Support for Ukraine is shifting among Republicans

CNN’s Michael Smerconish discusses the shifting attitudes among the American people about the financial support the US is providing Ukraine. #CNN #News


37 thoughts on “Support for Ukraine is shifting among Republicans”

  1. its not our support for ukraine fading, its our anger towards sending hundreds and hundreds of billings of our dollars. especially when we know a good chunk of that money is going right back to biden's family. put that money into our economy, fix our problems. america first

  2. You readers need to cut through the bullshit. The United States put Ukraines president into office. Ukraine is not part of the UN but we are sending troops and superimposing our country into this war.
    Spite the president stating we would not be involved. He lied and he did not ask the people. We are once again in a war, and a war we should not be in.
    We are at war, right now. Let this sink in.

  3. Maybe we (Congress) shouldn't provide any aide to Ukraine. The people are tired of this massive money-laundering scheme Take you ties and shove them. How do we know this research/poll is real? This is far too scripted. We do not want to stand behind a protracted war where Americans have to vastly pay for everything while we suffer and our children suffer. We don't trust your narrative, nor your polls and phone polls. Enough is enough.

  4. Every penny collected from the American taxpayer should be spent on the American taxpayer. No AID should be given to any other country period. Would you take out a loan to give to charity? Of course not. And neither should the government. When our deficit is zero then we can think about it. Right now AID is a resounding no!

  5. Not long ago, amongst True Republicans, the support and resistance against Communist Russia, would be unshakeable… That's why I am 100% convinced, this New Republican Party, is not founded in the Principle and Charter of the Reagan Republican, but now is steeped in Supremacists Ideology camouflaged under the Republican Banner…

  6. I consider myself right of center and typically vote Republican. I voted for Trump 3 times (in swing state of FL) and I intend to vote for him or DeSantis in 2024.

    That being said …. I'm not voting for anyone that supports Russia in this war. If you vote against Ukraine then you vote for Russia. Russia bombs children's hospitals…. Russia rapes women…. Russia targets civilians. I'm voting with my conscience…. and I can't vote for you if you support that sht.

    "Mr. Gorbachev, TEAR DOWN THIS WALL"

  7. When corrupt Ukranian officials are openly threatening anyone who mentions "peace talks", with mass inflation and nuclear war at stake. It tends to come off the wrong way. Except to certain psychos.

  8. We can’t continue to fund and support the Ukraine forever. Also Biden looks like he could drag us into WW3, which would be a disaster. Then China, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, North Korea, possibly Saudi Arabia and others will join Russia against the USA. Biden has started fights with all those Countries.

  9. Because we have such a weak corrupt traitor president is why Putin invasion of Ukraine never would have happened under president Trump biden is disgusting weak and the entire world knows it

  10. I am a lifelong conservative but I wouldn't stop support for Ukraine. Conservative or liberal it doesn't matter we should not stop supporting Ukraine it just sends a bad message to my child as well as the world.

  11. Why is CNN even on the computer. They cannot be trusted. They are the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. They lie as much as the democrats do that is because they are all democrats. CNN lied about Trump colluding with the Russians. They lie every time they say all white people are racists. They lied when they said that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian disinfo. They are party hacks.

  12. When you hear this crap about money from Republicans, I often wonder how they would feel if allies around the world said it was a shame about the latest war the US has got itself into, but us allies can't go and fight with you because you know, its expensive. I'm sure those allies would be met with waves of empathy and understanding from Republicans, who completely understood their position and supported it. If the thinking is that the US goes back to isolationism and the war in Ukraine spills over into WWIII, the Republicans might like to see how nuclear fallout blown over from Europe will affect US agriculture for a start and that will be the first of many problems. Military technology has got to a point, that choosing not to participate in world affairs is not a realistic option. Heck it wasn't in WWII either as the Japanese showed. Spending money in Ukraine is a cheaper and safer option than letting this war spill over into NATO countries. That is just the facts.


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