Stormblood's Darkest Chapter | FFXIV 4.3

Final Fantasy XIV unleashes its most brutal tale yet. Family can mean many things. Garrett and Kyle continue their journey.

0:00 – Stormblood’s End
4:51 – 4.1 The Legend Returns
20:49 – 4.2 Rise of a New Sun
30:59 – 4.3 Under the Moonlight
45:26 – Future Predictions

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41 thoughts on “Stormblood's Darkest Chapter | FFXIV 4.3”

  1. Tsukuyomi so closely resembles Yotsuyu because the mirror focus and crystals used were too weak and too few respectively, so Yotsuyu's own thoughts and emotions fueled a lot of the summoning process.

    In the cutscene after the fight, Asahi notes that a primal summoned with a such a meager amount of aether was never going to faze the Warrior of Light and was just bait for his political play. However, Tsukuyomi was one of the harder normal mode trials in the MSQ (on release at least). So, contrary to Asahi's beliefs, she was not a weak primal at all, showing just how strong and deep Yotsuyu's anger and sorrow were.

  2. Man the whole "Why? You have no place here…" "You must survive, Tsuyu! The kami have spared us, we cannot repay that boon with death." makes me cry every time…

  3. It's amazing how well the FFXIV writers can introduce a character and make them a compelling villain, be they redeemable or not, in the matter of just a patch or two while coming from WoW an entire expansion doesn't come off with the villain feeling as impactful.

    Also love the "Asahi is the best villain so far, I just hate him so much" because I predict soon you'll be saying "___ is the best villain so far, but it's because I love him so much…"

  4. Fun fact about Tsukuyomi: If you pay attention to her model, you'll notice that she has rabbit/bunny ears. Aside from the fact the Vierra are in the game (playable starting Shadowbringers, first seen in Stormblood in Ivalice iirc), rabbits in Japanese folklore are often associated with the moon. There's a Japanese folk tale/myth that says you can see a rabbit pounding mochi on the surface of Earth's moon which is similar to the western "man's face on the moon" tale.

  5. RE; Final Fantasy drawing from historical/mythological figures. In high school I needed to to write a research paper and switched to Mythological figures represent in Final Fantasy about a week before it was due and wrote the paper in 3 days. I had around 8-10 pages by the end of it though finding information about Indra was a bitch (who is called Ramuh in later games). Final Fantasy shamelessly draws from a whole number of myths from summons/primals, legendary weapons, even some bits of plot. It's a series not afraid to borrow from extra sources.

  6. As other commenters have mentioned, black masked Ascians are basically grunt Ascians that are encountered in early ARR (as well as in the Summoner Job quests), in fact black-masked Ascians are only capable of body-hopping to nearby deceased bodies, while the more powerful red masked Ascians can posses living bodies (like Lahabrea did with Thancred).
    And the third mask Shadowhunter had wasn’t an Ascian mask, it was the mask visor Gaius wore in his full-body Legatus armor uniform (which I personally actually completely missed until others pointed it out to me when the patches were originally coming out).

    Also basically what Zenos did was what the Sahagin priest who was gifted the Echo in 2.2 did, after his body died, his soul jumped to the nearest living vessel and took possession of it (though unlike the Sahagin priest, Zenos didn’t or doesn’t know how to reshape to look like his old body). Also since Zenos is now in an Elezen body, he can now manipulate aether/magic (thus why he could perform a sword blast without technological assistance), which normal Garlean bodies can’t do.

  7. Something interesting to think about "personal influence" to a Primal… Hraesvelgr called Shiva "a god of [Ysayle's] own creation." This begets the question… where did Ice come in in the legend of Saint Shiva? Where did the weapons that Ysayle's Shiva used come from?

    There is one goddess we know of that uses a spear and shield: the Goddess of War, and Mover of Glaciers. Halone.

  8. "It is a narrative that revels in misery at times." You are perfectly right with that perception. Which is why – when a new expansion drops – the first question most of us ask is "Ok game, how are you gonna hurt me this time?".
    And we love it and come back for more – again and again. Because it is so well done.

  9. i was so devastated about Tsuyu. i cried for days it felt like, i started crying when i saw a picture of her. i became emotional when i thought about her while making breakfast. such a good game omg, no game has ever had this much of an impact on me.

  10. Was I the only one who liked the Tsukiyomi fight because it gave me the chance tofight her? "Finally we can beat that bitc-" was what I typed when the fight started.

  11. On the topic of Tsukuyomi resembling Yotsuyu – think back to Thordan and his transformation into his idealized god-king. Remember, primals are summoned with both aether and prayer…who does she believe in but herself and her own conviction? The key here is that the relic in her hands was, of course, a mirror.

  12. When I first did the Tsukiyomi trial, I wad playing Samurai, and had the level 70 job quest armor on. And during that moment when thr WoL went towards Asahi, my eyes were perfectly obscured by the flat-brimmed Samurai hat, like it was framed to obscure my eyes and exactly how enraged I was. Instantly, I was so glad I'd decided it'd be a suitable job to go through the trial with (even though I had to wait through a 30 minute queue first)

  13. Stormblood reminds me of the Star Wars prequels in that politics turn people off, especially if you're there to have fun, but you cannot deny the power it has in worldbuilding.

    Lyse, Fordola and Yotsuyu are 3 stories of trauma and how that shapes a worldview.

    Lyse gets so much shit for not understanding her place in or the people of Ala Mhigo at the beginning of Stormblood. But lest we forget…her sister Yda died and it fucked her up so badly, the only way she could cope emotionally was to pretend to be her! And Papalymo thought that this ruse was the best option and supported it!!! THAT'S HOW FUCKED UP LYSE WAS!!!
    By the time Stormblood rolls around, she had JUST STARTED being Lyse again and the idea of fighting for Ala Mhigo was the thing she clung to.
    So, it took a while for this fucked up girl to relate to her people not having the will to fight. THAT MAKES TOTAL SENSE! It took a while for her to EVEN BE HERSELF!!!

    Fordola and Yotsuyu are absolute tragedies. They are both products of what happens when society fails. Particularly Yotsuyu. Hers is a tale of a male dominated culture failing a female in the most egregious fashion! Given the abuses she is made to suffer while the people who should be protecting her sell her down the fucking river, would you not either break or break bad? It may not forgive her of her sins but it certainly gives you an understanding of how such a person could come to be.

  14. This episode was especially good commentary for a youtube series already full of great commentary. Without spoiling anything, even if you don't always guess outcomes perfectly right (honestly who does in this game) you are absolutely paying attention to the right things and absorbing the right lore.

  15. I think 4.3 puts certain concepts from the primal lore together in a way that breaks my heart, honestly.

    Remember what Hraesvalgr told Ysayle? She was not Shiva, the form was just what was conjured from her imagination. Remember Ga Bu and the Titan that was summoned? How and why a primal is summoned has a profound impact on the temperament of the primal itself. Yotsuyu was Tsukuyomi's summoner. Before her parents, she was prepared to end it. The primal looked like her, split evenly between dark and light. The light side of her dress is shaped like the Red Spider Lily. That flower shows up again in her voice lines and in the animation of the transition to the add phase. In Japanese flower language, the red spider lily is associated with death.

    Tsukuyomi, as Yotsuyu herself says, it fed on her suffering. In the add phase, she calls upon the adds to damage her. When she takes damage, it fills the meter. If the meter reaches full, it's a party wipe. When Zenos hits her, the meter goes up. Gosetsu intervenes.

    Depriving the primal of power.

    At the end when she held on to the last of her strength, her hair was completely white. Not half and half. She knew what her brother was like, that when he stepped up to hurt her again…

    When Tsukuyomi takes damage…it fills the meter.

    That is why she thanks him for 'the gift.'

    Those who have the Echo cannot be tempered. Zenos tells you it allows you to put your will above theirs. Ysayle had the Echo. She took on Shiva and could change her mind. Thordan and his knights were fanatics to the end. Yotsuyu retained enough of herself to see the window of redemption, but Tsukuyomi feeds on her suffering. Asahi had shackled her to her pain one last time. She would never have been allowed by the primal she summoned to stop fighting, to stop hurting.

    'I wonder if the fruit…was as sweet as he remembered.'

    But she found peace anyway.

  16. So I was playing through this with my closest friend who was a bit ahead into Shadowbringers at this point, and I'm talking to him about Asahi saying how he seems pretty dodge.
    Friend straight-faced says "nah, he's a total bro". I trust(ed) him completely so I'm like 'alright, maybe they're just intentionally playing on my suspicions.
    Do the part with the red Kojin, and the only rational explanation is that Asahi orchestrated the whole thing.
    Ask him again – "No…? It was all coincidence, he's a great guy."
    Go through the intro part going against my better judgement and being saying to Hien, nah nothing suspicious here.
    Get to the reveal scene where it becomes very clear Asahi was a villain…

    Now I'm the kinda guy who'll cut off his nose to spite his face, and my friend was really interested to hear my thoughts on this patch especially.
    Skip – skip – skip – click through text – skip – fight primal – skip.

    So TL-DR: This is my first time hearing what actually happened, was kinda interesting.

    Btw, didn't Yotsuyu say that Gosetsu murdered tens of thousands of Doman PoWs during his time as an imperial? That seems like kind of a big deal (and number) to not elaborate on.

  17. Tsuyuu wasn't tragic at all. Letting her get her revenge and not personally killing her lefte unsatisfied. She was a genocidal freak and the best possible thing that could have happened is her crying about revenge and the WoL saying No and just ending her.

    Same with Fridola. She made her choices. Don't try to redeem her. Let just kill her.

  18. Drowned City – you're kidding me?! o.O
    I find it actually really tragic: almost every monster you fight down there, in the last section, is a cursed person, who in some shape or form got transformed, robbed of his mind and forced to serve the very king they opposed. And sometimes not even that, since Theoderic was called "mad king" for a reason.

    Small hint about the ananta: unlock the beast tribe in Gyr Abania 🙂 The story is centered about the ananta and is really, really fun. Plus, you get a ton of xp for your alt jobs and some nice rewards – and its fast. Its only two weeks or so of dailies, which each take less than a minute or two to complete 🙂

    I like Fordola for the awesome character arc she has – but she's not a scion. Never can be. Why? For the same reason Lyse is no scion anymore: Fordola fights for Ala Mhigo, she's loyal to Ala Mhigo – and a Scion is always a neutral party. The Scions are allied to the nations of Eorzea, and several others, but not beholden to any of them. As for what happens to Fordola in the future… go play Healer in Endwalker 🙂

    "This world where pure emotion turns into monsters" — COUGHCOUGHCOUGH

    26:49 — XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD (you get my meaning XD )

    Gosetsu: play Dancer, Machinist or Bard in Endwalker ^^°

    Ascians: Its stated somewhere that ascians prefer to inhabit corpses instead of a living person since thats easier. Elidibus picking up a corpse and using it, even bringing it back from the dead, is not a big for them (I suppose…). It seems, the aether of the soul can animate a corpse if the soul is powerful enough – which in case of Elidibus is doubtlessly the case.

    "Killing ascians" – I think in case of the Shadowhunter, he "just" kills their bodies and thats that. He doesnt destroy their soul as we did. Also, good call: DO NOT google them XD

  19. In fairness to the whole, "Normal Jail" thing. I think if Fordola wasnt in the midst of all those mental issues and had any actual want to escape, she could probably just kick that door down. Back in the ARR conclusion we see Raubahn kicking like 4 ft thick concrete pillars and stuff.

  20. I didnt even see Lolorito as a villain here. If anything, he was just giving Nanamo her much needed reality check.

    I personally enjoy the downtime in between major story patches. The only time that wasnt the case was after ARR and that only happened because I was obsessed with rushing towards heavensward which is obviously not a healthy way to play the game.


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