Structures of Mars with Mike Bara | Forbidden Frontier #59

Welcome to the Forbidden Frontier with hosts Gary from @nerdrotic, Adam from @TheCriglerShow and @QTRBlackGarrett from @NormalWorld

Produced by @XrayGirl_

Special Guest: @mikebara3437

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Forgotten Civilization by Robert Schoch
Forbidden Archeology by Michael Cremo
Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
Magicians of the Gods by Graham Hancock

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50 thoughts on “Structures of Mars with Mike Bara | Forbidden Frontier #59”

  1. Mike: (shows fuzzy black and white images) Look at these air conditioners and factories.

    Garrett: Im not seeing it.

    Mike: oh you're one of those guys.
    He speaks as if his interpretation of these images is the end all be all. Hes lost a tone of credibility in my eyes with this show. Maybe there's better evidence but its not presented here. And his comments about revenge corn in disgusting.

  2. It's not often I hit 2x speed and this episode still felt like it was 2 hours. It was incoherent, lacked direction and the slide show had a better personality than the guest. I vote for a re-roll on this episode, and let's not talk about the first 20/25 minutes. Well done for the FF crew getting through this one.

  3. Any show aspiring to be like Art Bell's will, by nature, have unprepared and quirky/weird guests like this. It's part of the fun. Props to Garrett and Adam for cordially keeping it on track the way you did. Art would be proud and ill gladly listen to the next one with you two at the helm.

  4. Less than 20 minutes in and i confirmed in the comments what i suspected… Sorry but going to skip this one.

    The guest is just incredibly full of himself and it seemed like Adam was enjoying that way too much.

  5. I recommend 'MARS ANOMALIES and BEYOND' Channel, he actually goes through the process of taking the images and processing them for you. I have a playlist of his best if you're interested.

  6. Guys I really love the engagemanget and I am pretty open minded. "Butt" guys but this feels like reach upon reach upon reach. It is all theory and speculation… of images that are bad. Think i know why Gary was missing =)…

  7. Without Gary there is no FF.
    No one gave X-ray a voice.
    Super cringy dude bro.
    It’s sad when Adam, a dis likable dude bro, is out dude-bro’d.
    1/4 black wasn’t enough of a voice of reason.
    You guys are trying to put out art bell without art bell.
    Just some douche running away with your show.


    Wtf was the first half hour or so?

    Thank God I didn’t watch live. Fast forwarded most of the absolute crap.

  8. Planets don't explode in the manner that Mike glossed over. The fact that he just threw that out there with no explanation when describing a theory about mars makes him look like he doesn't understand some fairly basic concepts of astronomy.

    His strategy seems to be talk quickly and confidently enough to non-experts to overwhelm them with nonsense. He also uses the flimsy tactic of never fully addressing the counter arguments to his mars structure theories.

  9. Bara is OFF THE RAILS!!! …and it's hilarious. Hahaha!!! Spittin' facts about how gullible UFO folk can be, especially when it comes to politics. I find it jarring when UFO'ers have TDS, for instance.

    Not onboard with posting ex's nudes on the internet tho. Where is the line Mike? HOLY MOLY!

  10. Not trying to be negative, Adam and Garett you guys did good, but I think Gary is more knowledgeable about this type of stuff and would have been better to navigate this one. But good on Adam for the pushback because Mike was full of crap. I say this as a fan of Mike.

  11. Should have either ended the show or kicked Mike Bara at the revenge porn comment. We're all just supposed to sit there and pay attention to what he said after that?! That being said I thought Adam did a great job in pushing back and curtailing the nonsense from Bara. It was obvious Adam was trying not to laugh at the make-believe evidence that was presented. Good for Adam for pushing back and simply saying I don't see it. Pretty sure Adam addressed the insult of "some people just don't have the 3D capacity to see things" on his own podcast.

  12. It's a shame that Garrett, and Crigler in particular, are just there to rub their chins, take the piss, and guide the audience to feel sceptical about what they are seeing and hearing. These ruins are many millions of years old. That we see any evidence of structure is astonishing, given most of what we built on Earth in the last 5000 years has already completely disappeared. The idea that Mike is supposed to be demonstrating definitive structures is ridiculous. Aside from the exploding planet hypothesis, there also appears to be evidence of several thermonuclear detonations over the northern hemisphere of Mars. This is evidenced in part by testing of the soil, the atmosphere and satellite imagery of charred geography. The condition of what structure remains is consistent with that type of damage. And without doubt, NASA doctors any image they release to the public that might show evidence of alien life. They've been doing that since the Apollo missions found a mass of such evidence on our own Moon. NASA almost certainly doctored images of the Mars face, to make the features far less obvious. In any case, Mars suffered some kind of devastation. It was inhabited and it was probably quite similar to Earth in appearance. The speculation at the moment is that humans are in fact immigrants from Mars, following whatever almost wiped out that planet.

  13. Forst guest i cant fucking stand. So many off putting red flags about this guy. He brushed off every other UFO researcher as fake, went on a weird tangent about how many women he gets (dont believe that), talks about revenge porn then gives some BS explanation on why paradolia is fake…. Doesnt matter what word anyone uses its a real phenomenon no matter what you call it. And he didnt let hosts talk.

    Dude loves the sound of his own annoying voice


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