Colonizing The RED Planet: Social Dynamics in Elon Musk's MARS Colony

Colonizing The RED Planet: Social Dynamics in Elon Musk’s MARS Colony
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Elon Musk’s concept for life on Mars is without a doubt the most audacious proposal devised by a modern leader. Within the next 50 years, one million individuals will be living and working peacefully on another planet. A second home for humanity. It’s a wild idea to consider, and obviously, Elon Musk isn’t the first person to think of it, but he is the only one so far with the money, resources, and will to see it through. We are still in the early stages, yet the seeds of life on Mars have already been planted. But what will we do when we arrive on Mars, and what will live there?

#elonmusknews #marscolony #marscolonization


5 thoughts on “Colonizing The RED Planet: Social Dynamics in Elon Musk's MARS Colony”

  1. Nobody who is not utterly crazy does not want to live on Mars. It is living next to Chernobyl with Antarctica temperatures and as dry as the Sahara…. Like 3 places nobody wants to live now… and then combined! And the internet sucks so no influencers either.. hmmmm that could be nice…


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