Subtlety Rogue PvP Guide Dragonflight – Rotation/Talents/Gear

Talent codes! Sub pvp
Thanks for the support! Goodluck in pvp in Dragonflight!


15 thoughts on “Subtlety Rogue PvP Guide Dragonflight – Rotation/Talents/Gear”

  1. Aside from builds like this, I've been playing Thistle Tea Secret Technique build too, works fairly well. Still messing with few builds, things will change. Hopefully tuned where it's needed across classes and not make it too boring and super tanky and CD only based game.

  2. I’m still unsure about the boots, looking at a 6 sec kidney, with the trinket 10% reduction it’s 5.4 sec; the boots would make that 5.1 sec. So we’re talking about 0.3 sec difference, I think I’d rather take better stats on my boots

  3. Finding the shear number of binds this season problematic. I don’t think giving us multiple abilities from SL in our talents was a great idea. We have so much bloat. Main burst rotation is, what? 10 distinct abilities in a few seconds, not including CC on off-target which will require a 123 modifier. Maybe 13 different buttons in a handful of seconds. It’s tough!

  4. Have you tried the secret technique build? I personally am having so much fun with it and people are not expecting the insane dmg it brings due to the delay – doing 300k in one cheapshot window


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