Florida’s new immigration crackdown sparking protests

Florida’s new immigration law that took effect July 1 is sparking protests. The law bans local governments from issuing ID cards to …


37 thoughts on “Florida’s new immigration crackdown sparking protests”

  1. The immigrants would not have to live in fear if they were legal. Their choice. No country allows you the benefits of citizenship if you are not a legal citizens. So why do the illegals expect a free pass?

  2. Without 50(+) million immigrants in the US, would wages be higher or lower as a whole? Would housing costs be higher or lower?
    If you're not capable of understanding supply and demand on that level please stop voting.

  3. The solution is quite simple, immigration reform!! Make the process to immigrate into the US a much simpler process and less people will come in illegally. The main reason why they come illegally is because the legal way takes years.

  4. America has a responsibility towards it citizens first. Good Job Desantis. 👍 keep Employers from exploiting illegal immigrants by paying them less money.

  5. Could you IMAGINE Americans illegally entering literally ANY other country and then PROTESTING when they want us out for coming in illegally? 🤣 We’d probably get shot down in the streets. This is such a joke pushed by our liberal media, illegal aliens GTF OUT! We don’t want you here!

  6. We have plenty of people in jail to do that farm work. So sick of hearing that excuse. If they can bus migrants in to work, they can bus some homeless folk from the city and let them get a fresh start on life. So sick of the “Foreigners First” policy this country has adopted.

  7. When whites see a person of color in public they don’t care about legal status,all they see is a person with different skin color that doesn’t belong there. This is not nor has ever been about legal or illegal status , it’s about racism

  8. Jesus Christ called people everywhere to repent, so if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe with all your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved and inherit the kingdom of heaven and eternal life. To this, people would accept Jesus Christ in life in their hearts and told other people how good he is, how he saves, heals and frees and gives eternal life for free 74

  9. My question is do you honestly truly believe if they give the green card and become us citizens do you think they still going to work in a farm picking fruits and plant. Honestly the truth is i don't think so become they will look for a better job and pay like American citizens people period….that they want nice paychecks…then what????next new illegal immigrants replace them period…it makes sense doesn't it….

  10. Other states need to start cracking down too! Do it the right way, so many have and are allotted rights but to illegally come then protest & complain 🤔 got some balls

  11. Normaltrash Immigration is a catch-all term for all forms of niehkkker that cause a community to think individuals should behave the way they want every individual to behave.

  12. Democrats seem to be ok with cartel moving these poor people across the border like slave runners ,then they seem to be ok with the cartel running construction jobs and using the illegal laborers while paying nothing for wages ,seems like democrats are going back to being ok with slavery all the way

  13. They voted for DeSantis and the Republicans there. It's shocking considering how many Hispanics there are over there. All I can say is if you are an undocumented immigrant, RUN! Get out of Florida now!

    Vallase de Florida rápido! No se sabe que DeSantis va ser con esa gente. Tu y tu familia esta en peligro!

  14. Deport every single illegal Invader immediately Catholic Social Services is receiving 100 million dollars from taxpayers to help out illegal Invaders only this is a crime that needs to be stopped immediately get rid of these illegal Invaders

  15. This is a fact get rid of all illegal Invaders immediately the Bishops of the Catholic Church are receiving over $100 million from Congress to help out illegal Invaders only they need to help out American citizens get the illegal Invaders out of our country now


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