the eastern front to be blown eliminating sovjet suply lines and turn it in to a nuclear barrier .

    If a a squadron of Nato and sovjet ships would encounter eachother survival chance for 1 ship 5 minutes in a squadron 15 minutes. that is the amount of time that one anti-ship missle travels from one ship to the target , anti air misles would be fired in bulk not just one .

    You can be asured when you joined the navy you where told alright 5 minutes survival rate , torpedo hit your gone damage controll nice if you are hit by gun fire or deck . your out of the war and will be targeted when the smoke clears.

    The same for armour , survival rate in open combat 3 to 8 minutes .

    There is an entire Nato war book that described the cold war estimates if it became a hot war. .
    As we have seen with the current ukrain war russian logistics and material ran low realy fast even with thousends of tanks weapons in storage.

  2. Damn it, just finished watching the first Sverdlov video just has you posted the comments response video to it! 😄 I've got a lot of catching up to do, several hours of cruisers… then there is Bilgepumps… and Drach's videos… you all produce far more content then I can watch 😭

  3. Wild Bill on nuclear weapons and the "nuclear option".

    A personal view:

    The Nuclear Option in time of war is a chimera. On one hand-the strategic planning hand- it looks like a perfect monster, sovereign against all boogiemen, monsters under the bed and those in the closet* . . . . until you start to figure out how it came about in the first place and what the heck you're going to do with it now you're stuck with it. That's the poopy hand.

    Imagine species wide existential crises being solved by the attitude that "that's just the way we do things around here." Obvious that our evolutionary wave has crested.

    No one ever ended piracy, banditry, revolution, terrorism, local wars over national boundaries, or intentional destabilization of rule, by means of The Nuclear Option. Can't win the war on drugs OR the war on poverty with a nuke. Can't stop foreign money from flowing in to fund extremist groups** with a nuke, either.

    "War is simply a junk taxon for any economic struggle in which ethics and morals are thrown out the window". -WBC

    *All in the heads of policy makers, not in reality.

    ** Our political extremism (on both sides, my brothers and sisters) is in part funded by Russian, Chinese, and North Korean money. Just like their political extremism is, in part, funded by western money.

  4. Heliophobe . . . "Afraid of the Sun".
    As a retired entertainer I know how that feels.
    "Watching the sunset, watching the dawn,
    And the dew on the flowers, dancing on the lawn,
    Painting a picture of a sky you will never see," -WBC "Little Black Dress".

  5. Australasia (NZ and Australia) is considered an anachronistic term in NZ particularly by the left, as the NZ Governments considered Canberra was far more alligned with the USA and Washington. But nevertheless my paternal and maternal families moved to Otago and Southland from the UK/ Australia in the late 19C and early 1900s as Union Steam ship executives at Port Chalmers and the manager Bank of Australasia in Invercargill, far the closest part of NZ to Australia indeed Bluff ( Invercargill port) would be a days less steaming for a steamship to Hobart or Melbourne than Lyttelton, Wellington and Auckland. Indeed in the supplementary treaty to Anzus, Radford Collins which covers the protection of shipping lanes, airlanes and phone internet cables from Australia, NZ to the US, & Canada ( succeeded by Anzus Marsar in 1978 – Maritime Surveillance and Reconnaissance and doctrine for secure communications in wartime ) initial maps relating to Radford Collins in the 1950s suggest parts of NZ closest to Australia, ie Southland, Invercargill and Fiordland and Queenstown are in the Australian area of responsibility due to latitude, and the fact shipping transiting from the Indian Ocean, Perth, Adelaide, etc to the US, Magellan Straights ( forced South by say Soviet or Chinese airbases in Can Ran Bay and the Solomon's) is going south of Hobart and Stewart Island or more likely thru the Bass and Foveaux Straights .
    However serious defence was often not a interest for post war Australian government who. like Wellington were often very lax on Defence and Intelligence security. Whitlam and Kirk were considered to have left an open door in Canberra for GRU and KGB recruiters and indeed the Anzac frigates were largely a lightly armed shipbuilding project without global southern water or any serious silencing or a/s capability as it was and is still argued by ANU defence advisors Dibb, White and Ball to the ADF and Hawke, Beazley, Fraser and Howard that the USSR, China and Russia had neither the capability or intent to threaten or Invade Australia and after all they argued unlike Hitler's Germany, the USSR really thought like us ( really) actually existing communism ???? So they said
    While the Royal Navy certainly saw the cruisers as a threat. In 1957 First Lord Mountbatten visited the cruiser department and said , 'I think cruisers are useless, no more will be planned or built and tomorrow this section will not design cruisers, it will become the nuclear submarine design team for the RN. My understanding is Alex Clark is given the poor wartime performance of the Soviet Surface Fleet that the frequently said RN view was that a pair of Daring Destroyers or Type 41, small cats would be adequate to overwhelm one Sverdlov with rapid fire but if the RN destroyers faced two Sverdlovs it would be tricky. It is of course very difficult to see a situation where a Soviet Sverdlov would ever have engaged s RN surface warship with gunfire after 1957 unless the RN vessel was near Soviet waters. The RN officer class were inclined to private contempt and belittling of Soviet and Argentine naval opponents without traditions of sea fighting. Of course both the RN and Soviet Navies were awesome if the problem + Solution got them 2 more frigates. I mean what naval battles had Argentina fought before 1982 .I never doubted the Argentine Airforce or Naval air arm would fight, but the claim by the Belgarno's captain he was manoeuvring to attack the RN in a 43 year old cruiser really capable of about 18 knots in 1982 was just pride. The Two Exocet armed Fram II Summers and the De Mayo were the targets for the RN to really start the war. The near miss by the Argie Mirage 3 which straddled HMS Glamorgan lifting it 17 feet out of the water, suggested rather too much effective Argentine capability to be a suitable Casus Belli to present to tthe PM.. The 1951 Korean War Emergency Dido Mk 3 with four twin Mk 6, 4.5s was probably intended to replace the Dido cruisers, Euralyus and Cleopatra on the South American station and the 4 Type 41 small cats with two Mk6 4.5 essentially light destroyers, sloops or the final RN 3rd class cruiser spent most of their career in the South Atlantic as lightweight counters to the Argentine and Russian cruiser fleet. Quite a lot of post cold war analysis by the Russian Navy, Strategic Aviation and Scientists was published in the USSR at the end of last century and redacted within a couple of years Putin reaching the premiership. A lot of that material on the long range bombers and SSN progressive silencing was reprinted in English in the US as was the Soviet Russian analysis of their Generals, Marshalls and the plans of say the Battle of Moscow. From that material and vast other reading I conclude that seeing the Instar Reservoir intact, Guderain was somewhat misled into taking the main body of the German Army and SS to destruction on the South Road to Moscow running straight into Soviet Forces Under Rossokovsky and the NKorean Army. Whether Guderain would have failed better on the centre road colliding with Zurkov or the North Road running into Timoshenko is debated. The point is Hitler and his SS and German Army had already lost by mid Dec 1941 and the defeat of Germany was delayed by Stalin's inference with his generals in 1942. Churchills view of the superiority of the Russian army in the 1940s and the high rating of the Soviet Navy submarine arm by the US Admirals post 1970 was accurate Contrary current British intelligence and historical views rank with the quality of Harold MacMillan view that Britain could play the role of the Greeks guiding the Romans. Comic book History by Ellwood .
    My analysis of Cold War frigate, destroyer, cruiser gun , missile and anti submarine and torpedo systems is based on the basic mathematics of the weapons and likely targets, capabilities. My background media interviews with RNZN captains and planning officers and RAN officers. Many ship visits in the 1970-2000 period and various defence and foreign affairs conferences. I wrote editorials, academic papers and commentary for business papers. The USSR regarded the Backfire and Blackjacks as naval raiders of western commerce and warships rather than strategic city and base targets. Their range with 22,000lb bomb load and 10,000 miles airborne with only one air tanker refuel in the round about route of the strikes on Syria flown from Kola airbases , via Gibraltar centerlining the Med and back to Engels airbase Moscow The attack paths for the Blackjack in the Soviet 1991 brochure included the strike destination of the Tasman Ocean. During the period of the 1939-41 Soviet – Nazi pact one German raider was given a Soviet icebreaker escort north of Russia to breakout into the Pacific well North of Vlad here the Soviet Blackjacks were intended to launch South

  6. Dr Alex, would you please stop using the phrases "short-sighted" and "myopic" to describe people that don't think things through. By doing so, you imply that all people with myopia, such as myself, are incapable of thinking things through

  7. Alex the Belfast decommissioned in 1963 after 24 years service. All the other Towns served no more than 22 years before decommissioning, the last of the original Towns, Birmingham and Sheffield in 1959 so we're not really available in 1960 when Vanguard retired as NATO flagship. Theoretically it might have been possible to reactivate Sheffield for a few years, but no way did any Town cruiser remotely serve 3O years. Postwar the immediate 1945-6 fitting of 274 lock and follow surface control, AIO and RP50 to the Mk19 twin 4 inch DP followed by more substantial ten year renewal of Keyna, Newfoundland, Birmingham,Newcastle and Sheffield in 1949-51 was the real RN cruiser response to the Sverdlovs and was as far as it went as the remaining life and cramped space in all the legacy cruisers was too limited to justify real improvement except on Belfast Superb and Ceylon
    My analysis of cruiser and submarine capability is based on a lifetimes experience, not just studying texts and naval publications. I visited warships, submarines and talked to RNZN, RAN officers and Naval Planning officers re NZ Leander's, Rivers and Anzacs, looked at the logs of RNZN cold war cruisers and frigates ( a useful reference base comparing say Royalist run thru Lombok straight in 1964 on route Singapore to Cairns with a retired USN officer I was listening to today on theUSNI channel saying the USN needs to start putting CVN task groups thru the Taiwan Straights for the first time since 2007. During the Falklands war and late cold war my main analysis tool was considering the basic mathematics of the weapon, gun, missile or torpedo and target which was enough to dismiss Seacat, Seaslug as having zero capability in 1982 although in some articles for commercial and political reality given the RN claims that Seacat shot down 10 aircraft in the Falklands and the RNZN decision to buy Dido and Bachantee was irreversible, I said otherwise in print in articles and editorials I was paid to write because as a reasonably serious defence commentator I wanted to continue my career.

  8. yeah think the RN submarines in WW2 would have adopted the teardrop hull had they been to develop it? And how does that affect submarine development if the British adopt the tear drop hull design decades early?

  9. If there had been a need to build more heavy gun cruisers to match the Sverdlovs, the RN could have worked with the USN to build more of the Des Moines-class CAs (with relevant electronics upgrades as the 50s went on) on both sides of the Atlantic. They had both the speed and firepower to do the job.

  10. Would the RN have gone for a "super Vanguard", simply add boiler spaces to get the ship up to Iowa speed and assume 8 15" guns would deal with a Stalingrad?
    Then they can standardise on 1 gun calibre, 1 shell & charge, and potentially also standardise machinery across the battle line

  11. Should come as no surprise what so ever that I have a bit of a soft spot for Red Storm Rising, given that a large part of it is set here in Iceland.

    For the date it is written it's accurate enough, even if the "standard Icelandic farmhouse" described in it really isn't.


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