Super Humanity | Breakthroughs in Neuroscience

Super Humanity – This documentary examines breakthroughs in neuroscience and technology. Imagine a future where the human brain and artificial intelligence connect.

Super Humanity (2019)
Director: Ruth Chao
Writers: Ruth Chao, Paula Cons, Alphonse de la Puente
Genre: Documentary, Sci-Fi
Country: Portugal, Spain
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2019 (Spain)

Also Known As (AKA):
(original title) O Futuro da Mente
El futuro de la mente
Netherlands O Futuro da Mente
Poland O Futuro da Mente
Portugal O Futuro da Mente
South Korea O Futuro da Mente
Spain El futuro de la mente
United States Mind Forward

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45 thoughts on “Super Humanity | Breakthroughs in Neuroscience”

  1. You with AI technology destroying humanity and creating spiritless robotic slavery and terrible world were no family,no traditions,no friendships and no trust.
    You making everting artificial and useless for spiritual peoples.
    You building total control on humanity,new type of slavery under control of AI technology with connection of few spirit les peoples really reach globalists,which ones gol with AI controlling world making everyone out of there’s circle slaves.
    This is new ripe of technological fascism .

  2. People’s in AI technology science you don’t understand with your AI technology you giving power to evil peoples and tap making more control on peoples.We regular peoples don’t want loose completely our privacy and freedom.Way you helping peoples on top having more control on us and making us slaves and hopeless?

  3. This is robbing from a more a natural way to being human! I seen it with my own two eyes of a treatment that uses fungi strain to regrow limps, fingers, whole sections of a body when it was severely cut off during an injury or explosion! This treatment was touted as a miracle, but the video I seen I can’t find it. They must of suppressed the real natural technology from the pressure of the prosthetic industry

  4. I love futuristic world and technologies.

    I also love psychology.

    Before to take the next step we have to be in control in the previous one and we really are not in control.

    Unless we seek help by ourselves, psychology is a hobby for most people that they don’t take it seriously.

    We have to master us before anything else.

  5. This brain project will certainly change the way people learn. It may even open up the part of the brain that is not used.

    Hope for patients with seizure and epilepsy, strokes, mental health, depression, addictions, etc. Hope over stimulation of this ai brain project does not cause abuse and serious injuries to some humans.

    For now the device we are addicted to – is already assisting us technologically.
    The same device may and will improve how easily we connect or communicate.

    This technology will keep the person alive for a long time even after they have passed away. Download and keep that person’s memories/voice in the clouds access it to relieve grievous moment.

  6. The modern ideals for cybernetics emerged at a time when intelligence agencies on a global scale were carrying out operations such as MK-Ultra and Midnight Climax. The desire to exploit the paraphysiological and parapsychological disorders of mankind for the purpose of financial gain has played out with the rise of transgenderism. Likewise, a more hackable or broken a human is the more controllability is offered to non-human entities; whereas, some may seem to believe
    in nothingness whilst our time has taken man to other lunatic heights.

  7. That's great, except in reality, it is clear humans are moving BACKWARDS. Everyone can see it. We all experience it out in the world. The culture is getting worse, not better. Perhaps it is time to say "NO" to this so-called progress. The more we rely on technology, the less impressive we become and it's not even close.

  8. protect thoughts, conscience and subconscience?? Really with dictators rising everywhere in the world today? Yeah, let´s believe in The GodMother fairy of liberty and freedom, right Santa?

  9. If I were to try and imagine how I would merge man and machine I would think to first build the machines with more computing power than the humans I was trying to alter. Say I wanted to change the human race into a nephilim type or non human physical entity. I would start By changing their DNA through the food and water supply then injections at specific intervals to create the biological hard drive but not allowing them to know what I was doing.! Deception would be key in the beginning. I would spray smart dust over the planet allowing A.I. to track and number everything including the humans. I would strategically place 5G Towers everywhere giving me access and control of all the humans. A reliable control system to control the humans would be crucial creating the desire for humans to want more and more knowledge would be a plus. Reliable Control systems would be mandatory for the strict and necessary control of the people At this stage. Digital currency would be created for those means. Restricted communication removing social media disarming the people destroying their ability to self govern. That would be the initial beginnings. Phase 2 would be the merger.

  10. Unless i was chipped without my knowledge, this is occurring organically through the already present waves of technologies that have been developed. Implanting vs actually using the mind as a muscle in addition to being vulnerable to greedy corporations and hidden agendas, will have consequences.

  11. Its a terrible idea to merge humanity with machine !!!
    Especially when we all know the powers that shouldn't be will have this technology in their hands & control !!!
    Dooming humanity all together 💯

  12. 666 is closer now. No one will understand how we think, not even the devil himself. Mind control will be the next move by all government in the new world order. This is evil, for it will try to control all humans. When this is done, Christ returns to destroy it.

  13. 1:10: 🧠 The video discusses the potential of achieving humanistic intelligence and the integration of artificial intelligence with the human brain.
    7:06: 🧠 The complexity of the human brain and the need to understand its function.
    12:57: 🧠 Neuroimaging techniques revolutionized our understanding of the brain's inner workings and interactions.
    18:59: 🧠 The video discusses the development and applications of brain-computer interfaces.
    24:30: 🧠 Mind-controlled video games using brainwave measurement to regulate brain activity.
    30:02: 🧠 The video discusses the use of neurotechnology to map brain activity and improve quality of life after neurological injury.
    35:03: 🧠 Exciting global initiatives in neuroscience research, such as the BRAIN Initiative and the Human Brain Project, are revolutionizing our understanding of the brain and its potential impact on humanity.
    41:34: 🧠 The video discusses the potential of connecting brains for communication and sharing of thoughts, feelings, and senses.
    46:46: 🧠 The video discusses the concept of neurorights and the ethical considerations surrounding the development of neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence.
    Recapped using Tammy AI

  14. They are using the BCI and variations of DMT and shrooms to expand the consciousness and “turn on” the dormant DNA. Look at the DNA of known psychics, look at the brain scans, use a crisper to find and activate the DNA in those that poses it.
    Now, look at anyone that has a “superhuman” ability, and turn it on. Use the BCI to turn it on and off, (Solomons ring) to maintain control over the individual they do it to. Some, completely unexpected or even known it is done to them.

  15. Just another overstated hyperbolic clickbait title to get you to listen so these people can take your money because this disjointed dialogue offers very little integration of new ideas on a practical basis😢😢😢😢😢

  16. 🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

    00:28 🧠 The future holds possibilities for controlling what the brain perceives and remembers, leading to humanistic intelligence.
    02:06 🤔 As our brains become more connected to the computer cloud, questions arise about who is making decisions.
    03:32 🧪 The complexity of the brain, with its billions of neurons and trillions of connections, presents a significant challenge for scientific study.
    05:17 🌍 The idea that our minds create the world we perceive, rather than reflecting an external reality, is discussed.
    09:23 💊 Understanding the brain is critical for addressing mental and neurological disorders affecting a significant portion of the population.
    10:32 💡 Understanding how the brain computes could revolutionize computer science and the economy, leading to more symbiotic relationships with AI.
    11:26 🤯 Deep understanding of the brain's functioning could provide answers to philosophical questions about consciousness, free will, and reality.
    13:10 🔍 Neuroimaging techniques, like magnetic resonance imaging, have helped us explore brain functions in unprecedented ways.
    15:56 🧠 Advancements in optical methods, like calcium imaging, allow researchers to monitor the activity of entire neural circuits.
    16:54 🧠 Recent years have seen significant progress in understanding the brain, offering hope for neurological disorder treatments.
    19:26 🧠 Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) are emerging technologies that connect the brain to external devices, with therapeutic applications.
    23:03 🏎️ BCIs have allowed paralyzed individuals to control machines, even race a Formula 1 car using their thoughts.
    26:24 🕹️ Mind-controlled video games are showing promise as treatments for conditions like ADHD and depression.
    28:56 💼 Neurotech startups are poised to revolutionize various industries, with potential economic implications.
    32:45 🚀 Neurotechnology, including merging AI with neurotech, is considered the next frontier with potential for enhancing human intelligence.
    33:20 🌕 The arrival of man on the moon during the Kennedy era spurred unprecedented technological development and an economy centered around it.
    34:19 🧠 The Brain Initiative, announced by Obama in 2013, aims to unveil the mysteries of the brain and revolutionize neuroscience.
    37:28 🤖 Brain-machine communication and integration with AI could lead to "humanistic intelligence," where humans and technology symbiotically interact.
    39:11 🧠 Enhancement of human cognitive abilities through implants and technology is on the horizon.
    41:49 🧠 Brain-computer brain interfaces could enable communication through thoughts, feelings, and even knowledge.
    45:08 🌐 The potential for coevolution with artificial intelligence, mind uploading, and ethical considerations for neurotechnologies.
    47:28 🧠 The importance of "neurorights" to protect mental privacy, sense of identity, and agency in the era of brain-computer interfaces.
    50:03 🌍 The hope that a deep understanding of the brain and its technologies will lead to a versatile and adaptable future for humanity.

    Made with HARPA AI


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