Suicide: Why It's the White Man's Problem…

The crisis no one is talking about… Taken from the full episode:

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47 thoughts on “Suicide: Why It's the White Man's Problem…”

  1. Yea my white privilege is so great that I'm at work right now with broken ribs fjb cause can't afford to take off to heal right cause him and yes it's a pride thing to never go backwards for my family

  2. There brining over tens of millions of illegals for a reason cause once they rub us out there will be Noone to fight for freedom and the constitution very sad America turned into this.

  3. Saying white men didn't have it hard then explain to me who fought for and created the freedom in the United States of America? Who advocated and fought for the rights of black people? I'm not sure if history is giving credit where credit is due

  4. Thank you for covering this right now. When I say something about how I'm treated, they treat me worse. If I don't say anything, then I just suffered in silence. I have no idea how to change society, but at least this show has some great research behind it.

  5. The loss of my family and career through the corrupt divorce and family court system, it ruined me and I have still not recovered. Suicide would be a selfish act as it would damage my children's for life. But I understand everything that was just said and it truly sucks. As much as I tried, I can never forgive my ex or anyone involved in the destruction of my family. I am bitter angry and defeated, so I isolate myself on purpose. I am embarrassed of what I have become, The worse version of myself.

  6. Blasphemy, a female fight club. It better still be no shirts, no shoes or that aint getting any ticket sales at all. Id pay them not to make that. …then again seeing those 2 get pummeled is almost worth all the whining.

  7. If you are a veteran don't even bother going to the VA for help. When you go in, you are normally serviced by either a young white woman or an old white woman, after waiting months to be seen in the first place. Then they try to pawn us off on a vet run support group or dose us up with what ever anti-depressant the admins at VA headquarters are getting paid to push. No individual sessions, no discussions. The mental health providers seem to be there to keep us quite until will off ourselves and then the swamp creatures will have a little more money for their stock trades, vanity projects and the wars that they love that fucked us up in the first place. Thank you Crowder and homies, having support is a big deal, if it weren't for my wonderful sisters I'd have checked out years ago.

  8. It's because white men carry the burden of this nation. Everything that's happening right now is at the white man's expense. Instead of fighting back because they are good people they off themselves

  9. I work as a social worker and am a white male. Both of my parents committed suicide and i have been pushing for suicide awareness for men for a long time. My state is in the process of expanding medicaid and guess who isnt a targeted population. In fact i had to double check the stat about number of white men suicide because i have never heard that stat before. Working in state govt we are given stats all the time but this is never mentioned. In the mental health world there are programs for so many different populations, yet they refuse to address the populations with preventative measure. They address the problem when its overwhelming and the solution only vaguely addresses the problem. There is no program that is designed to actuall assist and help the long term aspects of a successful community. I wont even begin to talk about the attitudes of some mental health workers. This is a huge issue and one that i dont see slowing down without some sort of action.

  10. Well, when you're the demo that the culture is allowed to hate openly, there's going to be effects. I've been canceled multiple times just for being what I am- disabled straight male veteran. Nothing will change b/c no one will ever actually care. So there's little hope, and all you can do is get as far from people as you can.

  11. I've lost 28 brothers to suicide- all combat veterans. When i tell there is NOTHING, believe there's NOTHING to help you. You call the Veteran’s Crisis line just to "talk" they send out Police and take your freedom by forcing you in a psych ward. So veterans dont trust it. I am a combat veteran and worked with over 25,000 vets the few years I was allowed to work at the VA before being canceled for standing up to corruption (have receipts).

  12. So while we kill ourselves the rest of the world can ttake our land and woman… Could that also be a factor in the suiside rate among the men whos lands are being changed into foreign countries?

  13. My suicidal thoughts were always about me not being good enough. Once I cane to Christ, he changed me into a new man and although that demonic voice still tries to come back, i give it no power and rebuke it in Jesus name. I think alot of societal problems are due to lack of God in our families and communities.

  14. I dunno. I've never wanted to think of myself as a "victim". I know I have felt more "singled out" in recent years based solely on race and sex – but no matter how much shit has been dumped on my demographic, overtly or discreetly, by individuals or by organizations, I've never taken it to heart. I'd like to think I've earned all of my failures honestly. But recently, its been different. Its been hard not to see things that sure seem like they are being done to make life difficult and to demoralize people like me.

  15. My dad killed himself. He killed himself a long time ago now. It was a month before 911.
    I was 19 at the time, I can't tell you how difficult it has been. There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about what had happened and how he came to that decision. I'm 41 now and having experienced all the struggles my dad had and more, I've managed to turn my life around and have returned to university to become a teacher.
    I believe this has something to do with people like you, Jordan Peterson…etc, Donald Trump! Brexit! I'm British btw and we also have a straight, white, male, suicide epidemic.
    Don't choose a permanent solution for a temporary problem. ❤

  16. I think this is important and people should hear it, so I followed the instructions to like and comment on this video. I didn't really have anything to say, so I just gave y'all nothing to read. I do what I can. 😜

  17. It seems lots of Vets, who served the country got screwed by the government and are all homeless and struggling with mental health.

    And the Pressure on us Men to "make it" in this world before middle age doesnt help

  18. Yea seen up close and personal bra i got so wasted on drinking and poppin pills dude in my sleep im dreaming im gonna kill myself by pistol in the mouth because my wife dies in my dream problem was i really grab my raven out it close to my mouth and pulled the trigger blew my teeth and a piece of my gum off had to get mad surgeries and new teet in the90s my sister's boyfriend put a shotgun round in his head my poor sis found him

  19. I'm turning 25 next month, and I honestly don't want to live another year anymore. I don't care what anyone says. This Earth isn't heaven. It's hell or at least a purgatory I believe.

  20. I was pretty much ignored when I called saying I was struggling, I stayed in a psych ward shortly after and my doctor told me that if I want help faster that I need to see that I am homosexual. This was in community health Taree, NSW


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