BASIC TIMELINE- KIELY RODNI & why we should not mind our own BUISNESS


I put together this video of a basic understanding of my perspective of This Mystery. Kiely Rodni Deserves Justice and Honor. I will not mind my business until all of the suspicious circumstances are explained, Something other than an accident happened. See something, Say something.. Someone knows what happened.


25 thoughts on “BASIC TIMELINE- KIELY RODNI & why we should not mind our own BUISNESS”

  1. Sami was never a close friend to Kiely. A few days ago Sami posted herself drinking beer, dancing and singing. Sami and Jagger are spending much of their time with Kiely's mother….more taking control of the narrative/manipulating? Unspeakable tragedy for Kiely and her family.

  2. Stop bleaching your hair, girls. I noticed they listed Kiely as blond and not her true hair color they could have at least stated bleached. If this had been a kidnapping the first thing the kidnappers would have done is change the color to these girls natural color. Blond is so outdated, just be natural.

  3. “She’s a smart girl, she’s smart enough, she’s smart” that part always gets me .. it feels like a dig, like she’s jealous of her graduating early and also we aren’t smart when we are drunk! I hate that she did this interview with the worst interviewer I’ve ever seen

  4. I seen her last (how do you know) Why do you say that if you heard so many people on the phone when you talked to her when she called you to see if you needed a ride STILL… AFTER saying (You gave her a hug goodbye and said make it home safe little drunk one).. Also, who is the Sheriff officer hugging Sami? at 1:38

  5. Where are Sami's parents through'out all this, I'd like to see what kind of derelicts raised her, and at this point I have Kielys mom in the same category as the movie "Carrie" mom!

  6. Sami "I believe she was drunk (scrambles) I mean I knew she was drunk"… So why the fk didnt you have her ride home with you & your safe ride then Sami, you fk'n bITch??? Sami better be sitting in a real jail cell thinking about why!! Frankly I think Sami is even more guilty than that, along with a few others!! Oh and some officers need to be fired and sitting in a cell thinking about how stupid it is to cover up for these twits that happen to be a buddies kids or their own.

  7. I apologize for multiple post, but I like to comment on stuff i see along the way while it's fresh in my head 😁… Sami -> "we have 100's of videos" SO WHERE ARE THEY ALL? I'm wondering what she told kids that showed her the clips, ok we got them, now delete your copy ??? Where are all these video clips!


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