Survive ALONE on a Deserted Island and Sail the Open Seas | Project Castaway (Closed Beta)

Project Castaway is a survival crafting title set in the Pacific Ocean. Live the life of a stranded castaway, with only yourself โ€“ and the islandโ€™s inhabitants โ€“ for company! Sail the ocean, hunt, explore unique islands and gather resources as you fight for survival.

*Please Note this game is still in closed beta. *

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14 thoughts on “Survive ALONE on a Deserted Island and Sail the Open Seas | Project Castaway (Closed Beta)”

  1. The first 4 minutes in and this game looks amazing! Will come back after I watched the whole video. OK, "Edited" after watching the whole video. The game has more of an "Escape the Pacific" vibe than a Stranded Deep vibe. Too bad, because Stranded deep is way better. I know it's a closed beta, but this game needs a lot of work! The backpack inventory GUI is just bad and needs a complete overhaul. The life gauges are too small and obscure. They need to be more defined, for sure. The half sunken ship needs to be able to actually stand on it if there are objects above the water that require scavenging. There doesn't seem to be any progression, like the ability to upgrade your tools, backpack, etc. And then there is the plot of the game….. What is it? To just survive? I don't see any other islands off in the distance. There certainly weren't any in the direction you accidentally sailed off to. There should be closer islands that have different items, giving you incentive to wonder off your starter island. The crafting book is actually nice, and the graphics are really good, except for the wildlife. They need an overhaul as well. Overall, I'd say this game has some promise, if the devs put some thought, time, and effort into it. The whole island survival has been done so many times and only a few of them were good. But it is one of my favorite genres, so I hope they do it right!!! I'll be keeping my eye on this one, thanks for the upload.

  2. Dude eat something, you have a backpack full of food, and say i have trouble surviving. Of course you do, it takes 10 minutes to place a shelter, and you dont eat or drink anything. Eat the meat. Coconut probably has water in it.

  3. I love castaway games and while this looks to have some potential, it definitely needs a ton of work.
    To me it looks a bit like Stranded Deep mixed up with mechanics from Escape the Pacific, the physics feels a bit stiff, swimming looks a bit weird since you are more under water than at the surface.
    Graphics looks good, but lighting not so great, the weird colors and blur around the border of the screen has to go, it does not add anything to this game other than vomit inducing and annoyance.
    Stranded Deep set the bar pretty high for visuals especially lighting, physics, sounds and immersion, out of all the castaway games I have seen, none of them ever got close to Stranded Deep, not even new ones with modern game engines and good looking assets, the feel and immersion is simply not even close to what Stranded Deep provided, it wasn't perfect, the last many years was spent on a ton of QoL additions like supporting pretty much any platform you could think of, loads of languages, an endgame story, coop, making everything easier and more handheld + lots more during their many years of early access instead of fleshing out mechanics and adding actual game content, still it is in my opinion by far the best castaway game out there, the little things there is just works so much better than in any other castaway game + best of all it has an editor where you can create your own islands or download some created by other players in steam workshop.

    Anyway Project Castaway does look promising compared to the many failed attempts I have seen through the years, but they definitely have a lot of work ahead, especially the blur around edges and weird color effects, they add nothing but annoyance, it was a bit of a long video with not much going on, but then again going into a game without knowing anything about it can be a bit confusing, especially if you always look on the ground for stuff(coconuts usually grow on palm trees) XD


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