Stop Dying! Beginner Tips! How to Improve! (The Fox Talks State of Decay Episode 5)

So you’re a beginner level Green Zone or Standard Zone player looking to advance into the higher difficulties like Nightmare Zone or Lethal Zone?

Then the first thing you need to learn is how to NOT DIE!

It might sound obvious, but it’s fundamental to the game, and the game both presents many ways to make you die and many ways to avoid dying.

This all revolves around damage avoidance or damage mitigation.

They say “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” and it absolutely is true in State of Decay 2.

Tune in to learn some fundamental beginner tips!

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50 thoughts on “Stop Dying! Beginner Tips! How to Improve! (The Fox Talks State of Decay Episode 5)”

  1. Fox is BACK from vacation! Expect a new gameplay series exploring the new BETA changes to infestations! It'll be BOTH on TWITCH: LIVE and then on YOUTUBE here on my VODs channel:

    This week, I'm going to be passing out my depth of knowledge for overcoming the Lethal Zone. My goal is to shepherd the new player away from early mistakes forming into bad habits, and if those habits exist, how to break those habits. It will help you A LOT going into Lethal Zone.

    Improving and mastering State of Decay 2 on a thorough level is an expansive subject so expect many episodes on this subject BUT not necessarily in a row. I may bounce around subjects on a whim.

    ALSO! Fox is on Tiktok AND Instagram! Follow the links below!

    💻Youtube VODs:







  2. If you want to back your car into juggernauts, I find that if you stay about 100 ft in front of them and full reverse when they begin to charge, the %chance to hit is greatly increased.

  3. Best way to stop dying and enjoy the game is to play Dread or nighmare action with green everything else. Who wants to spend all day finding rucksacks for 2 food and not find any cool weapons

  4. I'm so excited for sod3. This game is actually made with love and with the intention of people enjoying it. We need more games like this. Seems like all video games coming out recently are missing the care factor and are just for a quick buck

  5. Who still dies in State of Decay?
    I never died since the game released & the only time the game could come close was when it would trap my character on an object back in the day when you go to junp through a window & for w.e reason some object would lock your ass in place & it was always at the worst moments like for me both were attacking a plauge heart with no way of teleporting out.
    Another time was invisible bloaters & stealth feral gangbang so really if the game isn't cheating it can't kill me.
    I dont even need cheese items or weapons either just basic common sense & knowledge & the patience to crouch walk for minutes on end with knees of steel 🤣

  6. I used to die in standard/dread zones a lot to avoid it i had a challenge where if one character under my control dies i just instantly delete the whole community
    Back in the day when you can't send some awesome survivors to legacy pool you have to beat the game
    Now anything below lethal just feels too easy
    I hope they also add more difficulty options for heart land dlc

  7. Out all, how to survive SOD 2 I never seen anyone address of don't run around. No, I'm serious because running around creates a lot of noise bringing a lot of zombies around meanwhile sneaking and a jog I can move around the map unseen by all the zombies on legendary setting.

  8. I completely agree with you, Fox. Out of practice and overconfidence is two main reason many die from SOD2, once players learn the pattern of attack from each type of Zeds, everything become so predictable (Except those lurking bloater in the brush/behind fences)
    Happy holiday to you, Fox ❤

  9. I am in absolutely no hurry for SoD3, just as long as you keep turning out these great videos. They have helped me beat lethal zone and more. Hope to check your stream live over the holiday. Cheers!

  10. i really don't care about anything i just run around kill every zombie I see and do every mission that comes up ye i died sometimes but that was in nightmare and my first time in lethal and sec i just love being reckless it's fun

  11. I used to think that I would hate close combat, but now it's my favorite melee technique. It's fast and I can dodge fast after executing. Swordplay is my second favorite. Right now, my biggest problem is Bloaters. Far too often I somehow miss seeing them. I'm now playing on Dread, I've got Green zone down pat and Standard was getting boring, so now I'm slowly working up through the harder difficulties. Right now I play Dread about the same as I used to play Standard when I first started.

  12. fox your videos are great but i dont watch them for help, as i play straight commando on lethal.i go into every mission with the intent to kill i thought about posting some of my videos as some are pretty impressive 😛 what i do is have 4 unbreakable as two in and out (powerhouse to deal with ferrals)have hygiene on 4 people plus the medic it makes the bites barely noticeable and no worry of injuries due to them being unbreakable.

  13. Played the game on and off since launch, all 4 leathal legacies done so I can consider myself a veteran player…..triple ferals still scare the 💩 out of me.

    Must say though, the adrenaline boost I get from seeing them certainly keeps the ol' ticker going, SOD2, good for the heart 😁

  14. i like playing hard games i like dying and getting better in "not dying" but i don't like getting punished by dying, i grow attached to my characters and losing them makes me really sad, i really wanted a way to save my files in this game, it seems like one of the best zombie games out there.

  15. 6:50 "A sword can only hit one enemy at a time"

    I'm pretty sure that just isn't true. I seem to recall decapitating 3 zombies in one swing… though I admit, I don't use bladed much, due to your advice to use blunt.

  16. Well I lost two people today on Nightmare Zone im upset one of them was with me from a start and she was a pathology expert with medical refference hero bonus.
    But it was not due to a zombie.It was about enclave i did get this warlord mission when enclave sell weapons for high price.And i tpught im equip i try to fight them.
    Well turns out on Nightmare its seriously hard so i lost both of them and now i have two survivours left.🙄

  17. Hi Fox,

    do you have an updated tier list on all the skill specializations anywhere, especially harder difficulty wise? I went through your old ones, which are dated 3-4 years ago and from what I've gathered from your more recent videos. Those rankings probably don't reflect your current opinion anymore. Looking to find some tips for my lethal zone playthrough and I'm wondering what I should prioritize skill spec wise.

  18. I'm hoping firecrackers work just as well on lethal. Fireworks have been useful when ever I went to take out a plague heart. I just wish the ai followers were smarter. I'm seeing they're so useless sometimes, unfortunately. I wish they could throw a firecracker or attack the plague heart but sometimes they will just stand there looking into dead space.

  19. I've never lost a survivor to a mistake. its only been to enlisting a follower and they die because they did something stupid like jump off a roof into 3 hordes. Id take the L if it was my fault but that has nothing to do with me, just died for no reason and he had important skills


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