~STOP~ at ilvl 1340 or *KEEP PUSHING* to 1370 in Lost Ark?.. (My Plans Going Forward in Lost Ark)

~STOP~ at ilvl 1340 or *KEEP PUSHING* to 1370 in Lost Ark?.. (My Plans Going Forward in Lost Ark)
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44 thoughts on “~STOP~ at ilvl 1340 or *KEEP PUSHING* to 1370 in Lost Ark?.. (My Plans Going Forward in Lost Ark)”

  1. Why didnt u just sold those materials and stockpile gold? Materials went down 60% just in 10 days… U could sold that and when prices hit bottom u just bought x2 of that amount. Unless those are untradeable that u stocpile then okey

  2. Using your logic nobody should play the game since eventually they will boost honing, its very likely that if u start the game in year or two u will get instant 1325 ilvl just like in Korea and save all the materials 😛

  3. The issue is not the absurd amount of resources you need to get to 1370 but also after u get to 1370 u will only get 1500 gold extra from phase 1. If you want to clear it u need 1385 which is even more absurd. In other words, its not worth it.

  4. You're the only streamer I've seen with a reasonable ilvl. Even the ones that preach the game is f2p have admitted to spending 1000s of dollars to get to 1370+ right away.

  5. And then there are people like me with 400 hrs played. 1 character 1363, another 1330, a third at 1020. 67 Island tokens 1206 makokos 39 masterpieces, 11 giant hearts. I'm outta horizontal content 🙂

  6. I was tinking the same thing cuz there not that much ways to get mats super limited and small out when you run out of sides things for mats, so i will park my ass at 1340 also dont forget the 10 day leging reward that will help you "_"

  7. as a new free player its normal that you haven't get to 1370 yet, a veteran player would've reach that iLevel long ago, you simply cant get everything for free, you either know how to play or learn fast enough to be with the veterans and whales.

    Edit: If you seriously want a big bunch of people leaving the game, then a boost in honning rates is needed. For me whats needed are more sources of materials, things that cost sometyhing, not everything free like garbage always want.

    Edit2: I'm a totally new player here, barely knew what to do at the begining saw a bunch of videos, some were pathetic and misleading, some made me lose a lot yet with all that (and playing full f2p) iim now iLvl 1355, that means a totally newb to the game with endless failures through his journey can get here, you all could. You're just a bunch of crybabes. DISGUSTING.

  8. Thank you for this video of yours it kinda gave me a different perspective about how will i reach 1370, im currently at 1350 and with the honing rates i think i was lucky for being at my current item level after clocking 345 hours and 50$ spent. With your video and me going back to work i can plan out my next move and try to stick with it tho im an upgrade junkie so @_@.

  9. I doubt they are going to increase the rates for some time now they have announced that they are instead going to add more ways to get mats next week. I read that the Koreans had exactly the same honing rates at this stage.

  10. no one is complaining about progression other than clickbait streamers creating a false sense of hardship. this game is easy as fuck if you just build the alt pyramid I got more of everything than I know what to do with

  11. They won't increase the honing for at least two months. They will give us more material but the honing will be what it is until most base players get to t3 and then the next raid will come and then they do it just like in korea. Am F2P 1368 ilvl. I do daily at main and alts and then 5 hours a day chaos dungeons farm. And at the end of the day, I'm doing an adventure toms.
    They will not increase the honing 100%, it guarantees you for a good 1-2 months.

  12. Since I’m not interested on Argos (I will never run this, to many butthurt tryhards out there) i will sit on my 1340 ilvl and sell the mats. To bad I’m not interested on alts aswell (no class for me right now), for now i will do tome, lifeskill and the daily grind.

  13. I'm using the same strategy, looks like there will be an update to honing % released next week or at least a plan from the Amazon/Smile conference happening this week. Also worth mentioning only honing when having max honing enhancement materials saved up.

  14. While i agree with not pushing to 1370 immediately i strongly disagree with just sitting on your mats, prices are dropping rapidly and it makes alot more sense to sell them now and buy them back when they are cheaper, people are gonna miss out on a lot of gold using your advice

  15. Facts I reached 1350 with blood, sweat and tears and I got to say after 1350 it’s almost impossible for a successful honing .. only 15%.. so definitely going to save my mats at this point ! Thanks for the video saved me and my mats !!!

  16. I'm selling all my unbound mats and i'm buying skins for all my characters. I love the fact that you can buy the skins they sell for money with ingame gold. The content wont be removed so no reason for me to rush, maybe after i park my 5 chars at 1340 i'm gonna push my main 😀

  17. Hi salt. I got my first character to T3 about two days ago. I been doing my dailies and trying to get to 1340 however I saw a stoopz video saying sell non bound mats use bound mats which was my plan as well. What i want to know is would you rather spend more time on horizontal progression on your main or get an alt or two into T3 to help funnel even more resources

  18. Stopped at 1325-1330 and just selling my stuff atm and saving up on untradable and just leveling alts. Getting my first alt past 1100 atm. Leapstones sells for 80+ gold atm on my server so its a good daily income while i leveling alts.

  19. I'm at 1355 ilvl (like 98% free-to-play and no alts) and now I'm just working on my horizontal stuff, just having fun with the game (I'm a completionist)… and making a lot of gold, etc. Devs are not improving the honing rate, they are giving us more materials or sources to get materials, so no higher honing success rate, sadly.


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