Street Thugs Confronted a Man, Unaware He Was a Former Barbaric Texas Ranger

Street Thugs Confronted a Man, Unaware He Was a Former Barbaric Texas Ranger

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29 thoughts on “Street Thugs Confronted a Man, Unaware He Was a Former Barbaric Texas Ranger”

  1. This is pure fantasy. No actual M/C would murder cops and take over a town much less roll into town, demanding beer from anywhere and get into fist fight with a chick bartender. Ridiculous.

  2. Cathy was more helpful than the side kick. Sidekick was a hostage twice, bruh the only thing he did was relevant was use the radio that Cathy told him about 🤣🤣🤣. She could have done that after she saved everyone herself.

  3. This is like a bad episode of Walker Texas Ranger !!
    I'm shocked the somehow got Guy Pierce to even act in this film. Maybe unbeknownst to us, this is his attempt of directing & acting in his own movie …

  4. Eduardo, só uma pergunta. Essa análise geralmente termina quando você quita o imóvel. Porém se você considerar que amortizado isso acontece mais rápido e a partir daí você pode passar o resto dos 30 anos investindo, percebe-se que a amortização é a melhor estratégia. Ótimo vídeo. Parabéns.

  5. I never understood why anyone who belongs to a gang in a Movie must have a Ridiculous haircut…
    Its a Cliche, kinky stuff or what ..🤔
    PS: Also is hard to watch a realy good Actor in a POS of movie like this one.

  6. A big bad biker gang ……… not an over used story line is it……. cutting electric cables with tree trimmers and walking away ….yup that will happen ….. a casino dropping millions of dollars a a one horse towns bank…..yup that'll happen as well not to mention just unlocking a safe when the power was off …… power goes down safe locks up as a safe guard, biker in the road, cop transporting a biker to nick but stops to help ….. moron cop so many holes in this film ……not well thought out at all like Letha Mae said could have been good with a better script, story thought out and direction.


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