Structures Found At The Base Of Mars' Olympus Mons Volcano ~7/7/2022

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IMAGE CREDIT GOES TO: ESA / NASA / JPL / University of Arizona / Caltech / Msss

** These pictures are made public to the people**

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41 thoughts on “Structures Found At The Base Of Mars' Olympus Mons Volcano ~7/7/2022”

  1. Every time I try to give a THUMBS UP YouTube wants me to sign in, and then doesn't recognize my password that I just made two days ago (again) What the heck is going on ? ? ? Over and over again.

  2. lol no such thing as a dead volcano lol you look back mount helens n many many oher volcano n its not natural yes etna n vesevus we still build god if that went lol n look at gran caneria lol help lol still going but not so bad no still life on mars n survivors are still being helped by others ets so leave alone elon n filthy rich n stop selling mars lol you got more money then sense no common sense i have proof they didt carry on going to moon they are not on mars WE are not on same orbit etc because i have time due to my early retire not on purpose i studied analysed the sky now n see it now plus my contact with many many spcies on earth n planet in universe they are in moons orbit n nr mars SO Nasa n Pentiguns n all you want to explore space lol sort life on earth first n stop saying the filthy rih are elite lol My friends ets told me money n material wealth is archaic n a lot of beings on earth love for it lol mmmm Money is not root of evil it who has it n money is just a IOU lol nothing Why do i know they we never carried on lol to moon n lol mars common sense tells you i never saw so called moonlanding in films i was there a very interested child we never saw these pics you are looking at now n i have proof lol they copied n pasted many vechiles pathfinder challenger n lol new one perserverance lol im working on it now a old nasa pic n moon n gunnymere n others pans lol pics lol You cant admit can you if you lie n you tell truth now mmmm it wont look very good as trump said about many secrets mmmm i wuld ruined USA excuse me im just one of so called slave of the 99 percent lol No I think you liars n frauds which is mainly filthy rich n they are in manners ethics n priciples mmm non exitnt you arent elite why do you think these amazing beings far far far above you lot lol you must change your pants n knoickers lol I saw the moon burst into wonderful beams i have pics while this was going on a so called missiles was sent into spae who by mmm got my ideas but what a idiot good job there is folk like us The reaso they wont aknolowledge these many many ets like us similar to us IS they lose all what they think is powerful n what makes lol elite what a media word lol And you will have to own up to lies n frauds that made you mmm powerful mmmm Thats why truth is held from you not Myself ask me in discord why il always stick to my friends ets Ive been friends with them 60s yrs n ask more ok How could they in cold war when all militaries in world was on alert including my self n my dad get away with going back to the moon without all militariies knowing mmmm n I mean knowng so many theroes for why n NO Ive got best one out of horses mouth n they are the reason NASA with pentiguns was allowsed back in space travel plus why skylab was built mmmm dont forget im a vet n have a time memory i dont forget nothing plus like us all we are physchic be safe big hugs love equalty peace 🙂 xxx

  3. Chris its been awhile since I have watched a video of yours. Just been so busy with life & family. however i paused this video at
    3:41. You mention 2 smaller craters on top , one looks like an octagon, if you look at the smaller one to the right. and from their have your eyes look at that black mark just to the right , continue to look right and what looks to me it a double entrance of some kind E shaped of tilted M looks like 2 huge maybe entrances for mining of even exhuast or air in takes ?? what do u think.

  4. Hi Chris, has to be one of my favourite finds, I’ll not comment on what has already been dissected, but more congratulate you Chris on sharing such a phenomenal picture that clearly shows structures galore. Well done Chris the guy who keeps on giving ✌️👽✌️

  5. I can't believe Chris or anyone else hasn't mentioned what looks clearly to me, that there's a mile high black tower sticking out vertically. If you go to the 5.32 mark it's towards the left hand top corner.but just slightly to the right of Chris's yellow circle.

  6. We are NOT the First Technical Civilization, just the latest. See book: ““IT’S NOT ALIENS, WORSE, IT’S US: Discovering Our Lost History” by Jared Murphy and Olav Phillips.

  7. In Zekaria Sitchin's book The 12th Planet it tells us what is written on ancient Sumerian clay tablets in Cuneiform script regarding Anunnaki astronauts who came to Earth from the planet Nibiru to mine gold.
    Mars was used as a way station to house their workers the Iggy, described as being a lesser race.
    The Anunnaki workers were put to work mining gold in Africa, when all the easy gold was gone they were set to work hard rock mining and they rebelled saying the work was too hard.
    This is when the Anunnaki interbred with apes to create Adam and Eve and Man took take over the hard rock mining.
    No mention is made of where the Iggy were sent, my guess is back to Mars where they were exterminated with an atomic bomb.

  8. If I'm a giant alien species, the best most strategic place to build is Olympus Mons. Any species smaller than you is going to have an impossible task of taking a place like this out, given the height of this volcano. The structures looks perfectly intact. Maybe it's us or a larger alien species but definitely not of the smaller being structures we've seen on Mars. Great finds Chris! Haven't felt the best physically for a bit but …im back!

  9. I'm thinking your hitting the head of the nail on this one Chris, awesome work, if there mining up there maybe the war of the worlds will be a cont. lol cheers bud.

  10. I had an unusual thought that the tower of babel was an actual modern skyscraper before our time and that was atlantis 1…that makes the homer atlantis not the first "atlantis"….I believe over time humanity boils to two sides…a less intelligent group and a more intelligent group and this more intelligent group goes off on their own away from the less intelligent to create civilization as we know it…over time they become as modern as we are but were very limited in geography and not globally modern like today…not everything was modern either like ships were still wooden but buildings were metal…it was whatever they focused on as maybe there was only so many unlike the billions of today.

  11. When I look inside that crater,or whatever the hell it is. I clearly see a face or a head,and it is wearing what looks like headphones,and a mouthpiece like a hands free telephone where you can talk or communicate handsfree. It wraps around it's mouth. Like headphones with a mouthpiece so you can talk or communicate handsfree. I'am not kidding.👍

  12. Может это не вулкан вовсе, похоже на археологические раскопки, техника и коммуникации по краям. Голову "Мегатрона" откопали😉.

  13. Oh god! I don't know how you do it but you really do know if we all know Chris.
    There is Technology everywhere in these photos, a group of us are all….wow!, " oh look at that"!! ""Your frigging joking "!!! And all the other comments. Just structures, mining etc!! The full nine-yards!!
    Great vid Chris….thanks.
    Aussie chris 🇦🇺 👽🕳👽🕳👽🕳👽🕳👽🕳👽🕳👽🕳

  14. Question for you?.Was hoping to comment on a new video… so crack to it lol.
    James web telescope, now I know someone that made parts for this and he told me that for the first year many of the targets would be classified. Kicking the press out definitely supports what he has told me about some of its missions we are not privy too.
    But I am going to ask you as well as my friend, is that the picture shown to us is not brilliant quality especially when you zoom in. For a telescope of this kind where they can show us another planet stars away, as if you where looking at a picture of earth from space.
    Maybe it's just me and what I've been told but everything about this smells a bit off keen to know your thoughts on this first image

  15. So…. Idea 💡 might be far out there a lot of what if’s to this. Mars was alive in the past people from outer space were in contact and are still sending messages to mars but no reply any more because it’s a dead planet. Earth hasn’t got any messages because the message is aimed at Mars.. might be why we got a message 1 year because Mars was close to earth we picked up the single only for a short time.


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