Surviving Against All Odds in the Philippines – An Unfiltered Documentary

Dive into the lesser-seen corners of the Philippines in this documentary that showcases how people adapt and thrive in extreme conditions. Here’s what to expect:

04:46 – Pagpag
15:48 – Farming Black Soldier Fly Larvae
26:03 – Pisukan Naturally Intoxicating Honey
41:51 – Illegal Gold Mining

Pagpag: A raw glimpse into the practice of recycling discarded food in Manila’s slums.
Black Soldier Fly Larvae: An insight into the use of these larvae as a sustainable food source.
Mad Honey: A look at the risky harvest of this rare honey, known for its unique properties.
Compressor Gold Mining: A peek into the perilous yet profitable world of underground gold mining.
Join us as we uncover the stark realities and ingenuity found in the Philippines’ most extreme lifestyles.


17 thoughts on “Surviving Against All Odds in the Philippines – An Unfiltered Documentary”

  1. Great video. I work with 3/4 guys who live in the Philippines. They are very affluent as they are web developers. However, I can’t wait to chat with them next week after watching this video and learning more about the lives of people from the country.

    Great job! I have been enjoying your channel since watching you on Sonny’s channel ❤

  2. Top notch content. Also excellent production. I like how vibrant and crisp your videos are. I'll be keenly watching your content and looking forward to wherever you take your channel.

  3. This stuff is beyond YouTube. It's good tv! This is only the second vid I watched of yours and already I'm a huge fan. You're a visionary sir second to an affective journalist and maybe an entertaining youtuber third. Whatever the case you deserve a Casey neistat following. Did you ever work at natgeo? Cause I'd watch you if you did 🙂


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