Sukuna’s 11th Shikigami! Secrets of the 10 Shadows REVEALED! | Jujutsu Kaisen

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32 thoughts on “Sukuna’s 11th Shikigami! Secrets of the 10 Shadows REVEALED! | Jujutsu Kaisen”

  1. Honestly I have always thought about this and I believe it will happen but it will not be sukuna that merges all shikigami together instead this feat should be given to megumi simply because sukuna has shown more dominant feats with his usage of 10 shadows and it would be an absolute disrespect tho megumi’s character if sukuna were to get this final feat.
    I believe that sukuna can use domain expansion chimera shadow garden in its complete form but again this merged shikigami is likely the last and best feat megumi will ever get.

  2. hear me out, maharaga totality cloned inside chimera shadow garden..

    edit: totality is what happens when a shikigami inherates power from a destroyed shikigami.
    fusion is different still. the only way you'd get a maharaga totality is if all of the others were destroyed. he can only fuse the ones he still has (donno why the snake was included in agito.. maybe gege forgot or he just wanted it to a have a snake tail.. who knows).

  3. I don't know all the rules for Ten Shadows. Tou only have 10 so if a shikigami is killed does that free up space? Meaning you could constantly be creating new Totalitys? If not I see Ten Shadows as a really shitty technique by itself tbh. Your basically fucked if your shikigamis die as you cannot gain new ones if one dying doesnt free up one of the 10 slots

  4. It probably will happen but as was stated in last chapter sakuna has to win and immediately fight 4 special grades so he’ll need to hold back a bit for them I can see it happening just not this fight

  5. You don't need the shikigami to be dead to fuse them. What Gege was talking about (well's unkown abyss) are the winged toads. Those are shikigami made by Nue and Toad. They can be destroyed without consquence but if either Nue or Toad is dead then they cannot be summoned anymore.


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